Title: PTA Founders Day
1PTA Founders Day
- Celebrating over 100 years
- of child advocacy
2PTA Mission
- The mission of the PTA is threefold
- To support and speak on behalf of children and
youth in the schools, in the community and before
governmental bodies and other organizations that
make decisions affecting children - To assist parents in developing the skills they
need to raise and protect their children and - To encourage parent and public involvement in the
public schools of this nation.
3In 1897 America
4Each day that you fail to advocate,Each day
that you ignore an act of discrimination,Each
day you accept another injustice,You accept a
society that is going to kill your children.
- William L.E. Dussault
5National Congress of Mothers Founded 1897
Alice McLellan Birney
Phoebe Apperson Hearst
6National Congress of Colored Parents and
Teachers Founded 1926
7(No Transcript)
8THEN - PTA was a driving force in
- Child labor laws
- Kindergarten
- Public health service
- Hot lunch programs
9AND NOW PTA is still a driving force
- Juvenile justice system
- Mandatory immunizations
- Seat belts
- Bicycle helmets
- And so much more
10Our PTA Founders Vision Lives On
11Information Sources
- Your PTA meetings, newsletters, email
communications and website - PTA Council or Region newsletter, website
- Florida PTA Bulletin, website at
www.floridapta.org, legislative alerts and state
office at (800) 373-5782 - National PTA Our Children magazine, website at
www.pta.org, This Week in Washington and national
office at (800) 307-4PTA - School district administration office, School
Board and Superintendent, school board meetings,
school district web site - Your Legislators offices
- Florida Legislature website - Online Sunshine
with links to House and Senate - The media newspapers, television, and online
12Share what you know! Be a Voice for Children!
13PTA members are proud to be Powerful, Tenacious
The Advocate's Credo..... Thou art my child, my
parent, and my elder, I love thee best But could
not love thee half as much, Loved I not all the
Source - Jack Levine, Founder 4Generations
Institute www.4GenerationsInstitute.orgĀ
14Celebrate Founders Day!
- Display pictures and memorabilia describing PTAs
more than 100-year history - Research and draw up your PTAs historic
milestones - Observe the inclusiveness of PTAs founding by
organizing a culture festival celebrating your
communitys various ethnic and cultural groups. - Present Honorary Life Memberships to past PTA
presidents and other volunteers who have made a
tremendous impact in their communities. - Invite all past living PTA presidents to attend a
special meeting. - Recite the mission of the National PTA at a
special meeting. - Send a Founders Day gift to National PTA, such as
1 for each year of membership or 1 for every
unit chartered. - Locate and highlight any resolutions that your
PTA sent forward to the state or National PTA. - Share information from the National PTA through
mailings to members. - Celebrate each year of National PTA with a scoop
of ice cream to be shared with students at a
special party. - Challenge students to research PTA and create a
school display or mural. - Ask local grocers and vendors to print PTA
anniversary messages on their bags.
Ref National PTA Annual Guide for PTAs, Programs
Section, Founders Day www.pta.org
15There is only one child in all the world, and
his name is All Children.
Carl Sandburg