Router Basics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Router Basics


Describe the benefits of network segmentation with routers ... the router will tell you by pointing to the character with a caret (^) symbol. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Router Basics

Chapter 10
  • Router Basics

Learning Objectives
  • Describe the benefits of network segmentation
    with routers
  • Understand the elements of the Cisco user
  • Configure the HyperTerminal program to interface
    with the Cisco router
  • Describe the various router configuration modes
  • Describe the various router passwords
  • Understand the enhanced editing features of the
    Cisco IOS
  • Compare router components to typical PC components

Chapter Overview
  • The benefits of using routers is revisited.
  • You will learn about the Cisco user interface
    including the
  • System Configuration Dialog
  • various configuration modes
  • router passwords
  • Also included is
  • configuring the router using the HyperTerminal
  • enhanced editing features of the Cisco IOS

Benefits of Routing
  • Routers provide packet-filtering, connections
    between local networks.
  • This reduced traffic reduces collisions on an
    Ethernet network.
  • Routers can direct packets to both local and
    remote segments.
  • Bridges also keep unnecessary traffic off of
    segments for which traffic is not intended, but
    bridges do not stop broadcast traffic.
  • Bridges create collision domains and routers
    create broadcast domains.
  • Routers are typically the interface for WAN

Cisco Router User Interface
  • Users configure and interact with a Cisco router
    using the Cisco Internetwork Operating System
  • The Cisco IOS provides a command-line interface,
    which allows network operators to check the
    status of the router, and network administrators
    to manage and configure the router.
  • The software that interprets the commands is
    called the command executive or EXEC.

Router Access
  • Network administrators can access the router
    directly via the console port on the back of the
  • The router can also be accessed through the AUX
    port also located on the back of the router.
  • Five virtual terminals (VTY) can be used to
    configure the router remotely.
  • Using virtual terminals to access a router is
    typically called telnetting.
  • Telnet is a program, which is part of the TCP/IP

Connecting a PC to the Console
Rollover cable
Figure 10-1 Connecting a PC to the console
TFTP Server
  • The router can also obtain configuration
    information from a TFTP server.
  • A TFTP server is a computer or router that
    maintains a copy of a routers configuration file
    or IOS so that the files can be downloaded when
  • TFTP servers are typically used for backup.

Accessing the Router
Figure 10-2 Methods for configuring a Cisco
  • When configuring the router via the console or
    aux ports, a physical connection must be made.
  • Typically, this connection is between a PC
    running Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0
    and the router port.
  • The physical connection point on the PC will be
    the COM1 or COM2 port.
  • Once the physical connection is made, use the
    HyperTerminal application to create the software

HyperTerminal Settings
  • The following HyperTermial settings should be
    configured for the COM port
  • Bits per second 9600
  • Data bits 8
  • Stop bits 1
  • Parity None
  • Flow control Xon / Xoff.
  • Flow Control may also work using the Hardware or
    None setting.

System Configuration Dialog
  • If the router hasnt been previously configured,
    or if the configuration has been erased, the
    Cisco IOS automatically runs the setup command
    when the router is turned on or reloaded.
  • The setup command launches the System
    Configuration Dialog.
  • This prompts you for a host name for the router,
    some password configuration information, protocol
    configuration, and routing protocol selection
    (RIP and IGRP).
  • When complete, the router will run through its
    typical startup and configuration process.
  • At this point, the router will be operational but
    the configuration will in no way be complete.

User Interface
  • After the router completes its initialization
    process, you must press Enter to reach the
  • The prompt consists of two pieces
  • the host name of the router
  • the greater than symbol (gt).
  • By default, the routers host name is router, so
    the default prompt is routergt.

Interaction Modes
  • Two primary modes for interacting with the router
  • User EXEC mode (aka user mode)
  • Privileged EXEC mode (aka enable mode)
  • The User EXEC mode prompt is the host name
    followed by the greater than sign as described
  • User mode does not allow you to actually
    configure the router.
  • You also cant view everything about the router
    in this mode.

Privileged Exec Mode
  • In order to configure the router and access all
    details, you must go into the Privileged EXEC
  • This mode is entered using an enable or enable
    secret password if you have configured it.
  • Once you enter the enable password or the enable
    secret password, the greater than symbol (gt) will
    change to a pound () sign (router).
  • Pressing the question mark at any time, in any
    mode, activates context sensitive Help on the
    Cisco router.

Global Configuration Mode
  • There are several configuration modes that are
    accessible only through the Privileged EXEC mode.
  • Typing config t at the enable mode prompt
    accesses the basic configuration mode, called
    global configuration mode.
  • The prompt for global configuration mode is
  • At this prompt, changes that affect the entire
    router are made, thus the term global.

Interface Configuration Mode
  • Once you have entered the global configuration
    mode, other modes are accessible.
  • Interface configuration mode allows you to
    configure Ethernet, serial, and other interfaces
    on your router.
  • The prompt will be router(config-if).

Line Configuration Mode
  • Line configuration mode is also accessible from
    the global configuration mode.
  • This allows you to configure the virtual
    terminals, console, and AUX lines that allow you
    to access the router.
  • The prompt will be router(config-line).

Router Configuration Mode
  • Yet another configuration mode accessible from
    the global configuration mode is router
    configuration mode.
  • This mode allows you to enable routing protocols
    such as RIP and IGRP.
  • The prompt will be router(config-router).
  • You can move between the modes in several ways.
  • The term going back means to go up one level
    towards user mode.

  • Typing exit will take you back one level.
  • If you are in User mode, typing exit will log you
    out of the router.
  • Typing end or pressing the CTRLZ keys will take
    you all the way back to the enable prompt.
  • Remember that you do not need to type the entire
  • Type the fewest number of characters to uniquely
    identify the command instead.
  • For example, to enter the enable mode, you can
    type enable, or just ena.
  • If the command does not work, the router will
    tell you by pointing to the character with a
    caret () symbol.

Enable Enable Secret Passwords
  • The setup routine allows the user to setup three
    passwords the enable password, the enable secret
    password, and the terminal passwords.
  • The enable password is used only when the enable
    secret password is not present.
  • The enable password is not encrypted, but does
    restrict access to enable mode if the enable
    secret password is removed.
  • The enable secret password is the primary
    password used to access enable mode because is
    supercedes the enable password.
  • This enable secret password is encrypted with the
    MD5 algorithm, which has no known method of
  • You must be in global configuration mode to
    configure the enable and enable secret passwords.

Enable Enable Secret Example
More Passwords
  • The console password protects the router from
    console access.
  • When this password is set, someone attempting to
    access the router from the console connection
    will have to enter a password before he or she
    can enter any other commands.
  • The AUX password is requested whenever someone
    attempts to access the router via a modem from
    the AUX port.
  • The virtual terminal passwords are set to
    restrict users from telnetting into the router.
  • If you want to configure encryption for all of
    your router passwords, enter the command service
    password-encryption at the global configuration
  • You must be in line configuration mode to
    configure the console, aux, and virtual terminal

Console Password Example
Quick Quiz
  • Name three ways an administrator can access a
    router for configuration.
  • Which passwords are you prompted for during the
    System Configuration Dialog?
  • What is the prompt when you are in interface
    configuration mode?
  • What is the prompt when you are in global
    configuration mode?
  • What is the prompt when you are in line
    configuration mode?

Enhanced Editing
  • The router supports enhanced editing features
    that allow you to modify lengthy commands.
  • You can turn off the enhanced editing features by
    typing terminal no editing at either the User
    EXEC or any of the Privileged EXEC prompts.
  • You can turn on terminal editing by typing
    terminal editing.
  • If the router mistakes a mistyped command for a
    host name, it will, by default, attempt to lookup
    the host name.
  • If you would like to prevent the router from
    doing this, type no ip domain-lookup from the
    global configuration prompt.

Editing Commands
Command History
  • The show history command from the user or
    privileged prompt will show you the last 10
    previously typed commands.
  • The terminal history size command can set the
    history buffer anywhere from 0 to 256.
  • is any number between 0 and 256. The default is
  • Use the up arrow or press CtrlP to retrieve
    previous commands instead of retyping them.
  • Use the down arrow or CtrlN to retrieve recent
    commands instead of retyping them.
  • Press the Tab key to complete the command after
    typing enough unique characters.

Configuring Router Identification
  • Most commands for configuring router
    identification must be typed in global
    configuration mode.
  • The default host name is simply router. To set
    the routers name to router57, you would type
    hostname router57.
  • You can also configure a banner, which will give
    a message of the day to anyone that logs in to
    the router using the banner motd command.
  • You can configure a description for each of the
    interfaces physically attached to your router by
    using the description command.
  • Any text typed after the word description will
    identify the interface.

Banner Method Command
Figure 10-6 Configuring a banner message
Banner Method Displayed
Router1 con0 is now available
Press RETURN to get started.
Welcome to the Cisco 2501 router. Enjoy!
Figure 10-6 Configuring a banner message
Configuring the Time and Date
  • Use the clock set command in enable mode to
    configure the time and date.
  • To configure the time zone, you must change to
    global configuration mode.
  • The timezone command is clock timezone timezone
    - where timezone is the name of the timezone
    for example pacific and is the offset from the
    Universal Time Code.
  • To confirm your settings, type show clock at the
    Privileged EXEC prompt.

Router Components
  • A router is a computer and has many of the same
    hardware components that a typical PC does.
  • The important router components are
  • ROM
  • Flash Memory
  • Router Interfaces
  • The following slides discuss each component in
    more detail.

  • Read Only Memory stores the initial bootstrap
    program that initializes the router's basic
    hardware components.
  • ROM is not modified during normal operations, but
    it can be upgraded with special plug-in chips.
  • The content of ROM is maintained even when the
    router is rebooted.
  • In the event of a boot failure you can recover
    the system by booting into ROM monitor mode which
    has a small version of the IOS.
  • You know that you are in ROM Monitor mode when
    the prompt is just a greater than sign (gt).

Flash memory
  • Flash memory is erasable, programmable, read only
  • The show version and show flash commands will
    give you information regarding the contents of
    flash memory.
  • The content of flash memory is maintained even
    when the router is rebooted.
  • Flash memory contains the working copy of the
    current Cisco IOS.
  • This component typically initializes the IOS for
    normal router operations.
  • The Cisco IOS is usually backed up on a TFTP

  • Non-volatile Random Access Memory is a special
    type of RAM that is not cleared when the router
    is rebooted.
  • The startup configuration file for the router is
    stored in NVRAM by default.
  • When the router is first shipped, the
    configuration file is not present.
  • NVRAM stores all the user-defined configuration
    information for the router, which includes the
    host name of the router, the routing tables, and
    the protocol configurations.
  • The configuration file is the first file that the
    person who sets up the router creates. This
    configuration file, like the IOS in flash memory,
    is typically backed up on a TFTP server.

  • During the router boot process the startup
    configuration, which is maintained in NVRAM, is
    loaded into RAM and becomes the running
    configuration (aka the working configuration).
  • Random access memory is a volatile hardware
    component because its information is not
    maintained in the event of a router reboot.
  • During normal operations, changes to the routers
    running configuration take place in RAM.
  • If the administrator wants to ensure those
    changes are maintained, even if the system is
    rebooted, then he or she must copy the running
    configuration to the startup configuration using
    the command copy running-config startup-config.

  • Routers are attached to LANs and WANs using
    configurable interfaces.
  • There are various interfaces that can be
    configured on a router.
  • A typical interface is Ethernet0 (aka e0), which
    is used to connect the router to an Ethernet LAN.
  • The router can have other types of interfaces,
  • Token Ring
  • Basic Rate Interface (BRI)
  • Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
  • Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)
  • Channel Interface Protocol (CIP) for System
    Network Architecture (SNA)
  • High Speed Serial Interface (HSSI)

Quick Quiz
  • How do you move to the beginning of a line when
    typing commands in a Cisco router?
  • How do you retrieve previously typed commands so
    that you dont have to type them again?
  • What is the command to stop the router from
    trying to resolve host names to IP addresses?
  • What is the command to configure a message for
    those who log in to the router?
  • What are the 5 components of a router?

Chapter Summary
  • Cisco routers use the Cisco IOS to provide an
    interface for network operators and
  • There are two basic modes of operation,
    Privileged EXEC (router prompt) and User EXEC
    (routergt prompt).
  • In User EXEC basic tasks such as checking the
    router status, checking connectivity, and viewing
    some configuration information can be
  • In order to actually configure the router,
    Privileged EXEC mode must be used.
  • The Privileged EXEC mode is often called enable
    mode because it is protected by the enable
    password and/or the enable secret password.

Chapter Summary Continued
  • Passwords are set during initial configuration,
    but can be changed in global configuration mode
    after the initial configuration is complete.
  • When configured, the enable secret password
    supercedes the enable password.
  • The enable secret is an encrypted password that
    is not viewable in the configuration file.
  • This means that the enable secret password has
    less chance of being compromised and should be
    different from the enable password for that

Chapter Summary Continued
  • The components of a router include
  • ROM Stores a limited version of the Cisco IOS
    and routines for checking the hardware during
    system boot.
  • Flash memory Stores the startup copy of the
    Cisco IOS that is loaded by default during system
  • NVRAM Stores the startup copy of the router
    configuration file that is loaded by default
    during system boot.
  • RAM/DRAM Stores the working copy (running
    configuration) of the router configuration. This
    configuration is erased if the router is
    rebooted, unless it is saved to the startup
  • Interfaces Provide connectivity to various
    types of LANs and WANs.

End of Chapter 10
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