Title: Case 4 complicated hospital acquired infection
1Case 4 complicated hospital acquired infection
- Dr Nick Brown
- Addenbrookes Hospital
- Cambridge, UK
5 June 2008 RCP (London)
- 56 y lady
- headache, weakness, visual disturbance, ataxia
- left parieto-occipital craniotomy with excision
of parasagital meningioma - Day 1 Well, mobilising
- Day 2 raised wbc 26.5 x 109/L noted ?why
3(No Transcript)
- Day 3 dysphasic, hypotensive, oliguric
- coliform in urine
- GNB seen in blood cultures
- Imp Septic shock
- ciprofloxacin
- cefotaxime plus metronidazole
5Infection following neurosurgery
- Procedure Risk index n rate
- craniotomy 0 4,717 0.9
- 1 14,864 1.7
- 2, 3 4,666 2.4
- other nervous system 0, 1, 2, 3 2,356 1.5
- ventricular shunt 0 4,208 4.4
- 1, 2, 3 12,324 5.4
CDC NNIS system report Am J Infect Control 2004
32 470-85
6Neurosurgical site infection
- Prospective study in 10 hospitals 1993-1994
- craniotomy (elective or emergency)
- risk factor categorisation
- follow-up 30 days
- evaluation for surgical site infection
- assessment of relative risk factors
Korinek et al. Neurosurgery 1997 41 1073-9
Elective 2,284 (78) Emergency 660 (22)
Clean 2,578 (88) Clean / contaminated
234 (8) Contaminated 40 (1) Dirty 84 (3)
Tumour 1,380 (47) Vascular 535
(18) Neurotrauma 532 (18) Infection 58
(2) Biopsy 254 (9) Other 185 (6)
Korinek et al. Neurosurgery 1997 41 1073-9
8Organisms isolated from 117 infections in 2,944
patients (4)
- Scalp Bone flap
Meningitis/abscess Total - MRSA 5 0 12 17 (18)
- MSSA 7 8 17 32 (33)
- S. epidermidis 1 0 3 4 (4)
- streptococci 2 0 4 6 (6)
- other Gram cocci 1 0 4 5 (5)
- Enterobacteriaceae S 0 0 4 4 (4)
- Enterobacteriaceae R 2 0 11 13 (13)
- Acinetobacter sp. 5 1 2 8 (8)
- P. aeruginosa 1 0 2 3 (3)
- others 1 0 3 4 (4)
- Total 25 9 62 96
Korinek et al. Neurosurgery 1997 41 1073-9
9Risk factors for deep infection
- CSF leakage
- external drainage
- true CSF leak
- early subsequent operation
Korinek et al. Neurosurgery 1997 41 1073-9
- Day 4 persistent fever (off filter)
- hypotension
- GNB from head wound swab
- ? Intra-cranial infection
- vancomycin plus carbapenem
- Day 5 Sensitive E. coli confirmed from blood
and urine - Continued carbapenem alone
- Day 6-13 Slow progress
- Day 14 head has expanded and is leaking clear
fluid from the wound
13(No Transcript)
14galea aponeurotica (epicranial aponeurosis)
15Problems with the diagnosis of infection
following neurosurgery
- Clinical signs
- steroids
- fever
- other laboratory parameters
- extra-cranial infection
16Diagnosis of bacterial meningitis
- Useful criteria Less helpful criteria
- high fever CSF glucose
- new neurological deficit CSF protein
- active CSF leak type of operation
- CSF leukocytosis presence of foreign material
- blood leukocytosis steroid use
- altered mental status
- neck stiffness
- headache / nausea
Ross et al. Journal of Neurosurgery 1988 69
17Total white cell count and C-reactive protein
- Day 26 Seizures
- Day 30 Head wound swab
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated
- Day 36 Surgery for debridement and drainage of
subgaleal collection - Cultures sterile
- Subsequently improved but left with neurological
19In vitro activity of carbapenems against
non-fermentative Gram negative bacteria
Jones RN et al. J Antimicrob Chemother 2004 54
20Neurotoxicity of carbapenems
- risk factors
- history of seizures
- underlying CNS disease
- age
- renal failure
- high dose
- Incidence
- imipenem 15 / 1,723 (0.9)
- meropenem 4 / 4,748 (0.08)
- ertapenem 3 / 1,954 (0.15)
Wang et al. Rev Infect Dis 1985 7 (Suppl 3)
s528-s536 Norrby et al. Scand J Infect Dis 1999
31 1-8 Teppler et al. J Antimicrob Chemother
2004 53 Suppl 2 ii75-ii81
21Imipenem in acute meningitis
- 21 children (age 3 months - 4 years)
- delayed sterilisation of CSF in 2 (both H.
influenzae) - 7 had seizures (33)
- Study terminated early
Wong et al. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1991 10 122-5
- Infection following neurosurgery or head injury
is uncommon, but diagnosis may be difficult - Antibiotic-resistant Gram negative bacilli
account for a significant proportion of
infections - Imipenem and ertapenem are relatively
contraindicated in this setting.