Title: Main Injector Beam Dynamics
1Main Injector Beam Dynamics
- Jean-François Ostiguy
- Accelerator Division
This presentation is based upon and borrows
liberally from the work of several people
- James MacLachlan Injection schemes studies and
transition crossing simulations - Gerald Jackson Injection energy jitter
control - King-Yuen Ng Instability thresholds
calculations - Nikolai Mokhov Collimation System
3Uncontrolled Loss Budget
- Working assumption acceptable uncontrolled
averaged power loss (assuming particle energies
above threshold for activation) 1 W/m - FMI 3319.4 m Max allowable loss 3.3 kW
- Total beam power at injection energy W 8
GeV x 1.5 E14 particles /1 .5 s - 133 kW
- At transition (?t 21.8) W 320 kW
- At top energy W 2 MW
42-Stage Collimation Concept
One primary and 2 secondary collimators for each
plane. Assumptions 1 collimated at injection
0.5 at top energy
Total power intercepted 11 kW Require steel
shielding 1m x 2.5 m which covers the secondary
collimators and the 1st quad downstream. Sec
Collimator Stainless Steel,
0.5 m long
Size, cost and high power level favors a
localized collimation system.
Two scenarios have been explored
- Adiabatic capture from coasting beam (baseline)
- Synchronous injection into waiting buckets
Initial results indicate that losses can be made
negligible for either scenario. Which scenario
is optimal depends on many factors, such as the
effective energy spread of the injected beam and
the availability of a high frequency beam
6Adiabatic Capture
- If the energy spread is too low, stability may be
impaired - Injected beam needs to be chopped at revolution
frequency( 90 kHz) (E-deflection possible) - barrier RF needed to preserve abort gap during
injection barrier voltage depends on dp/p - Capture time 30 ms
- A weak modulation (53 Mhz) of the beam is
necessary to get detectable BPM signal during
7Synchronous Transfer
- Require 6 ns gaps every 19 ns. This implies
availability of a high frequency chopper - As for adiabatic capture, beam must also be
chopped at 90 kHz to provide abort kicker gap. - No barrier cavity required to preserve abort gap
- Momentum painting allows matching into bucket at
higher voltage for better stability - 2nd Harmonic cavity (50 of fundamental)
valuable(though not necessary) to match
rectangular painted space into elliptical
contours - Matching operation also requires 30 ms (not
needed without 2nd harmonic)
8ESME Simulations Synchronous Injection
9ESME Simulation Abort Gap Preservation
(adiabatic capture)
10Transition Crossing Loss Simulations at Intensity
x 5
11?t Jump system
A ?t jump conceptual design was completed in
1997 (PAC 1997 pp 994-996)
- ? ? /- 1 within 0.5 ms d?/dt 4000/s (about
17 faster than the normal ramp rate) - 8 pulsed quadrupole triplets
- localized, independent dispersion perturbation
12Energy Spread and Longitudinal Acceptance
- The longitudinal acceptance sets an upper limit
on the allowable (effective) energy spread in the
injected linac pulse. - The measured longitudinal acceptance of the FMI
is 0.7 eV-s at current intensity (1 E11 ppb). - Simulations show that with a gamma-t jump system,
it should be possible to accelerate at least 0.5
eV-s without loss through transition - Assuming adiabatic capture, 0.5 eV-s corresponds
to an energy height of /- 13.5 MeV (0.7eV-s
corresponds to /-19 MeV) - The momentum collimation system will limit the
spread to /- 10 MeV
13MI Beam Stability at Intensity x 5
Tune shifts vertical tune expected to pass
through 3rd order stop-band. Working point will
need to be optimized.
Single bunch Mw Instability longitudinal
transverse below threshold Coupled bunch
Instabilities transverse above threshold
(currently as well), predicted growth time 110
turns (5x faster). Current digital damper system
can be upgraded to suppress both transverse and
longitudinal instabilities. Beam loading With
new cavities, R/Q 25 ohms ( current is 104
ohms) so situation is roughly similar to current
NM Instability (above transition) At 5 times the
intensity, the situation is roughly the same as
now, if the crossing rate is increased by a
factor of 15.8
- No fundamental obstacle to operating the MI at 5
times the current intensity has been uncovered.
This being said, a lot of work remains to be
done. - More detailed simulations will be required to
maximize effective acceptance (transition losses
below a few tenths of 1) and determine whether
an inductive insert is necessary. - Optimization of the injection scenarios will
continue while adiabatic capture remains the
baseline design, full understanding of the
tradeoff with synchronous capture require
additional studies - Full scale space-charge 3D simulations will start