Title: Radioactive Ion Beams, 1
1Radioactive Ion Beams
- A. Fabich, CERN
- on behalf of the Beta-beam Study Group
- http//cern.ch/beta-beam
- NuFact06, UCIrvine
- Beta-beam concept
- EURISOL DS scenario
- Layout
- Main issues on acceleration scheme
- Physics reach
- Other scenarios
- High-energy Beta-beams
- Monochromatic beams with electron capture
- Summary
3Beta-beam principle
- Aim production of (anti-)neutrino beams from the
beta decay of radio-active ions circulating in a
storage ring - Similar concept to the neutrino factory, but
parent particle is a beta-active isotope instead
of a muon. - Beta-decay at rest
- n-spectrum well known from electron spectrum
- Reaction energy Q typically of a few MeV
- Accelerated parent ion to relativistic gmax
- Boosted neutrino energy spectrum En?2gQ
- Forward focusing of neutrinos ???1/g
- Pure electron (anti-)neutrino beam!
- NB Depending on b- or b--decay we get a
neutrino or anti-neutrino - Two (or more) different parent ions for neutrino
and anti-neutrino beams - Physics applications of a beta-beam
- Primarily neutrino oscillation physics and
4Production chain
- n-factory uses beam of 4th generation.
- Beta-beam uses 3rd generation beam.
- Beta-beam is technically closer to existing/used
accelerator technology. - .
and charge conjugated
Ion source
Neutrino beam
5Choice of ion species
- Beta-active isotopes
- Distance from stability
- Production rates
- Life time
- Reasonable lifetime at rest
- If too short decay during acceleration
- If too long low neutrino production
- Optimum life time given by acceleration scenario
and neutrino rate optimization - In the order of a second
- Low Z preferred
- Minimize ratio of accelerated mass/charges per
neutrino produced - One ion produces one neutrino.
- Reduce space charge problems
6Baseline and detector
- Neutrino physics similar as in n-factory, but at
different n-energies. - Baseline distance
- Relativistic gamma in the range of 100 400
- Q-value of MeV ?? En in the range of GeV
- Baselines in the range of 100-1500 km
- Only one detector ? one baseline
- Location available for detector underground area?
- E.g. Fermilab-Soudan 730 km
- Suitable for g6He350.
- Detector technology
- No magnetized detector necessary
- Water Cherenkov is the standard choice.
- Technically considerable in the Megaton class
- Energy resolution of 250 MeV
CERN-Frejus 130 km
7Guideline to n-beam scenarios based on
radio-active ions
- Low-energy beta-beam relativistic g lt 20
- Physics case neutrino scattering
- Medium energy beta-beam g 100
- Today the only detailed study of a beta-beam
accelerator complex - High energy beta-beam g gt350
- Take advantage of increased interaction
cross-section of neutrinos - Monochromatic neutrino-beam
- Take advantage of electron-capture process
- Accelerator physicists together with neutrino
physicists defined the accelerator case of
g100/100 to be studied first (EURISOL DS).
8The EURISOL scenario
- Based on CERN boundaries
- Ion choice 6He and 18Ne
- Relativistic gamma100/100
- SPS allows maximum of 150 (6He) or 250 (18Ne)
- Gamma choice optimized for physics reach
- Based on existing technology and machines
- Ion production through ISOL technique
- Post acceleration ECR, linac
- Rapid cycling synchrotron
- Use of existing machines PS and SPS
- Achieve an annual neutrino rate of either
- 2.91018 anti-neutrinos from 6He
- Or 1.1 1018 neutrinos from 18Ne
- Once we have thoroughly studied the EURISOL
scenario, we can easily extrapolate to other
cases. EURISOL study could serve as a reference.
9Ion production ISOL method
- 6He production
- converter technology using spallation neutrons
- Nominal production rate 51013 ions/s can be
- 18Ne production
- Spallation of close-by target nuclides 18Ne from
MgO - 24Mg12 (p, p3 n4) 18Ne10
- Direct target the beam hits directly the oxide
target - Required production rate of 51013 ions/s
- (for 200 kW dc, few GeV proton beam)
- Estimated production rate more than one order of
magnitude too low! - Novel production scenarios required.
10Low-energy accumulation
- Optional scenario to overcome short-fall in
production rate - Target operated in DC mode
- Not 100 of production is used
- Dead time during acceleration
- Simultaneous accumulation in low-energy ring
- Design of a low-energy accumulation ring
dedicated for isotope accumulation. - Possible solution. Yet not all technical issues
addressed and solved.
11Production with re-circulating ions
- Production of unstable isotopes
- Primary ions circulate in the beam until they
undergo nuclear processes in the thin target
foil. - Injection
- Permanent accumulation of primary ions Single
ionized ions are fully stripped by a thin foil. - Compensating ionization losses
- Acceleration at each turn by an adequate
RF-cavity - Ion channel
- E.g. 7Li D ? 8Li p
- 8Li t1/20.8 s, ltEngt6.7MeV
- Rate gt 1014 ions/s
- C. Rubbia et al. (see talk this week)
12Use of existing accelerators
- Use of CERN PS and SPS
- Difficulties
- Not designed for high intensity operation of
radioactive ions - No collimation, non-baked vacuum system, ...
- Slow cycling
- Allows no optimization on machine design
- Large ion loss
- Considerable activation
- Vacuum degradation
- Space charge
- Advantages
- Possible cost reduction
- Maximize use of well-known machines
13Intensity evolution during acceleration
Bunch 20th 15th 10th 5th 1st
- Cycle optimized for neutrino rate towards the
detector - 30 of first 6He bunch injected are reaching
decay ring - Overall only 50 (6He) and 80 (18Ne) reach decay
ring - Normalization
- Single bunch intensity to maximum/bunch
- Total intensity to total number accumulated in RCS
14Power losses - Activation
Power loss per unit circumference of a machine
Ploss/l ions Beta-beam Beta-beam
CNGS 6He 18Ne
RCS - 0.17 0.14
PS 3.3 2.2 2.8
SPS 0.25 0.4 0.25
- Nucleon losses compared
- PS and SPS comparable for CNGS and bb operation
- PS exposed to highest power losses
15Dynamic vacuum
- Decay losses cause degradation of the vacuum due
to desorption from the vacuum chamber - The current study includes the PS, which does not
have an optimized lattice for unstable ion
transport and has no collimation system - The dynamic vacuum degrades to 310-8 Pa in
steady state (6He) - An optimized lattice with collimation system
would improve the situation by more than an order
of magnitude.
C. Omet et al., GSI
P. Spiller et al., GSI
16Decay ring
A. Chance et al., CEA Saclay
- Geometrical considerations
- Maximize straight section
- Shortest arcs possible
- High magnetic field
- SC magnets
- For EURISOL scenario (g100)
- Circumference 6900 m
- Length of straight section 2500m
- Ratio straight section/circumference 0.36
- Geometric sizing for other gamma ranges just by
linear scaling ? ratio always about 36 - Neutrino rate
17Stacking process
- Longitudinal merging
- Mandatory for success of the Beta-beam concept
- Lifetime of ions (minutes) is much longer than
cycle time (seconds) of a beta-beam complex
1) Injection
- Injection off-momentum
- Rotation
- Merging oldest particles pushed outside
longitudinal acceptance ? momentum collimation
3a) Single merge
2) Rotation
3b) Repeated merging
18Particle turnover
- 1 MJ beam energy/cycle injected
- ? equivalent ion number to be removed
- 25 W/m average
- Momentum collimation 51012 6He ions to be
collimated per cycle - Decay 51012 6Li ions to be removed per cycle
per meter
19Collimation and absorption
- Merging
- increases longitudinal emittance
- Ions pushed outside longitudinal acceptance
- ? momentum collimation
- in straight section
- Decay product
- Daughter ion occurring continuously along decay
ring - To be avoided
- magnet quenching reduce particle deposition
(average 10 W/m) - Uncontrolled activation
- Arcs Lattice optimized for absorber system OR
open mid-plane dipoles
s (m)
Straight section Ion extraction et each end
A. Chance et al., CEA Saclay
20Physics reach
- EURISOL scenario
- g100
- each 6He and 18Ne with a 5-year run
- 2.91018 6He decays/year or 1.11018 6Ne
decays/year - Physics reach
- Sensitivity on Q13 down to 1o
21Towards high-energy beta-beams
- Beta-beam operation at higher relativistic g
reduces the annual rate Rn due to - Extended acceleration time
- Simple analytical approximation
- Boosted life time
- Average neutrino rate R at decay ring
- at fixed ion rates from production.
- Physics reach on neutrino beam side PR ? R g
R ? 1/g
22Using existing HE hadron machines
Machine tramp (including injector chain) s Gmax(proton) gmax (6He2) gmax (18Ne10)
Tevatron 18 1045 349 581
RHIC 101 (41) 268 89 149
LHC 1200 7600 2500 3500
- Tevatron most realistic scenario
- Comparable fast acceleration in all energy
regimes - gtop350
- About 70 survival probability for 6He
- Compare with 45 in the EURISOL DS
- (2 seconds accumulation time considered)
- Reduced decay losses and activation during
acceleration - Several studies on the physics reach exist, but
annual neutrino rates have to be reviewed.
- Wide spectra from super- and Beta-beams
- Requires energy reconstruction in detectors
- solution EC monochromatic beam
- Electron capture
- pe-?? nn
- Sharp energy spectrum of the neutrino beam
24Monochromatic n-beam
Decay t1/2 BRn EC/b En MeV DEn MeV
148Dy?148Tb 3.1m 1 0.96 2.1
150Dy?150Tb 7.2m 0.64 1 1.4
152Tm?152Er 8.0s 1 0.45 4.4 0.52
150Tm?1508Dy 72s 1 0.77 3.0 0.4
- Disentangle measurement of q13 and dCP running at
two different g - Ion species 150Dysprosium
- Physics reach for 1018 neutrinos/year at DR, each
5-year run at two different g
25Special aspects of a EC n-beam
- Requires acceleration of partly stripped ions
- Vacuum lifetime comparable to half-life
- Particle losses due to charge state change
negligible - Most promising candidate 150Dysprosium
- Main characteristics
- Heavy and exotic isotope
- Long lifetime
- Production required gt1015 150Dy atoms/second
- Production achievable 1011 150Dy atoms/second
- 50 microAmps primary proton beam with existing
technology (TRIUMF) - Acceleration demanding
- Balance for charge state between high magnetic
rigidity and space charge
Decay t1/2 BRn EC/b En MeV DEn MeV
150Dy?150Tb 7.2m 0.64 1 1.4
26Physics reach in comparison
- For q13gt1O a Beta-beam scenario is useful.
- Improved situation in combination with
- Super-beam
- Simultaneous analysis of atmospheric neutrinos
- Beta-beam accelerator complex is a very high
technical challenge due to high ion intensities - Activation
- Space charge
- So far it looks technically feasible.
- The physics reach for technically achievable
scenarios is competitive for q13gt1O. - Usefulness depends on the short/mid-term findings
by other neutrino search facilities. - Acknowledgment of the input given by M. Benedikt,
A. Jansson, M. Lindroos, M. Mezzetto, beta-beam
task group and related EURISOL tasks