Title: Finding the Source of an Elevated Billirubin
1Finding the Source of an Elevated Billirubin
2What is Billirubin?
- Billirubin is a bi-product of Heme metabolisn
- 250-350mg is produced daily from an adult
- 80 is from the breakdown of Hemoglobin
- The remaining 25 is from hepatic turnover of
molecules such as myoglobin, cytochromes, and
catalase - Billirubin in its natural state (unconjugated) is
hydrophobic, and insoluble in blood, - In order for it to be excreted in the bile, hence
eliminated from the body, it must be made more
water soluble.
3What is Billirubin?
- Uncojugated billirubin is transported bound to
albumin in blood, and is delivered to the
haptocytes - It is than taken up into the hepatocyte by
facilitated diffusion - Once inside the hapatocyte it is moved to the
Endoplasmic Reticulim where the enzyme bilirubin
uridine-diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase
(billirubin-UGT) is found - This enzyme conjugates one molecule of
gluco-uronic acid to billirubin, thus making it
more water soluble - This more soluble form (conjugated billirubin) is
than secreted from the hepatocyte into the
biliary system via an ATP-dependant transporter.
4What are the normal ranges in serum?
- Total bilirubin 0.2-1 mg/dl (this does not
differentiate conjugated from uncojugated) - Indirect bilirubin 0-0.1 mg/dl (a measure of
the unconjugated form) - Direct bilirubin 0-0.2 mg/dl (a measure of the
conjugated form)
5When do you see Jaundice?
- Clinical signs of jaundice will start to show up
when the total billirubin levels get to around 3
mg/dl. - The best place to look for the earliest signs of
jaudice is under the tongue.
6So you have an elevated Total Billirubin, NOW
7Approach to elevated Billirubin
- Any disease process that interferes with the
production, transport, uptake, conjugation,
secretion and elimination of billirubin can cause
the levels to rise - The differential diagnosis of causes of an
elevated billirubin is exhaustive and it is
important to have a systematic approach to narrow
the differential as specific as possible - So what is the first step?
8Approach to elevated Billirubin
- The first step is to see what is the major
molecule accumulating, uncojugated (indirect) or
conjugated (direct) - By knowing if it is conjugated or uncojugated you
can start to narrow your thinking to the cause - Since the hepatocyte is the point at which
billirubin is conjugated we can either conclude
that the cause is at or before the site of
cojugation with an elevated indirect, or after
the point of conjugation with an elevated direct
9Elevated Indirect Billirubin
- The differential for elevated indirect-billirubin
is still very exhausting - You can have an elevated indirect for
- Increased production of Billirubin
- Decreased Uptake into the Hepatocyte
- Decreased Conjugation in the hepatocyte
10Elevated Indirect Billirubin
- The next step is to evaluate the CBC and the
Liver Function Tests - When evaluating the CBC, the value of importance
is the Hgb. - If there is a depressed level of Hgb, either
acute or chronic, the chances are there is a
hemolytic process going on. - Hemolysis is increased destruction of RBCs hence
leading to increased billirubin production - In a hemolytic pattern the LFTs (particularly
the ALT and AST) should be normal
11Elevated Indirect Billirubin
- If the indirect billirubin is due to hemolysis,
than it is important to further differentiate the
cause from intravascular and extravascular
hemolysis - One can do so by evaluating the serum haptoglobin
- If the serum haptoglobin is depressed, the
diagnosis is intravascular hemolysis, because the
haptoglobin will be used up to bind up the lysed
products of the RBCs - If the haptoglobin is normal, the diagnosis is
extravascular hemolysis
12Elevated Indirect Billirubin with depressed Hgb
and normal LFTs
- Now at this point you have narrowed the
differential down to a managable amount of dxs
that can be easily searched for - Some examples that cause Intravascular Hemolysis
- Drug induced (eg. Methyldopa)
- Sickle Cell Anemia
- Cold Agglutin (mycoplasma infection)
- Malaria
13Elevated Indirect Billirubin with depressed Hgb
and normal LFTs
- Some causes of Extravascular Hemolysis
- Splenomegaly
- Auto-immune destruction of RBC
- In-effective Erythropoeisis
14Elevated Indirect Billirubin
- If the Hgb level is normal, you can safely rule
out hemolytic causes. - The next laboratory values to look at would be
the Liver function tests. - With normal ALT, AST and Alkaline Phosphotase,
the differential has now narrowed to problems
with uptake into the hepatocyte or problems
conjugating billirubin
15Elevated Indirect Billirubin, normal Hgb, Normal
- With normal Hgb and Normal LFTs, the
differential is down to a few diseases - Decreased uptake
- eg. Gilberts Disease ,
- Drug inhibition of Uptake
- Decreased conjugation
- Eg. Crigler-Najjer
- Drug inhibition of Conjugation
16Elevated Indirect Billirubin, normal Hgb,
Abnormal LFTs
- If it is discovered that there is a normal Hgb,
and a hepatocellular pattern present (abnormal
ALT and AST due to liver cell damage) than in
this case, there is a decrease in cells to
conjugate billirubin leading to a back up - In this case, the Alkaline Phosphatase should be
normal - Examples of this type
- Hepatitis
- Drug induced liver damage
- Liver Mets
17Elevated Direct Billirubin
- Now what if the Direct Billirubin is elevated?
- Some clues to the presents of an elevated Direct
Billirubin - PURITIS
- Billirubin present in the urine (b/c it is water
soluble) - The differential now narrows a lot more with an
elevated direct Billirubin, which would be due to
anything disrupting transport out of the
hepatocyte and out of the billiary system
18Elevated Direct Billirubin, elevated Alkainw
Phosphotse and GGT
- The next lab to look at with an elevated direct
billirubin is the Alkaline Phosphotase(AP) and
the GGT. - AP can be elevatied in many dz
- however in the setting of elevated direct billi,
and elevated GGT, you have now localized the
problem to the billiary tree. - Now the differential has norrowed to things that
would cause billiary obstruction - Eg. Cholelithiasis, Pancreatic Tumor, etc..
19Elevated Direct Billirubin with normal alkaline
- In this case the problem is a defect in secretion
out of the hepatocytes - Eg. Dubins Johnson syndrome
- The first step in elevated T. Billi is to
subclassify into direct and indirect billirubin
elevation - The next step is to look at additional labs to
help understand where the exact cause of the
increased billirubin, direct or indirect, is
coming from - Finally, come up with a short differential
diagnosis of possible dz that could cause the
scenario you are presented with - By following this approach, you can quickly asses
and find the source for an elevated billirubin