Title: Identifying Split Failures Due to Over Saturation (Demand> Capacity)
1Identifying Split Failures Due to Over Saturation
(Demandgt Capacity)
- Ed Smaglik, Darcy Bullock,Jim Sturdevant Tom
2Prevailing View
- A signal phase does not have periods of over
saturation if an agency never sees or hears about
We need tools to tabulate performance metrics
related to over saturation 24-7!
- What is saturation?
- How do we quantify it?
- Yauch v/c ratio
- How can we measure it?
- Fuhrs . collect data for better information..
- How should we look at it?
- What can we do?
4Indianapolis US 31 116th
5Saturated or Undersaturated
6Under saturated split with slack
- Split reduction to improve efficiency
7Saturated split with no slack
- Unmet demand at termination
8Cycle Based Binning of qg
9(No Transcript)
10v/c ratio
Need served volume available in real time
- Ex.. 30s green on 60s cycle
- Sat flow is 1800 vphpl
- Observed flow on green/amber is 16
- v/c 1.06
- no slack green there
- Served vs. Demand Issue
11Phase 2, October 18th, 2004
12Noblesville site, October 18th, 2004 v/c plots
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
131 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
14Split reallocation
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
October 26th
Phase 5
Phase 6
15- Can we infer Split Failures by estimating served
volume to capacity ratios?
16Split Failures counting the dotsgt1.0
Timing Plan Duration of Operation Split Failures (Before) Number of Phases (Before) Split Failures (After) Number of Phases (After)
AM Peak 3 hr 5 84 5 87
Mid Day 2 hr 1 74 0 74
PM Peak 4.5 hr 16 131 9 131
Off Peak 5.5 hr 17 223 5 226
- Before we can manage during over saturation, we
need to - Figure out what we are going to measure
- Determine how we can pull some meaningful
information out of data - Short term goal develop tools to enable small,
strategic human-in-the-loop to adjustmentswithout
extensive field visits.
- High Quality Cycle by Cycle Count Data
- Detection Technology
- Collection on Controller
- Quickly extracting meaningful easily understood
19Recommended LT Sensor Installation
Do we mess with PCEs?
22(No Transcript)
23Southbound Count Detectors
24Results Turning Movements
26Video Detection Noblesville, INData
Collection Cabinet
C Camera Detector Cards D Loop Detector
Cards E Patch Panel
- A Remote Windows Computer for Data Collection
- B Video Multi-plexer
27Evaluation Location