Title: CS 4700: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
1CS 4700Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
- Prof. Carla P. Gomes
- gomes_at_cs.cornell.edu
- Module
- Intro Neural Networks
- (Reading Chapter 20.5)
2Neural Networks
- Rich history, starting in the early forties with
McCulloch and Pittss model of artificial neurons
(McCulloch and Pitts 1943). - Two views
- Modeling the brain
- Just representation of complex
functions (Continuous contrast decision trees) - Much progress on both fronts.
- Drawn interest from Neuroscience, Cognitive
science, AI, Physics, Statistics, and CS/EE.
3Computer vs. Brain
Computer processor speed (MIPS)
Circa 1997
Information or computer storage (Megabytes)
4Increasing Compute PowerMoores Law
In 1965, Gordon Moore, Intel co-founder,
predicted that the number of transistors on a
chip would double about every two years.
(popularly known as Moore's Law). Intel has kept
that pace for nearly 40 years.
5Computer Power / Cost
Computer processor speed (MIPS)
Circa 1997
6Neural Networks
- Computational model inspired by the brain
- based on the interaction of
- multiple connected processing elements
- (Connectionism, parallel distributed processing,
neural computation) - .
When inputs reach some threshold ? an action
potential (electric pulse) is sent along the
axon to the outputs
Brains information and processing power emerges
from a highly interconnected network of neurons.
Connection between cells
Excitatory or inhibitory and may change over time
Around 1011 neurons, 1014 synapses a cycle time
of 1ms-10 ms.
7Biological Neurons
- The brain is made up of neurons which have
- A cell body (soma)
- Dendrites (inputs)
- An axon (outputs)
- Synapses (connection between cells)
- Synapses can be excitatory or inhibitory and may
change over time - When the inputs reach some threshold an action
potential (electric pulse) is sent along the axon
to the outputs - There are around 1011 neurons, 1014 synapses a
cycle time of 1ms-10 ms. - Signals are noisy spike trains" of electrical
8Issue The Hardware
- The brain
- a neuron, or nerve cell, is the basic information
- processing unit (1011 )
- many more synapses (1014) connect the neurons
- cycle time 10(-3) seconds (1 millisecond)
- How complex can we make computers?
- 108 or more transistors per CPU
- supercomputer hundreds of CPUs, 1010 bits of
RAM - cycle times order of 10(-9) seconds (1
9Compute Power vs. Brain Power
- In near future we can have computers with as many
processing elements as our - brain, but
- far fewer interconnections (wires or synapses)
- much faster updates (1 millisecond, 10-3 vs.
1 nanosecond 10-9) - Fundamentally different hardware may require
fundamentally different algorithms! - Very much an open question.
10Why Neural Nets?
- Motivation
- Solving problems under the constraints similar
to those of the brain may lead to solutions to AI
problems that would otherwise be overlooked. - Individual neurons operate very slowly
- massively parallel algorithms
- Neurons are failure-prone devices
- distributed and redundant representations
- Neurons promote approximate matching
- less brittle
11Connectionist Models of Learning
- Characterized by
- A large number of very simple neuron-like
processing elements. - A large number of weighted connections between
the elements. - Highly parallel, distributed control.
- An emphasis on learning internal representations
But of course the interconnectivity is not
really at the brain scale
12Autonomous Learning Vehicle In a Neural Net
- ALVINN learns to drive an autonomous vehicle at
normal speeds on public highways.
ALVINN is a perception systems which learns to
control the NAVLAB vehicles by watching a person
Pomerleau et al, 1993
13ALVINN drives 70mph on highways
30 x 32 grid of pixel intensities from camera
Each output unit correspond to a particular
steering direction. The most highly activated one
gives the direction to steer.
14What kinds of problems are suitable for neural
- Have sufficient training data
- Long training times are acceptable
- Not necessary for humans to understand learned
target function or hypothesis
? neural networks are magic black boxes
- Function approximation, or regression analysis,
including time series prediction and modeling. - Classification, including pattern and sequence
recognition, novelty detection and sequential
decision making. - Data processing, including filtering, clustering,
blind signal separation and compression.
16Example of Application Areas
- Application areas include
- System identification and control (vehicle
control, process control), - Game-playing and decision making (backgammon,
chess, racing), - Pattern recognition (radar systems, face
identification, object recognition, etc.) - Sequence recognition (gesture, speech,
handwritten text recognition), - Medical diagnosis
- Financial applications
- Data mining (or knowledge discovery in databases,
"KDD"), - Visualization
- E-mail spam filtering.