Surface Tension of Solutions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Surface Tension of Solutions


Molecules at surface are in an asymmetrical environment ... Then calculate the 'empty layer thickness', x o. Note on cathetometer: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Surface Tension of Solutions

Surface Tension of Solutions
  • Capillary Rise Method

Surface Tension
  • Molecules at surface are in an asymmetrical
  • No intermolecular forces above the surface to
    balance those below
  • Attractive intermolecular forces pull
    molecules to interior
  • Work must be done to increase the surface area

The mechanical work needed to increase the area
of a film may be equated to the Gibbs free
energy dG ?dA Where ? is the
surface tension, and therefore
Separate the free energy into bulk and surface
terms GT Gono GSA GT total free energy
G0 molal free energy GS surface free
energy no - moles of liquid A
surface area Any heat associated with the
expansion of the film is dqrev T dSS
TSSdA Where SS is the surface entropy/area.
This leads to the temperature dependence of the
surface tension
Effect of Composition on ?
At equilibrium the Gibbs-Duhem equation is
applicable for both bulk and surface phases n1
dµ1 n2 dµ2 0 n1 dµ1 n2 dµ2 A d?
0 ni moles of component i primes refer
to surface phase At equilibrium the µ for each
component must be the same in both phases
µ1 µ1 dµ1 dµ1
µ2 µ2 dµ2 dµ2
Thus n1 dµ1 n2 dµ2 A d?
0 and with appropriate substitution n1(n2/
n1) dµ1 n2 dµ2 A d? 0 And
RHS number of moles of component 2 in excess in
the surface phase compared to the bulk. This
excess amount may be regarded as the amount
absorbed in the surface phase, G2.
The chemical potential,at constant temperature,
is related to the activity µ2 µeo RT ln a2
dµ2 RT dln a2 Thus
Define G2 as the excess amount/unit surface area
of component 2 in the surface phase over the bulk.
Thus G2
G2/A And

In dilute solutions a2 C2 So
Electrolytes usually increase the surface tension
because of Coulombic attraction that draws the
ions together and away from the surface. In
dilute solution ? increases linearly with
concentration. model assumes a ionic
concentration of zero at the surface which
increases linearly until it reaches a distance,
xo, where bulk concentration, Co, is equaled.
This length is xo - G2/Co Taking the activity
to be equal to the concentration, the equation
for the length becomes - G2/2C for a 11
electrolyte with bulk concentration C. The
factor of two accounts for the fact that there
are two moles of particles produced in solution
for every one mole of NaCl.
Capillary Rise Method
For a liquid that adheres to glass, the energy is
lowest when a thin film covers as much glass as
possible. This leads to curvature of the liquid
inside. Curvature means pressure beneath the
meniscus is less than atmospheric pressure by
about 2?/r where r is the radius of the tube.
Pressure exerted by the liquid column of height,
h p ?gh 2?/r
And for the case of a contact angle, ?
The amount of liquid above the meniscus can be
corrected for
The contact angle arises from a balance of forces
at the line of contact between the liquid and the
solid. ?sg ?sl ?lg cos ? And so
Liquid wets the surface if 0 lt ?c lt 90o and
beads up if ?c 180o
  • A clean capillary is essential to the success of
    the experiment. It kept in distilled water.
  • Cleaning can be effected by soaking in hot nitric
    acid for several minutes and then thoroughly
    washing with distilled water.
  • The apparatus should be assembled according to
    the following figure

(No Transcript)
  • Obtain the radius of the capillary by calibration
    with pure water.
  • Calculate r from known surface tension
  • Or use the equation
  • h is the height of the column of liquid in the
    capillary, and ? is the density of the liquid.
    The reference liquid is designated by ref.

  • Measure the capillary rise. Assume a zero
    contact angle.
  • Take at least four readings, alternately allowing
    meniscus to approach the final position from
    above and below.
  • Be sure you have measured relative to the outside
  • If agreement is poor, clean the apparatus and
    repeat the experiment.
  • Repeat measurements using 0.8 M n-butanol

  • Dilute to ¾ with distilled water and repeat.
  • Continue ¾ dilutions until you have made eight
    sets of measurments. Your last concentration
    should be 0.11 M.
  • Rinse the apparatus and capillary with fresh
    solution before beginning each new dilution
  • Repeat the experiments with NaCl solutions of
    approximately 4, 3, 2 and 1 M.
  • Thoroughly clean capillary and store under
    distilled water.

Data Analysis
  • There are several sources of error
  • Major difficulty is absorption of surface active
    substances ( e.g. oil from skin ).
  • A 1 Co change in temperature will alter the value
    of ? by about 0.5
  • Capillary radius may not be uniform along its
    length and would be about 3 for an uncalibrated

  • Calculate capillary radius or calibration factor.
    If calculating r then use the equation that
    accounts for the amount of liquid above the
  • Butanol solutions may be assumed to have the same
    density as water but the salt solutions densities
    should use Table XI-1.
  • Plot ? of the solution(s) vs. log C and find
  • Calculate the surface concentration.
  • Calculate the effective cross-sectional area of
    the molecule.

  • For the NaCl solutions plot ? vs. the bulk
    concentration in mol/cm3. The slope will give
    the value of G2/2C.
  • Then calculate the empty layer thickness, x o.

Note on cathetometer
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