Title: TRANSFORUM 4th Broad management Team meeting Madrid
1TRANSFORUM4th Broad management Team
- WP 6 Communications, Relations and
Dissemination - Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT)
- Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)
2Work division - Tasks
- Task 6.1 Dissemination Plan
- Task 6.2 Development of communications,
relations and dissemination material - Task 6.3 Conference presentations and
3Task 6.1 Dissemination Plan
- Intermediate Version
- Expected before second Forum session
- Begin of September draft, comments, final version
20/9 - Enrichment as regards first version
- -more concrete presentation of the project
results, - based on after 1st forum developments
- -further develop specific sections eg IPR issues
- -E-TRANSFORUM enriched presentation
4Task 6.1 Dissemination Plan
-Forum targeted dissemination strategy
Elaborate further the survey results on the
Forum attendance Devise strategies to address the
inefficiencies and the weak points identified as
regards the dissemination of TRANSFORUM. -Include
the remarks of project officer made end of
March Quantified targets, distinguish
dissemination from exploitation/use, target
groups entitling, contractors commitment for the
results use
5Task 6.2- Dissemination Actions and Material
Enriched UPM handling
Contacts from East EU countries added
E-forum empowerment Given the provisional
sessions of WPs -put titles and themes on line
-contact the participants of the respective
sessions and call for contributions (join the
forum!) TRANSFORUM website (more by CETE-L)
7Task 6.2 Database
Data base structured information on projects
and target groups involved in TRANSFORUM Approach
2 separate databases Projects A. General
(1 line of information per project in a large
table) B. Specific (detailed project info)
Contacts one general mailing database
including all contacts and Forum participants
8Task 6.2 Project Database
Text for Projects Database (to appear on
website) The TRANSFORUM database provides a
pool of information and documents falling within
the scope of TRANSFORUM. It is a support tool for
the Work Packages in the execution of their
various tasks. The database is not limited to
assisting with the technical work of the WPs, but
also supports the facilitating role that
TRANSFORUM is playing in its research domain
within the 6th Framework Programme. This means
providing information on research results of EU
projects to help facilitate the debate on
policy-support tools. Link in Public
section of website Open access to read-only
Project Database in pdf format and documents
linked to it.
9Task 6.2 Project Database
Requirements CDV will be in charge to -review
the material available Sent by WP4 5 -collect
WP3 material -make eventually any further info
request Enrich the two project bases using
available templates A.Brief Info on all
projects (1-2 lines description) B.Detailed info
on all projects (website, objectives,
deliverables, related activities)
10Task 6.2- Contacts Database
Easier and more efficient to have only 1
database of persons, including absolutely
everyone, with all the details we have, and if
necessary to make sub-lists by extracting names
according to a filter (eg Forum participant
filter to get a sub-list of participants only).
The general contact database will be managed
and updated centrally by 1 organisation (UPM).
The specific Forum Meeting sub-lists can be
managed by AVV, as agreed in Antwerp (BMT 3/22).
11Task 6.2- Contacts Database
- Text for Contact List (to appear on website)
- The TRANSFORUM Contact List provides information
about the experts to be involved in the Forum
Meetings, as well as the contact persons for
dissemination and networking purposes. - Link in Members only section of website
(TRANSFORUM partners only) - Sublink identify yourself with login and
password to access Members-only pages.
Restricted access to read-only Contact List. - For privacy protection reasons, this list will
contain only the name and organization details
and will be in pdf format being a sub-list of the
database maintained by UPM.
12Task 6.2- Contacts Database
Getting more experts involved in TRANSFORUM
We can give visitors to the website the
opportunity to join the TRANSFORUM pool of
experts easily by filling in a Subscription Form
online. a subscription form in rtf
format. The visitor fills it in and sends it by
e-mail to UPM. The name and details of the new
subscriber get added to thecontact database
maintained by UPM. an unsubscribe form in
rtf format. The visitor fills it in and sends it
by e-mail to UPM UPM then deletes his/her
details from the contact database. Text for
Join us If you wish to be kept informed about
the project and/or to get involved in it, please
complete the online Subscription Form. In this
way your contact details will be added to our
contact list and you will receive information
about TRANSFORUM events and publications.
13Task 6.3- Production of conference presentations
and publications in professional journals
- -Identify of a list of large conferences and
scientific journals - Soon on line, after AVV validation
- Eg.for conferences
- AET Conference (Association for European
Transport), Strasbourg, 10/2005 - National Spanish Transport Conference 2006
- 11th WCTR (World Congress on Transport
Research), University of California,
Berkeley,2007 - -Present TRANSFORUM at various scientific
conferences - more targeted action needed
- The different WP leaders could point out
possible target conferences in their repsecive
14TRANSFORUM Platform of info
- Create links to EC sites, ECTRI, FERSI, SETREF,
OECD, CORDIS etc - For conferences
- http//www.euconferences.com/
- http//europa.eu.int/comm/research/conferences/ind
ex_encfm - Announce events
- 1st International study week on Advanced
Transport Modeling and Tools - Organized by theHellenic Institute of Transport
- Location SANI Beach resort, Thessaloniki /
Chalkidiki, Greece - Date September 5 9, 2005. More information
15Short term plan of key actions