Title: Muon Reconstruction and Commissioning with Early Data
1Muon Reconstruction and Commissioning with Early
- Kevin Black
- Harvard University
- Overview of Muon Reconstruction Software
- General Reconstruction
- Low PT Muon Identification
- Calorimeter Information
- Comparison of Algorithms (see talk by David
Adams) - Commissioning with early data
- Cosmics
- Beam Gas Events from single beam running
- Collision Data (_at_900 GeV and then _at_14 TeV)
- Will not discuss test-beam, alignment and
calibration, or electronic calibration (see talk
by Ed Diehl)
3Active Developers (and many others in the past)
- Moore MuID
- BNL - David Adams, Ketevi Assamagan CERN -
Alan Poppleton, Harvard KB, Steve Cavanaugh,
Ben Smith, Srivas Prisad INFN Napoli Michela
Biglietti, INFN Leece Gabriella Cataldi Michigan
Dan Levin NIKHEF Niels Van Eldik SUNY
Albany Vivek Jain, Victoria Rojo U Mass
Amherst Ed Moyse, Thomas Moore, Stephane
Willocq - MuonBoy STACO MuTag
- Saclay Florian Baur, Laurent Chevalier, Jean
Ernwein, Andrea Formica, Pierre-Francios Giraud,
Claude Guyot, Samira Hassani, Eric Lancon,
Jean-Francois Laporte, Rosy Nicolaidou, Amimed
OuraouSaMuSog - MuGirl
- CERN Zvi Tarem Technion - Natalia
Panikashvili, Shlomit Tarem, Tel Aviv Orfirt
Belkind, David Primor - Muon Identification with Calorimeter
- NIKHEF Peter Kluit, G Ordonez, Wisconsin - L.
R. Flores-Castillo, B. Mellado, Sau Lan Wu - dE/dX and Energy Loss in the Calorimeter
- Athens - C. Kourkoumelis, D. Fassouliotis, K.
Nikolopoulos Saclay SaMuSog, CERN A.
Poppleton - Material Treatment
- CERN A. Poppleton UMass Amherst Thomas Moore,
Saclay SaMuSog Tufts S. Todorova
4Identify and Measure track parameters
For B 0.5 T, L 5 m p 5 GeV/c R 33 m
s 0.1 m p 1 TeV/c R 6700 m s
500 µm
? need 50 µm resolution to achieve 10 momentum
resolution at 1 TeV
5Moore PatternRecognition
barrel ? projection
Search for region of activity in the ?
projection and RZ projection
barrel RZ projection
6Segment Finding,Track Fitting
- Pattern recognition in individual MDT multilayer
- the drift distance is calculated from the drift
time, by applying various corrections on it (TOF,
second coordinate, propagation along the wire,
Lorenz effect). Among the 4 tangential lines the
best one is found. - In the CSC, cluster the strips and form segments
using a histogram method - Track segment combination.
MDT pattern recognition
MDT multilayer
- Track fit
- track parameters (a0, z0, ?, cot??, 1/pT ) are
expressed at the first measured point
7 Package Muid
- Two steps
- 1. Track extrapolation at the I.P.
- Multiple scattering parameterized by means of
scattering planes in the calorimeters - Energy loss in calorimeters parameterized in
function of (??, ?) or measured from calorimeter
reconstruction - Re-fit track parameters expressed at vertex
- 2. Tracks from the muon spectrometer and from the
inner detector are combined with a ?2 lt cut-off - - ?2 calculated from differences of track
parameters and from covariance matrix - Final fit of the successfully
combined track
8Moore and MuId Performance and Development
Rome Era (10.0.1)
Recent Release (11.0.3)
- Albany, BNL, CERN, Harvard,
- UMass Amherst
- EDM Migration
- Improved CSC treatment
- Improve pattern recognition
- Improve material treatment
- Develop tools to enhance efficiency and reduce
fake rate
9Muonboy and STACO
- Muonboy is another muon spectrometer track
reconstruction program - Similar in strategy
- Main Differences 3D pattern recognition,
extrapolates from inner layer outward adding hits
as it goes along, material description - STACO No Refit
- Compare muon spectrometer track and inner
detector tracks - Use parameters and covariance matrices to match
and find the parameters of the combined track - See backup for mathematical details
10MuonBoy and Staco Performance
- Developments
- Staco try a full refit at Calorimeter surface
- Further Development of track extrapolation
- Further Development of their low PT algorithm
11Energy loss in the Calorimeter and dE/dx
- Energy loss in Calorimeter
- Either use measured or parameterized energy loss
- Correct for long Landau tail
- See backup for details
- Material Description
- Moore Geantino Map to determine the amount of
material and then add special scattering hits
onto the tracks - MuonBoy collect material during extrapolation
and track finding and add scattering centers
Athens, CERN
UMass Amherst, Saclay
12Low Pt Muons
Low PT muons often do not reach the outer
stations, Start with inner detector tracks and
extrapolate out to the muon spectrometer MuTag
and MuGirl
Extrapolation Region
Extrapolation Region
13MuGirl Performance and Development
- In AODs in release 12
- Working on rejection of muons from K/? decays
- Including segments from TGCs
Bs ?J/?(µ6µ3) bb?µ6X W?b?µ6X Higgs?4µ
CERN, Tel Aviv, Technion
4 Working points evaluated on 4 samples
14Using the Calorimeter to tag muons
StacoMuTag StacoMuTagCaloLR
H-gt4 ?µ
- Hardware-related inefficiencies for turn-on
- Tracking efficiency 100
- 4-2-0 topo clusters
- 100 efficient for muons
- Many samplings available
- Longitudinal and transverse shape information
- From single muons and pions select 11 variables
for Likelihood Ratio ? rejection1000 at 90
efficiency - For now, only for ?lt1.4
- Efficiency 94.2 ? 97.7
- Will make use of NN, study more complicated
background events with pileup
15Commissioning with Cosmics
- Sector 13 without trigger chambers for about 9
months - Sector 13 with trigger chambers starting a few
weeks ago - Apply Algorithms to real data
- Beginning of Alignment and Calibration with
Cosmics - Analysis of Cosmics
- CERN, Harvard, NIKHEV, Saclay, U Mass Amherst
16Challenges with Early Data
- Very non-uniform magnetic field (introduces
complications to calibration, track extrapolation
and hence alignment, and resolutions) - Very complicated large area detector (alignment,
calibration) From S. Goldfarb - 105 pT gt 2 GeV tracks for alignment with cosmics
- 106 pT gt 3 GeV for alignment with straight
tracks - 106 pT gt 6 GeV for alignment with inner detector
- 106 pT gt 5 GeV for alignment between small and
large sectors - What is the real inert material?
- How will the real cavern background and pile up
affect muon reconstruction and identification?
How realistic is the simulation? - How severe will punch-through be? Will it be as
expected from simulation? - Dedicated triggers and streams for calibration,
alignment, and tests of the reconstruction (see
talk by Ed Diehl) - What is the Standard Model at 14 TeV?
17Cosmic Ray Commissioning
Rates are substantial 2.3 KHz for a hit
anywhere in detector 0.5 Hz for Z lt 60
cm,R lt 20 cm Trigger in barrel or end-cap 40 Day
Atlas Global Run before beam
From R.McPherson and J. Pilcher Talks
18Collider Data at 900 GeV
B physics group Heavy Quarkonium 2006 Talk
- Initial Commissioning Run
- C.M. energy 900 GeV (injection energy to LHC
ring) - Luminosity (P. Jenni) 1029 cm-2
- Only a handful of Z events ?Br .2 nb after 60
days running may get 1-3 events (P. Jenni) - Best focus on J/? and other resonances for
resolution and scale - Use all muons for alignment and calibration
Mass resolution s(M2µ)43MeV
Stable beams
First collisions.
Shutdown 3 to 4 months?
19Collider data at 14 TeV
_at_1033 cm-2 s-1
Channel Recorded 10fb-1
W ? mn 7 x 107
Z ? mm 1 x 107
tt ? m X 0.1 x 107
Jets pTgt150GeV (if 10 bandwidth) ?107
Min Bias (10 bandwidth) ?107 (can be larger)
gg (M1 TeV) 103-104
With 100 pb-1 0.1 Million Z ? µµ, recall 10
Million events recorded at Tevatron after 20
20Simplistic View of Strategy
- 1st understand and calibrate detector and trigger
in situ - Use all muons
- Calibration and alignment
- Alignment with inner detector
- Use well known standard candles (dimuon
resonances) - Study Resolution, efficiency, material
description, realism of monte carlo simulations - Understand the SM at 14 TeV (first measurements
of cross-section, rapidity distributions, etc) - 2nd
- Prepare for the road for discovery
- Measure backgrounds and obtain control samples
- 3rd
- Real excitement phase, first time to
substantially probe physics at the few TeV scale
21Summary and Conclusions
- Muon Reconstruction Algorithms performing well
with similar performance (see D. Adams on
performance) - Lots of active interest in North America, many
recent and continuing developments - Several Stages to commissioning
- Muon standalone cosmics
- Global Atlas Cosmic runs
- Beam Gas and Beam Halo events for single beam
runs - Early focus for 900 GeV Run
- Multistage process with 14 TeV collisions
- Much accomplished, but still much to do
- Primarily, shift focus to preparing for first
data (more cosmic data) - Develop tools to evaluate performance without the
help of truth information (e.g. tag and probe) - Difficult challenge for alignment and calibration
because of the size and complexity of the Muon
Spectrometer and Toroid magnets (See E. Diehls
talk on calibration and alignment)
22Back up Slides
23Big Wheel
24Muonboy Strategy
- Similar Strategy search for Regions of Interest
- Form Segments
- Combined Segments
- Track Fit
- Main Differences
- 3d pattern recognition from the start
- Start with segments in inner station and
extrapolate the position out to next layer - Handles inert material differently
- Core program written in early 90s with F90,
wrapped in C for use with athena
25Principle of STACO
- For two tracks on some reference location defined
by their - Parameters vectors P1 and P2
- Covariance matrices C1 and C2
- P parameters vectors of combined track is the
- solution of the equation
- C covariance matrix of combined track is
given by - The corresponding ?2
- Track combination is tried only for pairs of
tracks that show a reasonable matching in the
(?,?) plane - Track combination is accepted only if the global
?2 is below a maximal value - If different combinations are possible, the pair
given the best ?2 is retained - Uses Parameterization of Energy Loss in Inert
26Strategy for µ energy loss reconstruction
Athens, CERN
27Long Landau Tail..
A correction was found for this effect. Instead
of using the MPV as is, use a weighted mean in
the region
Athens, CERN
28Different Approaches
- All use inner detector extrapolated track
- MuTag is run after Muonboy and extrapolates ID
track and tries to match with unused segments - MuGirl extrapolates ID track and forms new
segments using ID seeding Extension and
replacement of older package MuIdLowPt - Uses ANN to discriminate between true particles
and fakes - Uses vertex constraint to discriminate between
muons from IP and from in flight decay of ?/K - As of release 12, MuIdLowPt will be deprecated,
MuTag and MuGirl available at AOD level - MuGirl is the newest package on the market, but
is already showing great progress
29Calorimetric Muon ID
- Rejection of single ? 1000 at 90 efficiency
- Plans
- Neural Network for µ/?? separation
- Make use of track to calorimeter extrapolation
tools - Study fakes, efficiency, effects on significance
with background and piluep
30Plans with first Data
- Cosmics
- Analysis of sector 13 data with trigger chambers,
as the detector is assembled take more cosmic
runs - Initial Calibration, alignment with tracks,
debug/improve software with the clean and simple
tracks, alignment with inner detector - Initial Run with only injection energy, 900 GeV
low luminosity (although not as exciting,
benchmark point for understanding) - Alignment and Calibration with any muon tracks
- Handful of Z events, focus on J/? (and other
resonances) for studies of efficiency,
resolution, fake rates with data tag and probe,
comparison with inner detector - Alignment with inner detector, study material
effects, energy loss - Initial run at full energy
- Focus on Z events tag and probe to study eff,
res, fake, comparison with inner detector
31Beam Gas and Beam Halo Events
- ?? pT gt 1 GeV inside ? 3m
- 1.0x103 Hz
- 1.5x109 events in 2 months assuming 30
efficiency - Beam Halo events
- Especially usefull for end cap
Beam-gas collisions are essentially boosted
minimum-bias events ? low-pT particles
Rate 2500 interactions/m/s
From J. Pilcher