Title: Trees and Tree Parts
1Trees and Tree Parts
The baobab tree (Adansonia digitata) of Africa
2Where Life Begins Cells
- Cells are composed of
- Organelles, which are composed of
- Molecules, which are composed of
- Atoms, which are composed of
- Neutrons, electrons, protons
- Only cells are alive.?
- Organization!!
3Where Life Begins Cells
- The Second Law of Thermodynamics
- The natural state of the universe is
- (entropy)
- Your body (and all living things) want to resist
change.resist becoming atoms.
4The Laws of Thermodynamics
- (You dont need to know these.)
- For every action, there is an equal and opposite
reaction. (Newtons Law) - The natural state of the universe is disorder.
- (Entropy)
- Matter is neither created nor destroyed.
- (Conservation of Mass)
5Where Life Begins Cells
- Eukaryotic vs Prokaryotic Cells
- Prokaryotic - no nucleus, typical in bacteria
- Eukaryotic - nucleus, typically multicellular
Which type of cell do trees have?
6A Eukaryotic Plant Cell
cell wall
7Where Trees Begin Germination
Step One Radicle Forms
Step Two Cotyledon Forms
Step Three Leaves Form
10Monocot vs. Dicot
hypogeal growth
epigeal growth
11Other Comparisons
- Gymnosperm vs. Angiosperm
Annualyear (completes life cycle each
yearonly lives one year)
- Tree vs. Shrub vs. Herbaceous Plant
Trees have one central woody trunk shrubs have
multiple woody trunks
- Deciduous vs. Evergreen (not always Coniferous)
Loses leaves
12Some Tree Pics
Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides)
13Some Tree Pics
Banyan (Ficus benghalensis)
14Some Tree Pics
Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mangle)
15Some Tree Pics
Baobab (Adansonia sp.)
16Some Tree Pics
Sausage Tree (Kigelia pinnata)
17Some Tree Pics
Pencil Tree (Euphorbia tirucalli)
18Some Tree Pics
Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)
19Roots Nutrient Availability
- Roots serve severalimportant functions
- Conduct water and nutrients to the leaves
- Anchor plants to ground
- Store food supplies as starch
20Types of Roots
Agapanthus africanus
Passiflora sp.
Daucus carota
21Dicot Root Long. Section
- Apical Meristem
- Root Hair
22Dicot Root Cross Section
- Find the following
- Xylem
- Phloem
- Vascular Bundle
- Pericycle
- Endodermis
- Cortex
- Cork Cambium
- Vascular Cambium
23Dicot Root Cross Section
- Find the following
- Xylem
- Phloem
- Vascular Bundle
- Pericycle
- Endodermis
- Cortex
- Cork Cambium
- Vascular Cambium
24Leaves Photosynthesis
- Leaves serve severalimportant functions
- Photosynthesis
- Protect chloroplasts from sun
- Moves rainwater to roots (drip tips)
25Leaf Cross Section
- Find the following
- Mesophyll
- Palisade Tissue
- Spongy Tissue
- Vein
- Xylem
- Phloem
- Guard Cell
- Stomate
- Upper Epidermis
- Lower Epidermis
- Cuticle
- Chloroplast
26Leaf Tissues
- Mesophyll
- Spongy Tissue- allows gas exchange to Palisades
- Palisades- center of Photosynthesis
(Chloroplasts) - Stomata
- Guard Cells regulate gas and H2O
- Must be open to allow CO2
- Must be closed to avoid drying out
- VPD- closer to zero is better (humidity)
- Vapor Pressure Difference H2O outside leaf
- H2O inside leaf
27Vapor Pressure Difference
- When is VPD high?
- Why might this be a problem for plants?
- What replaces water in the leaves?
- Water and Nutrients from the roots.
- When is VPD low?
- What types of plants live in this environment?
- Cacti store CO2 at night for use during the
H2O outside - H2O inside
28Dicot Leaf Sections
Lilac (Syringa vulgaris)
Coleus (Coleus sp.)
29Monocot Leaf Sections
Corn (Zea mays)a grass
- Light H2OCO2Nutrients Oxygen Glucose
- Light Dependant Phase
- Visible light has many wavelengths (680 700)
- PSI-captures light at 700nm
- -releases 2 electrons to bind NADP to H
- PSII-captures light at 680nm
- -releases 2 electrons (e-) to PSI
- -gathers new electrons from H2O
- -2H2O splits to O2, 2H, and 2e-
- Light H2OCO2Nutrients Oxygen Glucose
- Light Independent Phase
- Calvin Cycle run by NADPH and RuBP
- RuBP binds with CO2 from stomata
- Molecular rearrangement to glucose (C6H12O6)
- Generates NADP, RuBP, O2, and C6H12O6
- Light H2OCO2Nutrients Oxygen Glucose
Photosystem I
Calvin Cycle
Photosystem II
33SPACSoil - Plant - Air - Continuum
- Transpiration - how water moves from roots to
leaves - H2O moves out of leaves
- Absence draws H2O from soil into roots
- Osmosis - water moves naturally from where there
is more to where there is less - Osmosis controlled by salts in trees
- More salt in cells draws water into the tree