Title: Linking Behavioral Health and Primary Care
1Linking Behavioral Health and Primary Care
- David Pollack, M.D.,
- Medical Director
- Office of Mental Health and
- Addiction Services
2Critical Issues in MH-PC Interface
- Assessment and prevention methodologies
- Access and availability of MHPs
- Communication issues
- Confidentiality
- Quality and outcome measures
- Costs of collaboration/integration
- Model for BH integration into PC
3Assessment/Prevention Methodologies
- Importance of comprehensive diagnostic
evaluations - Importance of identifying MHCD problems in PC
settings - Assessment tools need for validity, user
friendliness, and ease of interpretation - MH conditions associated with PC settings mood,
anxiety, eating, somatoform AD disorders
4Assessment/Prevention Methodologies
- 27-Item patient questionnaire (PHQ 9 items)
- Evaluates mood, anxiety, somatization, alcohol
- Focused clinical interview can follow
- 1995 adaptation of DSM to PCP needs
- Simplified, emphasizes PCP-relevant Dx
- Summarizes diagnostic process in algorithms
5Access Availability of MHPs
- PCPs often frustrated in their attempts to refer
MH patients - Retool MH intake processes, to identify different
levels of need in order to provide sufficient
service capacity - Importance of on-site consultation and
integration with PCPs
6Communication Issues
- Process of sending receiving communications is
difficult can interfere with service provision - Need for timely information exchange in both
directions - Excessive requirements can encumber
communications and treatment
- Balance need for information exchange vs. need
for patient protection - Critical information physical exam and MSE
findings, treatment plans, meds, lab results - Formal and informal confidentiality agreements
- PCP awareness of sensitivity of MH information
8Quality Measures
- Access to services and encounter data
- Impact on service utilization (medical offset)
- Improved identification rates of BH conditions
- Direct and indirect clinical outcomes
- Satisfaction of the participants
9Collaboration/Integration Costs and Obstacles
- Service systems should support MH-PC
collaboration - Consultation and co-location positions essential,
not marginal - Costs of integration factored into capitation or
case rates - Include other supports, e.g., fax, data
management, documentation, telemedicine
10Model for BH Integration
- Non-specific to accommodate variations in
resources, needs, community context - Preliminary tasks/questions
- Components of the model
- Behavioral health staffing
11Preliminary Tasks/Questions
- Complete an environmental scan
- Determine the programs filter
- Establish administrative and clinical leadership
buy-in - Decide whether to rent or own the BH staff
12Components of the Model
- Triage
- Comprehensive assessment
- On-site treatment
- Referral
- Consultation
- Care monitoring condition management
13Staffing the Model
- Mental health professional (Masters or higher)
- Psychiatric provider
- Non-mental health personnel trained to provide
specific support functions
14Clinician Characteristics
- Match primary care pace and style
- Respect cultural differences
- Communication skills
- Consultant skills
- Team Player
- Be visible and available
15Clinician Skills
- Knowledge of Integrated Care Model
- Strong traditional clinical skills
- Bio-psycho-social model of health
- Brief, creative, and effective treatment
- Evidence-based Treatment
- Prevention and Patient Education
16Interface Staff Recommendations
- Experience with seriously mentally ill
- Motivated to do brief psychotherapy
- Experience with triage and holds
- Curious interested in medication and medical
illness, labs etc. - Collaborative style
- Strong organizational skills
17Skills continued
- Flexible
- Thrive in a challenging environment
- Computer competent
- Adaptable to work in the public sector
- Understands the impact of stigma on profession
and client - Bi-lingual
18Chronic Care Model
Organization of Health Care
Delivery System Design
Decision Support
Self-Management Support
19Self-Management Tasks
- Use effective self-management tools
- Set and document self-management goals
- Train others on how to help pts w/ goals
- F/u and monitor goals
- Use group visits to support self-management
- Utilize community supports when possible
- Adapt approaches to culture/age factors
20Decision Support Tasks
- Provide evidence-based tx guidelines
- Provide skill oriented interactive training
- Link to key providers and specialists
- Educate pts about tx guidelines
21Clinical Information System Tasks
- Establish a patient registry
- Develop process for data entry, data integrity,
and maintenance of the registry - Use registry to generate reminders and
care-planning tools - Use registry to provide feedback to providers and
other team members
22Delivery System Design Tasks
- Identify depressed pts during visits for other
purposes - Use registry to review care and plan visits
- Care coordination
- Assign duties to various members of team
- Make sure repeat assessment (PHQ), f/u and
outreach functions are assigned
23Organization of Health Care Tasks
- Make improving chronic care part of
organizations mission/goals - Get leadership support
- Integrate chronic care model into QI efforts
24Community Tasks
- Link to community resources for defrayed med
costs, education, and materials - Encourage involvement in community education
classes and support groups - Raise community awareness
- Provide a list of community resources to pts,
family, staff
25Useful Websites
- www.healthdisparities.net/ Depression_Apr2002.pdf
- www.depression-primarycare.org