Title: TwoDimensional Media:
1Two-Dimensional Media Drawing Painting Printmakin
2Assignment 1 Due by e-mail Monday February
2 Visit a gallery or a number of galleries of
your choice and choose a work of art that moves
you in some way. You might have a positive or a
negative reaction. There might be something about
the work that sticks in your mind, makes you feel
a certain way, makes you think of
something. Write a response to the work. At least
200 words, but no more than 300. In your response
you should address the following questions How
did the work make me feel/think? Why did it make
me feel/think this way? What are the features of
the work that called for the specific
reaction? Do you think the work is
successful? How does the work utilize the
following line, shape, color, texture, space? Be
prepared to talk about your chosen piece in
class. Avoid statements such as I liked it,
It was pretty.
http//www.glasstire.com http//www.caddallas.net
3Drawing Silverpoint
Leonardo Da Vinci
Graham Little Untitled 2001 Colored Pencil on
Julon Pinkston Tire 3 2006 Charcoal on paper
Julon Pinkston Tire 5 2006 Charcoal on paper
6Pen and Ink
Julie Mehretu Empirical Construction, Istanbul
2003 Ink and synthetic polymer paint on canvas,
7Russell Croty Globe Drawings
8Painting Fresco
Diego Rivera Creation 1923
9Diego Rivera 1931 San Francisco Institute of Art
10Tempera Barnaby Fitzgerald
Poetry Posing as Music 2007 Tempera
Parallax 2007 Tempera
11Oil Robert Jessup, Lucian Freud
Robert Jessup Falling Man 2006 Oil on Canvas
Vincent Falsetta BQ 03-5 2003 oil on canvas
12Acrylic Miriam Schapiro
High Steppin Strutter I 1985
13Watercolor Rob Erdle, Millie Giles
Millie Giles Murren Contours 2006 Gouache
Rob Erdle Colophon 2005 Watercolor on paper
14Spray Paint Banksy
15(No Transcript)
16Printmaking Theresa Gomez Mortorell
Mother Wolf 2006 Etching on felt
Narcissus 2007 Etching on paper
17John James Audubon Birds of America