Title: RTI: 3Tier Reading Model
1RTI 3-Tier Reading Model
Pulaski Elementary
2Difficult Decisions
- Reading 97.4 Academic Index for 2007 (Why and
where to go now?) - Layering of programs
- Wait to fail model (SED Light)
- Continuity and fidelity of services
- Pulling students for interventions
- Lack of data to make informed/timely decisions
- Student behavior
- Gap between Special Education/slow learners and
typical students - Regular education teacher differentiation
- All vendors have the perfect answer (Not!)
- Listen to valid research, not opinions
3National Reading Panel Key Elements
- Adherence to scientifically based reading
research (SBRR) - Comprehensive core reading instruction that
addresses the grade-appropriate five essential
reading components phonemic awareness, phonics,
fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension - Intervention support for students at risk for
reading difficulties - Comprehensive assessment plan that includes
screening, diagnostic, progress monitoring, and
outcome measures
4Early Intervention Changes Reading Outcomes
Low Risk on Early Screening
Reading grade level
At Risk on Early Screening
1 2 3 4
Grade level corresponding to age
Torgesen, J.K. ( 2001). The theory and practice
of intervention Comparing outcomes from
prevention and remediation studies. In A.J.
Fawcett and R.I. Nicolson (Eds.). Dyslexia
Theory and Good Practice. (pp. 185-201). London
David Fulton Publishers. Slide coursety of W.
Alan Coulter http//www.monitoringcenter.lsuhsc.ed
- The 3-Tier Reading Model is a prevention model
that - Provides an instructional framework for
delivering assessment-driven, differentiated
instruction to all students, including students
at risk for and with reading difficulties - Focuses on reading instruction that uses
scientific research-based core, supplemental, and
intervention reading programs - Identifies struggling students and provides the
support (additional instruction/intervention)
they need
6The Three Tiers
- Tier I Core classroom reading instruction that
all students receive, assessment of student
progress three times per year (universal
screening) and ongoing professional development - Tier II Intervention (additional reading
instruction) and frequent progress monitoring
(e.g., at least twice per week) that struggling
readers receive - Tier III More intensive intervention and
frequent progress monitoring (e.g., at least
twice per week) that students with extreme
reading difficulties receive after not making
adequate progress in Tiers I and II
7The Roles of Assessment in the 3-Tier Reading
- The 3-Tier Reading Model goes beyond the
administration of assessments - In Tier I, assessments (IOWA/GRADE once per
year AIMSweb three times per year) are given
to guide instructional decision-making (e.g.,
rule out need for intervention and determine if
students are making adequate progress toward
grade-level benchmarks or objectives) - In Tiers II and III, frequent progress monitoring
(e.g., at least twice per week) is used to track
student progress and inform instruction (AIMSweb)
8RTI Team Guided Interventions
Intensive Interventions
Tier III 1 -5
Targeted/Supplemental Interventions
Tier II 5 -10
Core Curriculum/ Universal Interventions
Classroom Teacher Guided Interventions
Tier I 80 - 90
Pulaski Elementary Students in Tier II and III
Combined (GRADE) Spring 2006 Kg 39, 1st
49, 2nd 39 Spring 2008 Kg 23,
1st 21, 2nd 26
9Grouping Formats for Each Tier
- Tier I - a variety of grouping formats (e.g.,
individual, pairs, small groups, and whole group - Tier II - same-ability small groups of three to
five students - Tier III - same-ability small groups of three
students or fewer, depending on student needs - The 3-Tier Reading Model incorporates flexible
grouping practices to group and regroup students
based on their progress, interests, and changing
10Tier I Core Reading Instruction
Tier III 1 -5
Tier II 5 -10
All Students 100
Tier I 80 - 90
Minimum 90 Minutes of Daily Instruction PES
schedule built around a 90 minute reading block
for the primary grades.
11Tier I Core Class Instruction
12Tier II Targeted Intervention
Tier II 5 -10
30 Minutes Per Day of Additional Reading
Instruction Typically Lasts for 9 to 12 Weeks
13Tier II Supplemental Instruction
14Tier II Supplemental Instruction
- Tier II is small-group supplemental instruction
in addition to the time allotted for core reading
instruction - Tier II includes programs, strategies, and
procedures designed and employed to supplement,
enhance, and support Tier I
15Tier III Intensive Intervention
Tier III 1 -5
Minimum of 45 minutes per day or Two 30 minutes
sessions per day
16Tier III Intensive Intervention
17PES First Steps for Implementing the 3-Tier
Reading Model
- 1) Focus on improving the core classroom
reading instruction (Tier I) that all students
receive. - 2) Use screening assessment data to inform
instruction/intervention. -
- 3) Provide high-quality intervention (Tiers II
III) for struggling readers. - 4) Participate in ongoing professional
development to enhance classroom implementation
of SBRR practices. - 5) Monitor fidelity of implementation and
18Current Outcome Data
- GRADE (NRT) at 50th percentile and above
(K-3) - Spring 2006 61
- Spring 2007 65
- Spring 2008 74
- 2006 KCCT Reading Index 94.9
- 2007 KCCT Reading Index 97.4
- Retentions (K-5)
- 2006 - 21 students (2.9)
- 2007 - 9 students (1.3)
- 2008 - 6 students (0.8)