Title: CHEE825
- System Identification
- J. McLellan
- Fall 2005
2Module 1
- Introduction and Motivation
3What do dynamic data look like?
4Example - Average Weekly Gasoline Prices in the
5Example - Gasoline Prices
- How can we model this?
- Inputs?
- Inertia?
- Continuous vs. discrete time?
- The Time Series model framework
- Structure
- Lagged regression perspective
- dynamic models
- role
- sources of variability and need for disturbance
models - components in data
- statistical properties of a model - sensor
analogy - making a link to linear regression
- problem formulation and assumptions
- parameter estimates properties
- role of experimental design
- motivating example - 1st order process
- lagged regression problem
- impact of non-ideality in disturbances - serial
7Role of Dynamic Models
- process characterization
- analysis of process dynamics
- analysis of disturbance dynamics
- process control
- loop configuration and tuning (e.g., PID control)
- model-based control algorithms
- cf. Internal Model Control (IMC) formalism
- minimum variance control (MVC)
- model predictive control (MPC) - e.g., Dynamic
Matrix Control - process monitoring
- controller performance assessment, process
8Control Applications
- models implemented as
- step response models - primarily for MPC
- impulse response models - MPC
- transfer functions - MVC, IMC, occasionally MPC
- range of disturbance estimation approaches
- step disturbances - compare predicted vs.
current measured value - e.g., in MPC - time series approaches
- MPC reference - survey of Badgwell and Qin
9Sources of Variability
- process disturbances
- internal
- flow fluctuations
- deterioration - e.g., channeling in a reactor
- external
- from upstream units
- ambient conditions - e.g., air temperature
- operator interventions
10Sources of Variability
- instrumentation and measurements
- electronic noise
- physical location of instrument
- single thermocouple for tank - impact of mixing
- sampling - e.g., for gas chromatograph
- models and process representation
- unmodeled components become lumped as
disturbances - e.g., ignoring radial profiles in a reactor
- model simplification
- ignored dynamic behaviour
11Steady-State Data
- no time variation
- does this mean the time trace is a straight line?
- no - we have noise !
- focus on whether variability patterns
(distributions) are changing - is mean value constant?
- is variance constant?
12Dynamic Data
- responses changing in time
- typically have process inertia
- serial or autocorrelation
- values now depend on earlier values
- denominator in a transfer function
- variability patterns changing - e.g., variance
13Components in Data
- deterministic
- non-random relationships
- physical relationships
- e.g., energy/material balance relationships in
column influence composition in overhead - stochastic
- random fluctuations - variability pattern
- frequently disturbances
- can evolve in time
14Matrix of Model Scenarios
- step response white noise
- dynamic deterministic static stochastic
- white noise is purely uncorrelated noise
- step response integrating noise
- dynamic deterministic dynamic stochastic
- inferred property model
- static deterministic dynamic stochastic
16The Task of Dynamic Model Building
- partitioning process data into a deterministic
component (the process) and a stochastic
component (the disturbance)
time series model
transfer function model
17Dynamic vs. Steady State Disturbance Cases
Static (steady state) Disturbance
Dynamic Disturbance
local trends
no consistent local trends
18Example - Random Shocks into a Tank
- consider tank and vary the time constant
- approach an integrator
- transfer function
- referred to as an autoregressive (AR) time
series model - d is the AR parameter
Note the vertical scales of the plots
19Example Industrial Step Response Data
- Deterministic component
- Step response
- Limited amount of noise
- Variation about the step response
some variabilityabout deterministictrend
- dynamic models
- role
- sources of variability and need for disturbance
models - components in data
- statistical properties of a model - sensor
analogy - making a link to linear regression
- problem formulation and assumptions
- parameter estimates properties
- role of experimental design
- motivating example - 1st order process
- lagged regression problem
- impact of non-ideality in disturbances - serial
21Sensor Analogy
- hard sensor - e.g., thermocouple
- consider accuracy and reproducibility/precision
- accuracy
- is there persistent bias?
- where is the mean of the readings relative to
true value? - reproducibility
- how consistent are the measurements?
- variability of the sensor
22Sensor Accuracy
number of samples
true value
sensor avg
23Sensor Reproducibility
better consistency
number of samples
poor consistency
24How does accuracy apply to dynamic models?
- Bias in model predictions due to
- incorrect model form
- for process component
- for disturbance component
- poor data
- experiment too short
- inadequate dynamic content in MV signal
- violation of model estimation assumptions
- white noise (uncorrelated) vs. correlated noise
25How does reproducibility apply to dynamic models?
- consistency of the predictions
- consistency variability
- arises from uncertainty associated with the
parameter estimates
parameter 1
parameter 2
26How does reproducibility apply to dynamic models?
- variability associated with parameter estimates
is influenced by data collection, model structure - form of summation dictated by model type
- dynamic models
- role
- sources of variability and need for disturbance
models - components in data
- statistical properties of a model - sensor
analogy - making a link to linear regression
- problem formulation and assumptions
- parameter estimates properties
- role of experimental design
- motivating example - 1st order process
- lagged regression problem
- impact of non-ideality in disturbances - serial
28Linear Regression Model
regressor input
noise (disturbance)
- Given -
- N sets of (x,y) data
- estimate parameters
29Least Squares Estimation
- Minimize sum of squared prediction errors
30Linear Regression Assumptions
- independent noise at each measurement point
- normally distributed noise
- constant variability patterns
- mean, variance
- independent, identically distributed (IID) Normal
- noise is white
- constant distribution
- no trends
31Matrix Formulation - Linear Case
- Model
- Least squares estimates
operating points for msmts. design matrix
32Interpretation - Columns of X
- values of a given variable at different operating
points - - entries in XTX
- dot products of vectors of regressor variable
values - related to correlation between regressor
variables - form of XTX is dictated by experimental design
- e.g., 2k design - diagonal form
33Parameter Estimation - Graphical View
- approximating observation vector
residual vector
34 Parameter Estimation - Nonlinear Regression Case
approximating observation vector
residual vector
model surface
35Properties of LS Parameter Estimates
- Key Point - parameter estimates are random
variables - because of how stochastic variation in data
propagates through estimation calculations - parameter estimates have a variability pattern -
probability distribution and density functions - Unbiased
- average of repeated data collection /
estimation sequences will be true value of
parameter vector
36Properties of Parameter Estimates
- Consistent
- behaviour as number of data points tends to
infinity - with probability 1,
- distribution narrows as N becomes large
- Efficient
- variance of least squares estimates is less than
that of other types of parameter estimates
37Properties of Parameter Estimates
- Covariance Structure
- summarized by variance-covariance matrix
structure dictated by experimental design
variance of noise
38Prediction Variance
- in matrix form -
- where is vector of conditions at k-th data
39Joint Confidence Regions
- Variability in data can affect parameter
estimates jointly depending on structure of data
and model
section of sum of squares (or likelihood) functio
marginal confidence limits
40Role of Experimental Design
- role of regressor values in data set is clearly
seen from covariance and prediction variance
expressions - choose experimental factor levels to -
- produce uncorrelated parameter estimates
- XTX will be diagonal
- minimize parameter estimate variances
- minimize prediction variance
- dynamic models
- role
- sources of variability and need for disturbance
models - components in data
- statistical properties of a model - sensor
analogy - making a link to linear regression
- problem formulation and assumptions
- parameter estimates properties
- role of experimental design
- motivating example - 1st order process
- lagged regression problem
- impact of non-ideality in disturbances - serial
42Hot Oil Tank
Input Sequence
43Process Model 1
- In difference equation form
- impulse response model with additive white noise
- current output depends on past control moves
- noise structure satisfies assumptions of standard
regression - for deterministic input, matches standard
regression problem - deterministic non-random
white noise
In all cases, the et s are independent,
identically distributed Gaussian (Normal) random
44Formulation as Linear Regression Problem
matrix of deterministic elements
uncorrelated (white) noise
impulse weights as regression parameters
45Properties of Impulse Estimates - Case 1
- In this scenario, the impulse weight estimates
are - unbiased
- consistent
- best linear unbiased estimator
- essentially, possess standard properties of least
squares linear regression estimates - if input is white noise, the analysis is more
complex - prove properties by examining dependence of
estimates on stochastic inputs
46Process Model 2
- In difference equation form
- AutoRegressive with eXogenous input (ARX) model
- dependence of current temperature on temperature
at previous sample time - dependence of current disturbance component on
value at previous time - disturbance is no longer
simply white noise - inertia in disturbance exactly matches that in
47Another look at the Autoregressive disturbance
- Known as an AR(1) disturbance 1st order
- transfer function
- referred to as an autoregressive (AR) time
series model - d is the AR parameter
Note the vertical scales of the plots
48Process Model 2
- In transfer function form
- OR
dependence of process and disturbance on
previous values is the same
49Formulation as Linear Regression Problem
regressor matrix now contains random elements
noise satisfies regression assumptions
50Properties of the Estimates - Case 2
- In this case, the coefficient estimates are
- consistent
- asymptotically unbiased
- properties proved by examining dependence of the
estimates on the lagged outputs - stochastic
regressor elements - key point is the manner in which disturbance
appears relative to process dynamics - same
autoregressive dynamics (denominator term)
51Process Model 3
- In difference equation form
- Output Error model-
- dependence of current temperature on temperature
at previous sample time - form of immediate dependence of current
disturbance component on value at previous time
cancels process inertia term - scenario - disturbance free process output with
added white noise added - measurement noise
52Process Model 3
- In transfer function form
- OR
53Formulation as Linear Regression Problem
regressor matrix now contains random elements
noise no longer satisfies regression
assumptions - dependence on previous shocks
54Properties of the Estimates - Case 3
- In this case, the coefficient estimates are
- biased
- not consistent
- likely to have poor precision - variance
- need framework to investigate dynamics of
disturbances and process components, and how
random components influence estimation method and
properties of estimates - standard least squares estimation not always best
approach - need to examine validity of
assumptions, particularly nature of the