Title: VS 2005, a New Hope
1VS 2005, a New Hope
Session Code GN.04, GN.05
- Alex Thissen, Frits Ankersmit
- Class-A
- Alex Thissen, Frits Ankersmit
- Class-A
- Kennisprovider
- Microsoft partner
- Coaching, training workshops
- Focus
- Architectuur Design
- Software ontwikkelstraat
- Visual Studio 2005
- MS SQL Server 2005
- How to optimize the use of VS 2005
- Tips tricks
- Smart editing
- Customizing the environment
- Organizing projects solutions
- Power debugging
4Smart editing
- Quick editing with code snippetsand templates
- Automate repetitive coding tasks
- Code snippet manager
7ltAltgtltTabgt vs. ltCtrlgtltTabgt
- Move around quickly
- Assist with Arrow keys
8Intelligent ltTabgt
- Use ltTabgt to complete a statement
- Use ltTabgtltTabgt to insert snippet
- ltAltgtltRight Arrowgt
- ltCtrlgtltSpacegt for intellisense
9Smart Copy paste
- Cycle Clipboard ring while paste
- ltCtrlgtltShiftgtV
- Block selection
- ltAltgtltMousegt
- Line copy
- ltCtrlgtC
10Scrolling and the Caret
- Use Arrow and Page keys to scroll with the caret
following your movements - Hold ltCtrlgt to scroll and keep the caret in its
original position
11Outlining formatting
- Pretty print ugly formatted code
- ltCtrlgtK, ltCtrlgtD
- View white space
- ltCtrlgtR, ltCtrlgtW
- Keep Tabs
- Where am I?
- Regions everywhere
- Switch it off with Stop outlining
13Use the navigation bar
14Search and Replace
- Regular expressions
- Wildcards
- Scoping
- File
- document
- selection
15Customizing the environment
16Legibility of selected text
- Change fore and back ground colors
17Multiprocessor builds
- Use gt1 only if you do have multiprocessor
18VSS integration
- Prefer the independent developer
19Hide the dialogs
20Embrace consistent formatting
21Organize your files with tab groups
- Right click on any tab
- Drag
22Organize your windows(1/2)
- Precise floating and docking
23Organize your windows (2/2)
- Drag title bar with the mouse
- Position over markers for preview
- Hold ltCtrlgt to get absolute positioning
- Click and hold on the mouse
- Drag to right or bottom
24Close all Documents (but this)
25Sync tests and devcode
26Organizing solutions projects
- Mechanism to create templates for
- Single items
- configuration files
- Single project
- Multi project solutions
- Use through Add new item
28Project and Solution Items
- Add Existing Item
- Sharing existing items between projects
- Share files (example .snk)
- Show All Files, Include In Project
- Drag drop from Windows Explorer
- Move Into from Miscellaneous Files
29Always show Solution
30Miscellaneous files
- Creates the miscellaneous project
- Quick access to temporary items
- Number determines how many are saved
31Use a default namespace
32Power debugging
- Start command window ltCtrlgtltAltgtA
- Use immed
34Debugger Startup (1/2)
- Manually attach debugger to process
- Debug, Start new instanceon project
35Debugger Startup (2/2)
- You can set multiple startup projectsE.g. client
and server applications
36Debug Watching
- Hover over variables
- Watch window
- Quickwatch
- Visualizers
- Provided for default types
- Create your own
- Special BreakPoints window
- Breakpoint can be customized
- Filter
- Hit Count, Condition
- Action when hit
- Make sure correct process is attached
38Script Debugging
- Script Explorer
- Also provides access to included script files
- Make sure script debugging is NOT disabled in
Internet Explorer - Tools, Internet Options, Advanced, uncheck
Disable Script Debugging (IE)
- Book
- JAMES AVERY Visual Studio Hacks Tips Tools for
Turbocharging the IDE first ed. march 2005 - Web
- http//msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/downloads/codesn
Vul je evaluatieformulier in en maak kans op een
van de prachtige prijzen!! Session Code
GN.04, GN.05
42Nullable as an afterthought
- Design your type as a struct
- Declare when using with System.NullableltTgt
public struct Achievement() // design //
declare public System.NullableltAchievementgt
_achievement // use public Achievement?
PersonalBest get set