Title: Capitalising on our young people
1(No Transcript)
2Preparing Young People for the World of
WorkSandra Ewen MBE Enterprise and
Employability for Young People DivisionLifelong
Learning Directorate, Scottish Government
3Determined to Succeed phase 2
- National considerations
- Purpose of Government
- Strategic objectives
- Government Economic Strategy
- National Performance Framework
- Concordat and Single Outcome Agreements
- Skills for Scotland
- Curriculum for Excellence
- More Choices, More Chances
4Determined to Succeed phase 2
- Other key considerations
- HMIe Report Improving Enterprise in Education
- OECD Report Quality and Equity of Schooling in
Scotland - Building the Curriculum 3 A Framework for
Learning and Teaching - A Consultation on the Next Generation of
Qualifications in Scotland - More Choices, More Chances - 16 Learning Choice
- Review of Scotlands Colleges (RoSCo)
5Scottish Government - Purpose
- to focus the Government and public services on
creating a more successful country, with
opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish,
through increasing sustainable economic growth
6Government Economic Strategy
- focus on giving every child the best start in
life - school education allowing young people to succeed
and develop the skills needed to be active
contributors to the economy - joining up the education experience, effective
management of transitions
- We can only build a Scotland that is wealthier
and fairer, one that is healthier, safer,
stronger and greener, if people are equipped with
the skills, expertise and knowledge for success. - We need successful learners, confident
individuals, responsible citizens and effective
contributors to build a smarter Scotland.
8- Why change the curriculum?
- Equip young people with the skills they will need
for tomorrows workforce - Make sure that assessment and certification
support learning - Allow more choice and chances to meet the needs
of individual young people - To enable young people to flourish in life and
work beyond school
9Determined to Succeed is...
- A strategy to develop the enterprise and
employability skills of our young people, better
preparing them for workand for life
10The greatest learning machine on earth.
11Determined to Succeed - why its important?
- Sustainable economic growth top priority
- Increase business start ups
- Strong skilled workforce
- Demographic challenge
- A generation of confident and ambitious Scots
12Delivered through
13HMIe Report
- Confirmation of the role that enterprise can play
in improving vocational provision for all - Marks important progress in schools use of
enterprise in education as a stimulus for
effective learning as they, their authorities and
their partners take forward CfE - Underlines the continuing value of
entrepreneurial and enterprise-specific
activities and experiences as components of young
peoples education. - Makes clear the need to build on progress to date
in the context of CfE and Skills for Scotland
14The investment
- 7m (2003 04)
- 13m (2004 05)
- 22m (2005 06)
- 22m (2006 07)
- 23m (2007 08)
- 87m
- 22m (2008 - 09)
- 22m (2009 - 10)
- 22m (2010 - 11)
- 153m
15Why develop enterprising young people
- A smarter Scotland needs successful learners,
confident individuals, responsible citizens and
effective contributors to society and the world
of work. - Developing enterprise and employability skills in
our young people means theyre equipped to take
their place in a global economy. - Working with employers is a core element of DtS
and Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) if were to
ensure learning is relevant, experiential and
- Connecting education and employers to
- bring learning alive by making it relevant to the
world of work - open young peoples eyes to the wealth of
opportunities that await them (beyond academic
attainment) and - give those that need it the extra support to get
on the first rung of the ladder.
17Determined to Succeed
- Six key themes to policy
- Skills for life and work
- Employer engagement
- Broadening the reach of DtS
- Embedding enterprise in the curriculum
- Building capacity
- An international focus
18Entrepreneurial learning
The wealth of a country depends on its
entrepreneurs Jonathon Levie Hunter Centre
for Entrepreneurship at the University of
Creativity and Imagination
19The Future
- Culture change takes time
- Determined to Succeed part of the bigger picture
- Confident we are on the right track
www.ltscotland/enterpriseineducation www.determine