Title: LULUCF inventory report and projections Belgium
1LULUCF inventory reportand projectionsBelgium
- Contact
- Dominique PERRIN
- DGRNE Walloon Ministry of Environment
- ext.perrin_at_mrw.wallonie.be
- 32 81 336109
2Belgian forest
3Forest inventories (Flanders and Wallonia)
Definition (UNFCCC) 20cover, area gt0.5
ha Forest inventories permanent samples 1km
0.5 km grid Pools covered Biomass (above- and
belowground) Next submission Litter, soil
carbon and dead wood Two years 1984 (Wallonia)
and 2000 (all country)
4Conversion and expansion factors
Sources COSTE21 questionnaire, litterature,
experimental data from Gembloux University
(Laitat et al, 2000) and Antwerp University
(Ceulemans, Janssens), Gent University
(Vandewaelle et al., 2005) NFI (forest growth)
6Evolution 2000-2012 model
Laitat et al, 2004 Perrin (2005)
7Result biomass C
8Major improvements uncertainties
- Monte carlo analysis on carbon stock calculation
(inventories and BEF) - Sensibility analysis of the models
- Result - 20 CV (to be confirmed)
9Major improvements
- Smallest polygon considered in the spatially
explicit inventories - Unique soil association and land use type
- Climate stratification
Soil association map 1/500,000
Corine Land Cover map 250x250 m
Landscape units map
Lettens et al 2004, 2005
10SOC change (forest soil)0-20 cm 1960 2000 (t
C ha-1)
Lettens et al 2004, 2005
11Conclusions for Belgium
- Next submission all pools will be covered
revision of BEF - Uncertainties estimation for biomass C (Monte
carlo sensibility analysis) and soil C (error
propagation) - Remaining issues
- Land-use change (mainly due to agricultural land
converted to other land-use in Belgium)
differences between areas under geographical
definition (eg CORINE) and activity data
(national statistics). Study ongoing. - Article 3.4. not yet decided
- HWP no activity data
- Long term projections expert judgment