Title: Welcome MultiSpeak Web Conference
1Welcome!MultiSpeak Web Conference
2Bob Saint
- NRECA Principal Engineer, Technical Services
- Program Manager, MultiSpeak Initiative
3Todays Speakers
- Gary McNaughton Cornice Engineering
- MultiSpeak Technical Coordinator
- Bobby Pope Central REC, OK
- Information Systems Administrator
- Sean Dennis Powel
- Software Developer
- Questions and Answers
4Gary McNaughton
- Vice President, Cornice Engineering, Inc.
- MultiSpeak Technical Coordinator
- How do web services work?
- What can I do if one of my vendors doesnt
support MultiSpeak? - Examples of application interfaces you might want
to develop.0
6MultiSpeak Integration
Customer Table
Customer Table
Customer Last Name Lname Format C25
Customer Last Name Custlname Format C30
7Using Wrappers to Solve Problems
W r a p p e r
Customer Table
Customer Table
Customer Last Name Lname Format C25
Customer Last Name Custlname Format C30
8What are Web Services?
- A standard means to exchange data between
programs, like calling a subroutine on another
application. - Uses any standard web server to transport
XML-encoded data. Standard HTTP is the transport. - The way of the future for the larger IT industry.
9Web Services Conceptual Approach
Web Server
2) GetCustomer Request
1) GetCustomer Request
4) GetCustomer Response
3) GetCustomer Response
10Web Services Application
1) GetCustomer Request
Web Server Component
Web Server Component
2) GetCustomer Response
Client Application
Server Application
11MultiSpeak Process Model
12Custom Applications that Could Consume
MultiSpeak Web Services
- Work order tracking
- Construction scheduling/material forecasting
- Outage handling (e.g., map display of open
breakers, AMR detected outages, customers
disconnected for non-pay, CSR/IVR outage calls
possibly also a weather data feed and high wind
or lightning strike data) - AVL display
13Digital Dashboard
- Collects data from IT systems already in co-op
- Presents important management metrics visually
(gauges, dials, sliders, trend plot, etc.) - Assists in
- Performance monitoring
- Improved decision-making
- Configurable, each manager could choose metrics
important in his/her area
14Contents of Digital Dashboard (Power Costs)
- Estimated monthly power costs to date, compared
with budget - Current demand with respect to
- Target demand
- Previously established peak this month
- Previously established ratchet value
- Current demand savings from load control/DG in
operation (kW) - Value this month from demand response ()
Red Information available using MultiSpeak
15Contents of Digital Dashboard (Operations Issues)
- System efficiency, by circuit
- Power factor, by circuit, by time of day
- Number of active outages
- Number of customers out of power
- Number of customers under load control
- Number of blinks, sags, etc.
- Cumulative outage hours MTD/YTD
- Outage indices (CAIDAI, SAIDAI, etc.)
Red Information available using MultiSpeak
16Contents of Digital Dashboard (Customer
- Call center - average wait time
- Call center call volume currently/daily
- Number of outstanding work orders
- Number of work orders by status (staked, in
construction, closed out, etc) - Average lag time for staking or new construction
- Average lag time for service orders
17Contents of Digital Dashboard (Financial )
- Number of customers shut off for non-pay
- Number of overtime hours MTD/YTD
- Amount of cash in the bank
- Key performance ratios (TIER, DSC, etc)
18Project Status(8/2007)
- Version 3.0 issued in late 2005 available on
MultiSpeak web site (www.MultiSpeak.org) - Utility users guide available from web site
- Conformance testing program is offered by
independent third party - Twenty-four pairs of products have passed
interoperability testing on V3.0 web services
19MultiSpeak Vendor Members(8/2007)
- 4DataLink
- Advanced Control Systems
- C3-Ilex
- Cannon Technologies
- CellNet
- Central Service Association
- Clevest Solutions
- Cooperative Response Center
- Cornice Engineering
- Daffron
- Electrical System Consultants
- Elster Electricity
- EnerNex
- Enspiria Solutions
- Exceleron Software
- Hunt Technologies
- Milsoft
- Miner Miner (a Telvent Company)
- Oracle/SPL
- Origin GeoSystems (PDA)
- Partner Software
- Powel/MiniMax
- Power System Engineering (PSE)
- Professional Computer Systems
- Siemens
- SpatialNet
- Survalent Technologies
- Tantalus
20Under Development(8/2007)
- Near term
- Meter receiving and testing interfaces w/ CB, MR
- Extensions for water and gas metering (MR-CB)
- Interfaces for a meter data management system
- Longer term
- SCADA-Distribution Automation interfaces to
exchange data and device control functions - Work management interfaces
21Sean Dennis
22Bobby Pope
- Central REC, OK
- Information Systems Administrator
23- Current data access requires accessing and
replicating data - Access is limited to Read-Only to enforce
application level data integrity - Application breaks when vendor changes data base
- Web Services allow our web sites to access as a
user would - MultiSpeak interface is standardized and should
prevent application from breaking when up dates
are made
24Cooperative Membership
- Show your support of the MultiSpeak initiative be
becoming a Cooperative Member - MultiSpeak Utility Technical Listserv
- Utility Technical Committee
- Go to Cooperative.com Library Documents
Information Technology MultiSpeak - https//www.cooperative.com/infotech/documents/Mul
25Questions and Answers
26Contact Information
- Gary McNaughton, Bob Saint,
- Technical Coordinator Program Manager
- Cornice Engineering, Inc. NRECA
- Phone (970) 731-1508 Phone (703) 907-5863
- gmcnaughton_at_frontier.net
Robert.Saint_at_nreca.coop - Bobby Pope Sean Solberg
- Information Systems Administrator VP Research
and Development - Central REC, OK Powel Inc.
- Phone (405) 533-4137 Phone (651) 251-3005
- bpope_at_crec.coop
27MultiSpeak August 16, 2007
Live Meeting Web
- http//www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm_2fhzzBEL2YS
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