Title: The most dynamic company
1The most dynamic company youll ever work
in. www.teach.gov.uk 0845 6000 991
Use your head. Teach.
2Support for careers advisers and clients
- Careers advisers workshops
- TDA website careers advisers section
- www.tda.gov.uk/careersadvisers
- Online events -see website for dates and
transcripts - www.tda.gov.uk/onlineevents
- Careers Events see website
- www.tda.gov.uk/eventsregions
3Online Events
- For potential teachers/enquirers
- A new career in teaching- Ask our specialist
advisor any questions about starting a new career
in teaching - Date 06/06/2006 From 1230 to 1400
- Interested in teaching science? -Ask our
specialist advisor any questions about teaching
science - Date 13/06/2006 From 1230 to 1400
- Interested in teaching mathematics?-Ask our
specialist advisor any questions about teaching
mathematics - Date 25/07/2006 From 1230 to 1400
4Website events listing by region
LondonEventsBrunel University Summer
Recruitment Fair 22/05/2006National Graduate
Recruitment Exhibition 02/06/2006Education,
Training Careers Fair 03/06/2006The Guardian
Summer Graduate Fair 07/06/2006The London
Summer Graduate Fair 21/06/2006UCAS East
London 30/06/2006UCAS West London
5Support for careers advisers and clients
- Online interactive interview
- www.tda.gov.uk/interview
- Online interactive application
- Download the routes presentation (link tba)
- Class of today kiosk / CD ROM (in pack)
- Regional support networks
- Online careers adviser online QA forum (June
6Regional overview of provision see grid
- OU
- Employment Based Routes
- HEIs
- Part time
- Undergraduate courses
- Postgraduate
- Primary modern languages
- Vocational courses
7Recruitment to ITT- national situation
- Priority subjects
- Mathematics and science especially physics and
chemistry - Modern languages
- Design and technology
- Music
- RE
- English
- Non priority subjects competitive to get onto a
course - Art, history, classics, geography, drama, dance
- Primary still very competitive at both PG and UG
8Recruitment Challenges in the region
- Modern Languages
- Science
- Music
- Maths
- DT
- RE
- BME target has risen by 19
- Partnership
- Men into primary
- Disabled
9Opportunities and vacancies in schools-Full time
vacancies for teachers in maintained secondary
schools in England January 2006 London
- DT 21 18
- Bus Ed 7 26
- Art 10 24
- Music 7 14
- PE 22 26
- Other 39 17
- Total 345 24
- Total teachers 24105 17
- Vacancy rate 1.43
- Maths 41 18
- ICT 27 29
- Science 63 25
- ML 4 21
- English 4 24
- Drama 11 33
- History 7 27
- Soc Sc 3 25
- Geog 17 41
- RE 14 25
10What are regional providers looking for
- School experience - an understanding of teaching
styles, the demands and the reality of
classrooms, the curriculum. - Commitment and communication skills.
- Diversity of applicants in ethnicity and
qualifications eg RE, Science, Mathematics - Variation between providers 1st choice,
acceptance of qualifications, support, fees, PGCE
/masters. - Size of provider eg Institute of Education /SCITT
11School experience
- Getting experience of teaching and the school
environment is essential before deciding on a
teaching career and there are a number of ways to
better inform the decision. - Visit a school
- - There are over 750 open schools for priority
groups to visit - The Teaching Information Line can arrange an
open school visit or candidates may wish to
arrange their own visit or volunteer in a school
in their area. (Contact Teaching information line
on 0845 6000 991) - - Remember that no two schools are the same, so
candidates may wish to visit more than one.
12Finding out more
- Talk to a teaching advocate
- - The teaching information line can also
arrange for an advocate to call at a time
convenient to the candidate. Teacher advocates
are practising teachers who will be pleased to
answer questions about the profession. - Go on an organised taster course
- - The taster course providers arrange these 3
day courses for people who are very close to
making a decision to apply. They offer an
in-depth view of teaching today and the training
options available. Courses are available to
people interested in teaching one of the priority
subjects and to groups currently
under-represented in the teaching profession. The
disabled, men into primary and black and minority
ethnic candidates
13Regional taster courseshttp//www.tda.gov.uk/Recr
- LondonProvider
- Institute of Education
- London Diocesan Board for Schools
- London North Consortium Islington
- London Borough of Newham
- London South Bank University
- Slough BC LB of Hillingdon
- Royal College of Music
14Revised incentives 2006
- The revised incentives for graduates
- - Maths and science trainees 9,000 bursary
plus a 5,000 Golden Hello after successfully
completing their induction period - - Other shortage subjects, modern languages, IT,
DT, English, now including RE and music
9,000 bursary plus 2,500 Golden Hello - Secondary non-shortage subjects and primary
trainees will continue to receive a 6000 bursary
only. - PGCE trainees in 2006/07 will pay up to a maximum
of 1,800 in variable fees.
15Funding for EU and overseas students
- EU students who have residence status in an EU
country are eligible for the incentives - From 2006 EU students who choose to study in
Higher Education Institutions in England will be
liable to pay the same variable fees of up to
3,000 as UK students. They will have the option
to defer payment of those fees until after they
leave their studies by taking out a subsidised
loan for fees. To apply for this loan they will
need to complete our application form which will
be available in April 2006 from
www.dfes.gov.uk/studentsupport - Overseas students pay overseas fees if they do
not have residence status ie 3 years in the
country without being a student and having
applied for residence status and been granted it
well before the start of the course it cannot be
retrospective ie pay one term and then change
16The rewards of teaching
- Main pay scale
- Upper pay scale
- ASTs
- Leadership
20,133 24,168 (inner London)
29,427 33,936 (inner London)
34,281 41,004 (inner London)
31,878 37,809 (inner London)
34,938 41,541 (inner London)
53,115 59,724 (inner London)
34,938 41,541 (inner London)
98,022 104,628 (inner London)
17Enhancement courses
- Recruitment has been an enduring challenge in
certain subjects (maths, science etc.) - Students are studying a wider range of degree
subjects - The number of people studying mathematics,
physics and chemistry has not increased over this
period of time - Those wishing to teach physics, chemistry, or
mathematics, but have a degree in another
subject, can enhance their subject knowledge by
attending a six month enhancement course prior to
starting initial teacher training.
18Enhancement courseshttp//www.tda.gov.uk/Recruit/
- Intensive subject courses to enhance the breadth
and depth of subject understanding - No school experience involved
- Courses are prior to training for qualified
teacher status (QTS) - 6 months (26 weeks)
- Funded by the TTA
19How do they work?
- ITT provider refers applicants directly to the
enhancement course provider - Some participants could also be recruited
directly to the enhancement course, and prior to
starting the course they would need to secure a
training place on a route which would lead to the
award of QTS (PGCE etc.) - One provider within the region would offer the
enhancement course on behalf of the other
providers within the region. On completion of
the course, the participant would return to
complete their route to QTS with their original
20Student support
- A bursary of 225 per week for twenty six weeks(
due to increase in line with bursary) - Open to non-home and non-EU participants
- Note non-EU participants will not receive a
training bursary for a subsequent PGCE course - If they undertake training on the GTP route they
would be paid a salary by the school in which
they are employed as an unqualified teacher.
- 240 places for maths
- 140 places for physics
- 40 places for chemistry
- Approximately 20 participants per course
- Mathematics
- Roehampton University,
- University of East London
- University of Brighton
- Chichester
- Physics
- University of East London,
- University of Sussex.
- Chemistry
- University of Sussex
24Modern Language Extension Courses why are they
- Schools and training providers generally require
knowledge and skills in two modern foreign
languages - There are insufficient single language graduates
- Over 200 allocated postgraduate training places
unfilled in each of the last three years - Extension courses widen the pool of eligible
25What is a modern languages extension course?
- A short intensive course designed to to develop
competence in a second foreign language to enable
them to teach accurately and confidently to at
least Key Stage 3 - 14 week intensive language training, May to
August - Include a two week structured study visit to
France (travel and accommodation reimbursed) - Possible three week additional ab initio tuition
for those with no prior knowledge of the target
26Who are they for ?
- Graduate career changers, including those
returning from working abroad - Graduates in a language taught in school whose
first language is English - Graduates who are native speakers of languages
other than English - Graduates with combined degrees e.g. German and
business - Graduate speakers of community languages
27How does it work?
- Application process is the same as for subject
enhancement courses (see earlier slides) - Funding is the same
- London Metropolitan French
- Anglia Ruskin French
28Subject Knowledge Booster Courses
- Usually 2 weeks prior to start of or during a QTS
course - Course is free to the candidate but there is no
bursary - Participants must have an ITT place in order to
go on the course - Regional courses put in here
29Subject Knowledge Booster Courseshttp//www.tda.g
- BAALPE St. Marys PE
- Gymnastics 26-Jun-06 31-Jul-06 020 8392 3159
- Brunel University Maths
- 3-Jul-06 23-Oct-06
- 01895 266 350
- Brunel University Science
- 3-Jul-06 16-Oct-06
- 01895 266 350
- Roehampton DT (Food Textiles)
- 13-Sep-06 29-Jan-07
- 0208 392 3698
- Roehampton DT (Systems Control Resistant
Materials) - 08-Sep-06 17-Jan-07
- 0208 392 3698
- Roehampton RE
- 26-Jun-06 7-Jul-06
- 0208 392 3698
- St. Mary's College RE
- University of East London ICT
- 4-Sep-06 28-Feb-07
- 0208 223 2319
- University of East London Maths
- University of East London ML (French)
- 4-Sep-06 28-Feb-07
- 0208 223 2319
- University of East London Music
- 4-Sep-06 28-Feb-07
- 0208 223 2319
- University of East London PE
- 4-Sep-06 28-Feb-07
- 0208 223 2319
- University of East London Science 4-Sep-06
15-Feb-07 - 0208 223 2319
- University of Greenwich DT
- 19-Jun-06 30-Jun-06
- 0208 331 9544
- University of Greenwich Music
30Next steps
- To find details of latest course vacancies, visit
www.gttr.ac.uk - You can find out more information on providers
and their courses, visit www.teach.gov.uk/pprofil
31(No Transcript)