Title: EUNIS for the EC CHM
1EUNIS for the EC CHM By Ulla Pinborg
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6Green shows IDA EUNIS CHM work in 2003
Data input from Commission, countries, UNEP-WCMC,
CoE, Eurostat
Output to Commission, countries, public,
UNEP-WCMC, CoE, Eurostat
Data Exchange modules (DEMs)
EEA Reference Centre
Data inputs by ETC from national data
repositories and other sources
EEA Data Service v number
EUNIS web application v number
ETC working data bases
zipped files for complete downloads
Tool for transfer of data ( test, aggregation,
validation functions)
EEA web installation full copy
ETC formal delivery via Circa
EUNIS full live base
EUNIS full reference copy v number
(clean, ready--to roll)
EEA map service
EEA IT technology