Title: Teenage mothers and education policy
1Teenage mothers and education policy
- by
- Sandra Black,
- Department of Economics, UCLA
- NBER and IZA-Bonn
- Paul J. Devereux,
- Department of Economics, UCD
- IZA-Bonn
- Kjell G. Salvanes,
- Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics - Center for Education Research-CEP and IZA-Bonn
2Research questions and motivation
- Teenage mothers are associated with negative
outcomes such as low educational, earnings,
welfare dependence etc - What determines teenage motherhood is not well
understood - For instnance we know that low-educated women are
associated with the likelyhood of a teenage birht - But will increased education in our case
compulsory schooling encourage delayed
childbearing? - Why do we care?
- Will government policy have an effect on teenage
3Research questions and motivation
- Our approach
- Measure the causal effect of changes in
compulsory schooling laws on teenage childbearing
for Norway and the US - Institutional differences
- Understand mechanisms through which this
relationship works
- Introduction
- Institutional differences
- Relevant Literature
- Norwegian and US School Reforms
- Identification Strategy
- Data
- Results
- Specification/Robustness Checks
- Mechanisms/interpretations
- Conclusion
5Institutional differences
- Similarities and differences between the US and
Norway - Very high GDP per capita
- High education level
- The US system is relatively unsupportive for
teenage mothers - The system in Norway very generous
- Single parents get support to take care of the
child until the age of 10 - The government enforce payment from fathers
- The government pay all education expences for
the mother - The government provides subsidized housing
- Sinlge mothers get double child allowance
6Previous literature
- Negative adult outcomes of teenage mothers
- Lower education, less work experience, welfare
dependence, lower birth weights, higher rates of
infant mortality, and higher rates of
participation in crime (Ellwood, 1988 Jencks,
1989 Hoffman et al., 1993 Kiernan, 1997). - Negative outcomes of children (Francesconi, 2004,
Hunt, 2003) - The effect of education policy in reducing teen
fertility (McCrary and Royer, 2003). - All births in California and Texas from 1989-2001
- A selected sample for those who had children
7The Norwegian School Reform
- Mandatory School Reform passed by Parliament in
1959 - 3 Goals
- To increase the minimum level of education in
society by extending compulsory schooling from 7
years to 9 years. - To smooth the transition to higher education
(standardized curriculum) - To enhance equality of opportunities both along
socio-economic dimensions and geographical
dimensions - All municipalities must implement reform by 1973
- Cohorts affected 1947 - 1959
8Table 2 Impact of the reformDistribution of
Education Two Years Before and After the Reform
9The Norwegian School Reform
- What caused different municipalities to adopt the
reform? - Government wanted adoption to be representative
of the national geography. - Some evidence (Lie 1973, 1974) that proximity to
adopting municipality can somewhat explain
adoption pattern. - Little evidence suggesting municipality
characteristics determined timing.
10Figure 1The Number of Municipalities
Implementing the Education Reform, by Year
11Figure 2Reform implementation in Poor vs Rich
MunicipalitiesBased on Average Family Income.
12Figure 3Reform Implementation in High vs. Low
Education MunicipalitiesBased on Average Years
Fathers of Education in the Municipality
13Changes in US compulsory school laws
- The period 1924-1974
- Five possible restrictions on educational
attendance - 1. maximum age by which a child must be enrolled
- 2. minimum age at which a child may drop out
- 3. minimum years of schooling before dropping out
- 4. minimum age for a work permit
- 5. minimum schooling required for a work permit.
14- Following Acemoglu and Angris (2001) we assign
compulsory school attendance laws to women on the
basis of state of birth and the year the
individual was 14 years - We do several check testing the relationship
between compulsory schooling laws and early
15Identification Strategy and Specification
- The US model
- Where
- Cohort is full set of year of birth indicators
- State is a full set of state indicators
- White is a indicator for wheter the woman is
white - compulsory is a vector of dummies with a min
dropout age for less than 16 as the omitted
category - Norway model
- Where
- compulsory is 1 if the individual was affected by
the education reform (minimum dropout age of 16)
and 0 otherwise (min dropout age of 14).
16Norway Data
- Merged Administrative Registers and Census Data
from Statistics Norway - Covers entire population of Norwegians aged 16-74
- Municipality of individual's mother in 1960
- Education Information
- Educational attainment reported by Educational
Establishment - Augmented with information from 1970 Census
- Timing of Reform by Municipality
- Have Indicators for 545 out of 728
municipalities. - Women born between 1947 and 1958
- Omit mothers with births before 15
17US data
- IPUMS extracts from the decennial Census
1940-1980 - 1 of 1940-1960, 2 of 1970 state samples,5 of
1980 state samples - Only possible to identify children living in the
household - Restrict our Census samples to women aged between
20 and 30 and then calculate age at first birth
18Table 1 Descriptive StatisticsUnited States
19Table 1 Descriptive StatisticsNORWAY
20Table 2 Effect of Compulsory Schooling Laws on
the Probability of First Birth by A Certain Age
21Table 3 Effect of Compulsory Schooling Laws on
the Probability of Birth Urban/Rural
22Robustness checks
- Include state/municipality specific trends
- Since samples for the US varies across cohorts,
we weight the cohorts equally - Testing effects of future school laws
- Alternative measures for the US on compulsory
schooling laws
23Different mechanisms
- The incarceration effect
- A new compulsory schooling law may change the
optimal fertility age schooling is more costly
if you are a young mother - Human capital effect
- Increased school changes your preferences
regarding fertility age - If the incarceration effect is the only effect
of compulsory schooling laws, there should be no
effect on behavior at ages above which the
schooling laws bind.
24Table 9 Effect of Compulsory Schooling Laws on
the Probability of Birth Conditional on Not
Already Having a Child
25Table 9 Effect of Compulsory Schooling Laws on
the Probability of Birth Conditional on Not
Already Having a Child
26Concluding remarks
- We find that minimum schooling laws have a
significant negative effect on the probability of
having a child as a teenager both in the US and
in Norway - The results are quite strong and very similar
- In the US the compulsory schooling laws reduced
the probability of a birth at 18 and 19 by 4.7
percent - In Norway the effect is 3.5 percent
- Our results suggest that the mechanisms both
include an incarceration effect and human
capital effect