Title: Dynamics of the Chiral Transition:
1Dynamics of the Chiral Transition Dissipation
Eduardo S. Fraga
Instituto de FÃsica Universidade Federal do Rio
de Janeiro
- Introduction and motivation
- Dissipation in spinodal decomposition dynamics
- for the chiral transition
- Inhomogeneity corrections
- Some results for pure gauge (deconfinement)
- Final remarks
3Introduction and motivation
- Depending on the nature of the chiral
transition, phase - conversion can occur in a number of ways, e.g.
- nucleation vs. spinodal decomposition
- Short time scales in HIC -gt explosive
decomposition - Most theoretical attempts rapid change in
effective - potential (Polyakov loop model, effective
chiral models, - etc) -gt very fast spinodal decomposition
- (explosive phase conversion)
- Signatures e.g., Scavenius, Dumitru Jackson
(2001) Dumitru Pisarski (2002) - Randrup (2004/2005) Rafelski
(2005) Koch, Majumder, Randrup (2005) - Greiner Xu (2005/2006).
4- Questions
- What are the roles of dissipation and noise
- in the evolution of the order parameter?
- Are memory effects important?
- How is the evolution modified by inhomogeneities
and - by the finite size of the system?
- Can one describe the two transitions
simultaneously? - Method Langevin description (from nonequilibrium
Phase transitions real-time dynamics!
eff. QFT models
5Langevin equation from QFT e.g. Gleiser Ramos
(1994) Rischke (1998)
- Two-loop effective action (e.g., symmetric lf4)
- Closed-time path contour (Schwinger-Keldysh)
- Decomposition into classical and response
6Contributions from the 2-loop diagrams can be put
into the form
and the imaginary part can be represented by
functional integrals over gaussian fluctuation
fields (noise)
7- Equations of motion approximations
- approximately homogeneous fields
- adiabatic approximation
- high temperature T gtgt mT
yield the following effective Langevin equation
In general, there is also additive noise (besides
8Effective theory for the chiral transition
- Assumptions 1st order c phase trans. ( exp.
system finite size) - Framework coarse-grained Landau-Ginzburg
effective potential - from linear s model quarks , Nf 2
- Csernai Mishustin (1995) Scavenius
Dumitru (1999)
Parameters such that SU(2) ? SU(2) broken in the
vacuum, ltsgtfp , ltpgt0, H from PCAC, masses, etc
9Integrate over fermions (heat bath for the chiral
fields) ? effective potential for f(s,p)
10Explosive scenario
Time scales (for nucleation)
Phase conversion is likely to proceed via
explosive spinodal decomposition!
similar results for instabilities
from Rafelski Letessier (2000/2005) Dumitru
Pisarski (2001) Scavenius, Dumitru Jackson
(2001) Paech, Stoecker Dumitru
(2003/2005) Randrup (2004/2005) ...
Scavenius, Dumitru, ESF, Lenaghan Jackson
System would go directly to spinodal and
explode, mostly bypassing bubble nucleation
-gt Very short time scales
However, shouldnt dissipation effects be
11Dissipation in spinodal decomposition for the c
G. Krein (2005) Additive-noise Langevin
GG(T) response coefficient (intensity of
dissipation) f(x,t) non-conserved order
parameter (s field for cPT) Stochastic (noise)
force assumed gaussian and white ()
For t lt 5 fm/c the solution for the linearized
eqn is very close to the complete one, then is
delayed -gt O(2) potential much shallower than
complete Veff
Even for conservative dissipation G2T, the
retardation effect for exponential growth is
100 !!
For expansion times 5 fm/c ( RHIC times
scales) there might be not enough time for the
onset of the spinodal explosion !
13(Additive Multiplicative)-noise Langevin
ESF (2005) ESF, G. Krein R.O. Ramos, to
- A more complete QFT description of
nonequilibrium dissipative dynamics - predicts the existence of additional terms in
the Langevin equation. - In fact, dissipation effects should depend on
the local density and, accordingly, - the noise should contain a multiplicative term
(fluctuation-dissipation theorem). - Effects of multiplicative noise seem to be
rather significant (e.g., in the - Kibble-Zurek scenario of defect formation in
one spatial dimension) - Antunes, Gandra Rivers (2005)
14- Preliminary results
- For degenerate double-well potential at given T
- Still in arbitrary units (dimensional quantities
in units of m) - Lattice-size independence assured by
counterterms - Farakos, Kajantie, Rummukainen
Shaposhnikov (1994) -
- Ga still T-independent
15Lattice-size independence (T1 m1) e.g.
Borrill Gleiser (1997) Bettencourt, Habib
Lythe (1999) Gagne Gleiser (2000)
Bettencourt, Rajagopal Steele (2001)
additive multiplicative noises
(G1 G2 1)
additive noise only (G1 1)
ESF (2005) ESF, G. Krein R.O. Ramos, to
16Effect of multiplicative noise
ESF (2005) ESF, G. Krein R.O. Ramos, to
Thermalization is clearly delayed!
17Symmetry restoration for high T T-independent
Ga still incomplete, work in progress
additive multiplicative noises
(G1 G2 1)
additive noise only (G1 1)
ESF, G. Krein R.O. Ramos, to appear
18Inhomogeneity corrections
B.G. Taketani ESF, hep-ph/0604036
Thermodynamic potential
Equation of motion and fermionic source term
Homogeneous background field result
19Inhomogeneity corrections
Fermionic source term
Gradient expansion
Inhomogeneity corrections
201st contribution
2nd contribution
After the k0 integration
21where H is
22Modification of the effective potential
- Smoothening of the potential
- Higher Tc
- Easier to nucleate bubbles
- Significant effect !
23- In the thin-wall approximation ( Landau-Ginzburg
approx. for Veff)
Nucleation seems to be stimulated - influence on
explosive scenario?
24- Still missing in the dynamical picture
- Finite-size effects important right from the
- start in heavy-ion collisions
- ESF and R. Venugopalan (2004)
- Expansion of the fluid (more dissipation)
- Scavenius, Dumitru Jackson (2001)
- Effects from Polyakov loop sector
- A.J. Mizher, ESF G. Krein (2006)
- Non-Markovian (memory) effects
- L.F. Palhares, ESF, T. Kodama G. Krein
25 Langevin dynamics of the deconfinement
transition for pure gauge theory - a few
results A.J. Mizher, ESF G.
Krein (2006) G. Ananos, ESF, G. Krein A.J.
Mizher, to appear
See also poster by O. Bazavov
26Final remarks
- Effects of dissipation seem to be important in
the process - of hadronization of the QGP. In particular, it
could - dramatically modify the explosive behavior
scenario. - Multiplicative noise (and density-dependent
dissipation) do - play a role, and retard even more
thermalization. - Inhomogeneity effects modify appreciably the
effective - potential making nucleation easier.
- Non-Markovian corrections can, in principle, be
incorporated - systematically in the Langevin evolution
(simpler structure). - Numerical methods for efficient treatment of
colored - noise and complete memory kernel being