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1This PowerPoint is click or mouse driven. Click
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2American Library Association Conference American
Library Association Link New Orleans, La.
2006 Trip and tour sponsored by SARIC South
Alabama Research and In-Service Center June 24th,
_________________________________ Main Menu
3- Menu
- Poster Sessions attended
- including Research Game and New Media
- History of Poster Secessions
- Handouts for Media is the Message
- New Media Technology Listings
- Two pages of selected and attended secessions
- Exhibits Resources and more
- selected 2 pages
- Summary
When a person dies, a Library is buried. -
African Proverb
4Poster Session
History Poster sessions were introduced to the
ALA at its 1982 Annual Conference in
Philadelphia. They are an effective forum for the
exchange of information and a means to
communicate ideas, research and
programs. Poster Sessions may present any of the
following a report of a research study an
analysis of a practical problem-solving effort
a description of an innovative library
program These very informative sessions cover a
broad range of subjects grouped according to such
areas a management, collection development,
technology, reference and library services to
special groups. Poster secessions participants
place materials such as Pictures, data, graphs,
Diagrams and narrative text on bulletined
boards. During their assigned time periods,
participants informally discuss their
presentations with conference attendees. Above
text adapted from p. 4, 25th Annual ALA Poster
Sessions Abstracts, June 22-28th, New Orleans,
Louisiana, USA
_________________________________ Main Menu
5- Poster Session Selection
- adapted from the 25th Annual ALA Poster Sessions
- Abstracts, Booklet by Jody Condit Fagan, p. 30
and 33 - 1. Engaging Students in the Game of Research
- 2. The Media is the Message Information
Literacy - Instruction Through New Media
- Notes
- Applications for presenter at 2007 ALA in
Washington, - DC are linked to http//www.lib.iastate.edu/ala/
_________________________________ Main Menu
6Librarian, Clarence Hamilton and Library
Presenter Ms. Jessica Albano
Page 1 of 2
7For more information on the 1918 class
see www.lib.washington.edu/subject/history/perspe
ctives/ Poster Project Managers /
Librarians Ms. Jessica Albano jalbano_at_u.washingto
n.edu Ms. Theresa Mudrock mudrock_at_u.washington.edu
_________________________________ Poster Sessions
Selection Menu
8Librarian, Clarence Hamilton and Library
Presenter Ms. Amanda Hornby
Page 1 of 2
9For additional information on this Poster
Secession see www.uwb.edu/librarystaff/hornby/als
poster/ Researcher / Project Poster Manager /
Librarian Ms. Amanda Hornby ahornby_at_uwb.edu Media
and Technology Studies University of Washington
at Bothell / Cascadia
_________________________________ Poster Sessions
Selection Menu
10Handouts from Poster Talk The Media is the
Message Information Literacy Instruction Through
New Media by Ms. Amanda Hornby
ahornby_at_uwb.edu In-class assignment Reading
and Evaluating New Media Websites (Word
document) Class handout Information Literacy
Evaluating Web Resources (Word document)
_________________________________ Main Menu
11- Selected New Media and New Technologies Blogs
- New Media Musings, www.newmediamusings.com
- MediaShift, www.psb.org/mediashift
- Many2Many, http//many.corante.com
- BoingBoing, http//boingboing.net
- The Shifted Librarian, www.theshiftedlibrarian.c
om - More Resources Selected Readings on New Media
- Baird, D.E. and Fisher, M. "NeoMillennial User
Experience Design Strategies Utilizing Social
Networking Media to Support "Always on" Learning
Styles." Journal of Educational Technology
Systems, 34, 1, 2005-2006. - Ferris, S.P. and Wilder, H. "Uses and
Potentials of Wikis in the Classroom." Innovate,
2, 5, June/July 2005. - Lister, M., et. al. (2003). New Media A
Critical Introduction. London Routledge. - New Media Consortium, Report of the 21st
Century Literacy Summit (PDF) - Shyles, Leonard (2003). Deciphering Cyberspace
Making the Most of Digital Communication
Technologies. Thousand Oaks, CA Sage
Page 1
12New Media Websites page 2 The following websites
were used in the instruction session to
demonstrate different characteristics of new
media, including archives media arts
interactive media open source technology
computer mediated communication social
software/networking Digital Archives (
Internet linked version of this list is on the
web at www.uwb.edu/librarystaff/hornby/alsposter/
) The Internet Archive University of Washington
Libraries Digital Initiatives Program Urban
Archive Media Arts, Interactive
Media Rhizome PostSecret Google
Video Machinima Channel 101 Open Source
Technology Open Source Web Design Computer
Mediated Communication, Social Software/Networking
Wikipedia Flickr
_________________________________ Main Menu
13Selected Exhibits, Resources, and Materials from
ALA Page 1
Exhibitors Google Pavilion had its 5 pod
Information Stations and Demos - Earth
Google lt http//earth.google.com/ gt - Book
Search lt http//books.google.com/ gt Davis
Design for theatrical and retail public
places lt www.janicedavisdesign.com
gt Resources National Games Week, 2006,
November 19-25, 2006 working to promote
non-electric games as positive, social
entertainment one free promotional kit for a
library lt www.nationalgamesweek.net
gt Materials CD Sampler Runny Babbit,
selected poems from a newly found collection
of Shel Silverstein, performed by Dennis
_________________________________ Main Menu
14Selected Exhibits, Resources, and Materials Page
Resources Pursuit of Happiness by the
National Endowment for the Humanities (15 free
books per library relating to the theme of our
national heritage) lt www.wethepeople.gov/booksh
elf gt or lt www.ala.org/wethepeople gt
Calliope Puppets, theatre for family audiences
(some Bilingual show offered) lt
www.calliopepuppets.net gt Captioned Media,
free loan captioned media, lt www.captionedmedia.
org gt from Virginia Commonwealth University
50 free loan Life Science Media, supported by
the Pfizer Foundation and the National
Academy of Sciences lt www.ucu.edu/lifesci/sos
q gt Bi-Folkal Productions, non-profit, inc.
1997, to create opportunities and resources
for seniors to remember and share stories with
young adults, schools, and communities lt
www.bifolkal.org gt
_________________________________ Main Menu
15- Summary
- To attend the largest Library Conference in North
America was - indeed, informative and inspiring. I believe the
objectives - were met.
- The Poster Secessions gave me a view of library
technology - Of the future using new websites, data bases, and
blogs. - Clarence S. Hamilton, Jr.
- School Librarian, MCPSS, Orchard Elementary
_________________________________ Main Menu
16Press the ESC key.