Title: Report on the calorimeter WG
1Report on the calorimeter WG
WG meeting was held at IPN Orsay - 2-3 Feb. 2006
Flore Skaza (IPNO) EXL calorimeter energy
resolution and detector geometry Thomas
Zerguerras (IPNO) simulation of the energy
response of gamma rays in CsI crystal
arrays Hector Alvarez (USC) R3B simulations
for the calorimeter Jean Peyré (IPNO) different
possibilities for the R3B calorimeter
design Bernard Genolini (IPNO) Simulations of
light collection with LITRANI Ignacio
Duran (USC) crystal response Manuela Turrion
(CSIC) simulation of the proton response of
Brillance and Prelude Andrei Fomichev (FLNR)
Spectroscopy of charged particles and ?-rays by
CsI(Tl) Samuel Espana (UCM) Use of Anger Logic
for interaction positioning in pixelated
photomultipliers Alain Iltis (Saint-Gobain)
characteristics of crystals produced by Saint
Gobain Presentations are available on the web
page http//ipnweb.in2p3.fr/nustarcalo
J.A. Scarpaci - IPN
2Simple Simulation
4p Detection Charged particle
recoil Threshold 0.1 MeV ?E 50 keV ??
0.086 ?f 0.086 R 33 cm Gamma Threshold
50 keV ?E/E 5 /vE ?? 2 ?f 2 R
60 cm
132Sn(p,p) _at_ 740 A.MeV
E? ??
Angular and energy straggling negligible in the
target Detection of the projectile not taken into
Flore Skaza-IPN
3E? ??
Point like target
132Sn(p,p) _at_ 740 A.MeV
But we must take into account the target size
0.5mm in x,y,z
Flore Skaza-IPN
4E? ??
0.5 mm in x,y,z target
132Sn(p,p) _at_ 740 A.MeV
Flore Skaza-IPN
532 crystals
Jean Peyré-IPN
6Jean Peyré IPN
Designs for the barrel and the end cap
The distance between target and forward magnet is
7Size of the gaseous target needs to be fixed
Forward detection 14189 CSi(Tl) Xtals
- Size 1 Xtal 1919200 mm3
- All Xtals identical
- Geometrical loss4,5
Philippe Rosier (IPN)
8LITRANI (LIght TRansmission in ANIsotropic media)
- Monte-Carlo program to simulate the propagation
of photons - Developped at CEA, Saclay, France for GLAST and
the CMS calorimeter - Library of several measured materials
- Scintillators PbWO4, CsI(Tl)
- Wrapping Tyvek, VM2000
- PMT (XP2020), APD
- Surface state depolished, thin slice of air
- Input ROOT file from GEANT4 simulations by T.
Zerguerras - Current algorithm
- Generate a random yield values from the
distribution calculated on the volume - Calculate the number of photons received from
those yields and the deposited energy
- Comparison with CsI(Tl) (St Gobain) of several
geometries - A 22 (h) 22(w) 200(l) mm
- B 22 (h) 44(w) 200(l) mm
- C 22 (h) 66(w) 200(l) mm
- with
- PMT (Photonis 19 mm Ø, 17 mm PK Ø)
- APD (square, 10 mm)
- Goals
- Optimize the readout
- Particle localization
Bernard Genolini-IPN
9Hector Alvarez
10Forthcoming tests on crystals and electronics
USC . CsI pure, CsI(Tl), (LYSO, LaCl3) . PMs
from Photonis, APDs from Hamamatsu . MPGA
(multiple gain amplifier) three-fold 12-bit
CSIC . LYSO, LaBr3(Ce) two layers!
GSI . CsI pure, CsI(Na), BGO or NaI(Tl) . Large
position sensitive crystals (Centre of gravity
IPN . several sizes CsI(Tl) . PMs, APDs
Saint Gobain LaCl3Ce, 4x6 inches
good LaBr3Ce, 2x2 inches timing but 10 times
more expensive than CsI
22 mm
44 mm
66 mm
200 mm
Validate the LITRANI code
Geometry of R3B fixed by the end of
2006 external contraints - magnet (R3B), target
(EXL) decide on the overall size Crystal
selection ongoing many trial in the different
labs. Videoconf before the summer combination
of two crystal? Amplifiers tested PMTs, APDs
contraints due to external field
(R3B) constant temperature 0.1
- Next meetings
- WG- video conference june!
- EXL-R3B- october 2006 Milan