Title: Personality Psychology
1Personality Psychology
 Lecturer Cathal OSiochru     Psychodyna
mic Theories of Personality
2My Lectures
- Lecture 1 (Today)
- Psychodynamic I (Freud / Lacan Darwin)
- Lecture 2 (20th Oct)
- Psychodynamic II (Jung / Adler)
- Lecture 3 (24th Nov)
- Methods of Psychological Testing
- Lecture 4 (01st Dec)
- Applying Personality to Education
3Sigmund Freud 1856 - 1939
- Instinct
- Life Instincts (libido/eros)
- Death instincts (thantaos)
Principle of conservation of energy Cathexis -
The investment of energy into a desire creating
tension until the desire is realised Anti-Cathexi
s - The investment of energy in the
prevention/redirection of unacceptable cathexis
4The First Second Topologies
5Psychosexual Stages, Anxiety Ego Defences
The Psychosexual Stages Personality Types  1
Oral Stage(birth 18 months) Â 2 Anal Stage(18
months 3 years) 3 Phallic Stage(3 6) Â 4.
Latent Stage (6 - 12) 5. Genital Stage(12 )
Ego-Defense Mechanisms Unconscious attempts to
distort reality and reduce anxiety
- Anxiety
- Â
- reality anxiety
- neurotic anxiety
- moral anxiety
6Accessing the unconscious mind
- Â Â
- free association
- dream analysis
- humour
- parapraxias/paraphasias (freudian slips)
 A Freudian slip is where you say one thing but
mean your mother. A Freudian slip is where you
say the first thing that comes into your bed.
7Pro's and Con's
- Â
- Cons
- Â
- scientifically weak
- Â
- biology or destiny, no cultural recognition
- Â
- misogynistic
- Â
- pessimistic view of humanity
8Pro's and Cons
- Pros
- Â
- recognition of unconscious motivations
- issues in childhood can have long lasting
- influence
- emphasising the importance of parents in
- moulding their children
- importance of anxiety and mechanisms used to
avoid it