Title: Target%20Station%20and%20Target%20Damage%20Session%20-Introduction-
1Target Station and Target Damage
- I. Bailey
- University of Liverpool /
- Cockcroft Institute
- RAL September 27th 2006
2Session Outline
- 1100 Introduction (20 min) - Ian Bailey
- 1120 Target damage simulations (15 min) - Andriy
Ushakov - 1135 Discussion (45 min) - All
- 1220 Alternative target design status (5 min) -
Ian Bailey - 1225 New results for crystallized W target from
KEK (10 min) - Masao Kuriki - 1235 Discussion (10 min)- All
3Undulator-Based Positron Source for ILC
- The ILC requires of order 1014 positrons / s to
meet its luminosity requirements. - A factor 60 greater than the conventional SLC
positron source. - Undulator source should have lower stresses in
the production target(s) and less activation of
the target station(s) compared with a
conventional source. - Collimating the circularly-polarised SR from the
undulator leads to production of
longitudinally-polarised positrons.
4ILC Positron Source Layout
EUND - undulator TAPA - target station A TAPB -
target station B
Baseline layout of ILC with undulator at 150GeV
position in main linac.
Not to scale in any dimension!
5Undulator Photon Beam (BCD)
- Assume K1, 1cm period, 100m long undulator.
- Assume nominal ILC e- bunch structure.
- Neglect collimation.
- Target 450m downstream of undulator.
- Total photon beam power 145 kW
- Average photon energy 13MeV
- Beam spot rms 1.5 mm (0.75mm in BCD)
Simulations using SPECTRA
10MeV photons
6Undulator Photon Beam (2)
Target designed for 300kW average photon beam
? Proportional to undulator length
7Target Project Overview
The University of Liverpool heads a
EUROTeV-funded task to carry out design studies
of the conversion target and photon collimator
for the polarised positron source.
Capture Optics
Positron beam pipe/ NC rf cavity
Target wheel
Photon beam pipe
Vacuum feedthrough
LLNL - draft design
- Working in collaboration with SLAC and LLNL.
- Developing water-cooled rotating wheel design.
- 0.4 radiation length titanium alloy rim.
- Radius approximately 1 m.
- Rotates at approximately 1000 rpm.
8Target Station Systems and Groups
- Target design
- Computational studies
- Integration
- Radiation studies
- Liverpool / DL / RAL
- Target design / prototyping
- Target performance modelling
- Cornell /BINP / KEK
- Alternative target
- Source modelling
- Approx 400 m downstream of undulator
- Key sub systems
- Target wheel
- Drive system
- Cooling system
- Vacuum system (10-8Torr)
- Remote-handling system
- Diagnostic and control systems
- Target support systems
- Photon collimator
- Photon beam dump
- Capture optics
- NC rf cavity
9 Target Wheel Design
Numbers refer to LLNL study of earlier solid-disc
- Constraints
- Wheel rim speed determined by thermal load and
cooling rate - Wheel diameter determined by radiation damage and
- Materials fixed by thermal and mechanical
properties and pair-production cross-section
10 Power Deposition Cooling
Approximately 10 of photon beam power is
deposited in target wheel (30kW)
Water fed into wheel via rotating water union on
drive shaft.
11 Target Wheel Design
- Recent drawings from DL design team
- 5 spokes (following LLNL vibrational studies)
- Thicker inner region to allow for stability,
easier manufacture and balancing - Scaled to 1m diameter
- LLNL may also extend driveshaft through vacuum
chamber on both sides to allow separation of
water union and drive system and prevent
deflection of wheel in AMD field.
12Radiation Effect Issues
- Material Damage
- Need further analysis to gain confidence in
numbers from earlier work. - Currently investigating options for this work.
Damage to nearby components (motors, seals, etc)
needs to be checked. - Material Activation
- Analysis needs to be done on this for handling
issues as well. Planning to have this done by
whoever does the damage assessment. Needs to
include looking at cooling fluid (water, liquid
nitrogen). Possibly will need to include
filtration on nitrogen loop to remove carbon
decay products (soot).
Provisional list from Tom Piggott, LLNL
13 Neutron Production
See Target Hall Design and Activation session
From TESLA study, expect 100mSv/h activation in
target region. EU exposure limit for radiation
workers is 20mSv/year
V. Bharadwaj - Positron Source Workshop,
Daresbury 2005
14Mechanical Design Issues
- Thermal Modeling
- Complete modeling to check earlier results with
varying beam parameters as well as varying wheel
diameter and speed. - Structural Modeling
- Complete structural modeling for various cases
analyzed thermally. Continue with vibration
analysis, check internal modes, probably change
to an odd number of spokes to avoid possible
problems. - Repetitive Loading
- Check for effects of repetitive loading from
beam, fatigue, creep, etc. Confer with
metallurgist at LLNL. - Shaft Orientation/Deflection
- Evaluate moving to shaft supported on both ends.
Possible vacuum seal issues, but simplifies
motor and water union mounting. Evaluate
movement of wheel under load conditions. Some of
this already done with vibration modeling. - Wheel Size
- Evaluate thermal/structural/radiation damage
limitations on wheel diameter. Also include
looking at limitations imposed by other system
components (capture optics, etc). - Target Station Handling
- Evaluate remote handling possibilities. Also
look at packaging of target station to allow easy
removal, and possible motion of target to move
beam to extend target life. - Vacuum Design
- Requirements for vacuum in target station is
determined by amount of differential pumping
possible between the downstream accelerating
cavity and the target station itself. Vacuum
simulations /calculations required to determine
achievable vacuums given outgassing from target
seal leakage. - Cooling System Design
- Layout and specification for target wheel
cooling as well as AMD cooling system (and photon
collimator?) - Piping/Electrical Layout
- Instrumentation and controls
- Layout and specification of needed
instrumentation and controls.
Provisional list from Tom Piggott, LLNL
15AMD Related Issues
Provisional list from Tom Piggott, LLNL
- AMD Design
- Further evaluation of pulsed/continuous design.
Look in more detail at cooling and stress issues. - Magnet Loading on Wheel
- Try to bring simulations and experimental data
closer. Look at required motor power, additional
heat input.
16Integration Issues
Provisional list from Tom Piggott, LLNL
- Integrated Simulations
- Changes to undulator and collimator designs alter
thermal load requirements of target. Effect of
evolution in target / AMD design needs to be
related to yield and polarization of finally
captured positrons.
17 Eddy Current Simulations
See AMD Session
- Initial Maxwell 3D simulations by W. Stein and
D. Mayhall at LLNL indicate - 2MW eddy current power loss for 1m radius solid
Ti disc in 6T field of AMD. - lt20kW power loss for current 1m radius Ti rim
design. - However - Simulations do not yet agree with SLAC
rotating disc experiment. - 8 diameter Cu disc rotating in field of
permanent magnet. - Possibility of OPERA-3D simulations at RAL.
18Other Issues
Provisional list from Tom Piggott, LLNL
- Other Target Technologies
- Stay aware of developments regarding alternative
target materials, radiatively-cooled targets,
liquid metal targets, etc. - Other Positron Source Technologies
- Stay aware of developments regarding conventional
and Compton scattering sources.
19UK Plans
- Prototyping to demonstrate
- Stability of rotating target
- Reliability of drive mechanism and vacuum seals.
- Rotation of target in B field of capture optics.
- Reliability of water-cooling system for required
thermal load (average / peak?) - Engineering techniques for manufacture of
water-cooling channels.
- Liverpool, DL, and RAL plan to further develop
the LLNL design and build prototypes of the
target systems to determine the reliability. - Bid submitted to PPARC as part of LC-ABD.
- Further EU funding? Coordination needed with
other positron souce projects (CLIC) through
20UK Proposed Milestones
- Goal 3. Construct and test a prototype to
establish the mechanical stability of the target. - 3.1 Jul 07 - Infrastructure in place at Daresbury
Laboratory. - 3.2 Aug 07 - Design of target test rig and
instrumentation complete. - 3.3 Oct 07 - Construction of target test rig
complete. - 3.4 Oct 07 -Construction of first prototype
complete. - 3.5 Apr 08 -Testing of first prototype complete.
- 3.6 Jun 08 - Data from first prototype analysed.
- Goal 4. Construct and test a prototype to
demonstrate operation of target in strong
magnetic field. - 4.1 Nov 07 - Magnet design complete.
- 4.2 Mar 08 - Magnet construction complete.
- 4.3 Sep 08 - Construction of second prototype
complete. - 4.4 Mar 09 - Testing of second prototype
complete. - 4.5 May 09 - Data from second prototype analysed.
- Goal 5. Construct and test a prototype to
establish performance of the target cooling
system. - 5.1 Feb 08 - Possible technologies for simulating
thermal load identified. - 5.2 Jun 08 - Design of thermal load source and
interface complete. - 5.3 Mar 09 - Installation of thermal load in test
rig complete. - 5.4 Jun 09 - Construction of third prototype
complete. - 5.5 Jan 10 - Testing of third prototype complete.
- Whats missing from the RD list?
- Are all topics covered?
- Is the proposed prototyping programme sufficient
/ necessary? - Do we have enough faith in radiation damage
simulations to opt for smaller target wheel? - Scope for further collaboration / cooperation
- Alternative targets discussed later in session