Title: Aircraft MaintenanceMunitions Officer Force Development
1Aircraft Maintenance/Munitions Officer Force
- Col Robert L. Swale
- Chief, Maintenance Management Division
- DCS/Logistics, Installations
- Mission Support
As of
As of
As of 11/16/2009
Total Force multi-skilled maintainers generating
safe, mission-ready weapons systems and equipment
- Col Swales Universal Truths
- Development Team
- Management Structure
- DT Activities Vectors
- Developmental Opportunities
- Log Career Broadening Program
- RE21 FW Reorganization impact
- Challenges
- What we are doing
- 21A/M Career Pyramids
- Force Shaping
- Questions
3Col Swales Universal Truths
- The AF is not a profit making organization, but
we better act like it is - Career progression is a matter of relevancelearn
everything you can about your specialtyand
another - A changing organization requires personnel
competencies to match future organization
requirementsthe AF is no different - Dont ever meet a board without current records
- T-ODPs, SOIs, 3849s, and records are your
responsibility - Not like the old days, you can see them on the
internet so there is no excuse for not getting
this right - The DT is not perfectbut it worksIm a believer
- Can help with competency/experience development
- Tell the DT what you want, but dont conflict
with your Senior Rater - You are going to hear this throughout my
brieffor a reason
4Development Team Charter
- Chartered by CSAF in Nov 2002
- Purpose
- Define/integrate development processes
- Develop clear career path objectives
- Develop and refine educational opportunities
- Identify skill pairings
- Membership
- AF/A4M Chair
521A/M Management Structure
Force Development Council
Gen McNabb
Functional Authority
LTG Sullivan
Functional Manager
Mr. Johnson
Career Field Managers
Col Swale, A4MM Col LaVoye, A4MW
Development Team
Lt Col Drake, AFPC
Assignment Team/AFPC
Individual / Chain-of-Supervision
6DT Activities
- Spring DT (April)
- Steady State Vectors
- Career Field Issues
- SQ/CC review/prep for Summer DT
- Summer DT (Jul/August)
- Steady State Vectors
- IDE/SDE Nominations
- 20C0 List and MX Sqd/CC List
- Fall DT (December)
- Steady State Vectors
- LCBP Selection
- RAS/PAS Nominations
7Steady State Vectors
- Looking beyond the next assignment
- Performance records available, but not reviewed
- Entire DT views/discusses each T-ODP as a group
- Members desires important Sr Rater comments
critical - Seek to provide broad-based experience
- Ops Officer / Sqd CC / MXG Deputy
- Air Staff / Joint / MAJCOM / ALC / Needs of AF
- Seek to build on prior investments
- Intern graduates vectored back to Air Staff
- LCBP participants vectored back to ALC
8IDE/SDE Process
- What we do
- Board process DT Members score records for
IDE/SDE selection - Review Records, 3849, T-ODP
- Score whole person using 6 10 pt scale
- Resolve Splits (2.0 pts) or greater between board
members - DT members apply Developmental Education
Designation Board (DEDB) quota to ranked records
Resolve ties and gray area
9IDE/SDE Selection
- Senior Developmental Ed (SDE)
- DT considered 114 nominees ("selects" and
"candidates" nominated by SR) - Prioritize top 21 nominees (A4M ceiling) to be
considered by DEDB - Expecting 60 of 21 to attend (approx 12 SDE
attendees) - Generally 10 candidates 90
selects - Note Current backlog prevents many
- candidates from going...only one this year
- Intermediate Developmental Ed (IDE)
- DT considered 111 nominees ("selects" and
"candidates" nominated by SR) - Prioritize top 64 nominees (A4M ceiling) to be
considered by DEDB - Expecting 60 of 64 to attend (approx 38 IDE
attendees) - Generally 50 candidates 50
Last look "selects" are considered mandatory
Good of IDECandidates go to School
1020C0 Selection Process
- What we do
- DT Members review nominees SOI, SURF, OPR and
T-ODP - Graduated Sqd/CC a must for consideration
- PME completion critical
- CY 2008 results 47 candidates considered and 43
11Sqdn CC Selection
- What we do
- DT members scored 231 records
- Reviewed records, SOI, T-ODP
- Score whole person using 6 10 pt scale
- CY2007 201 SOIs for world-wide and 30 for fly-up
- 169 candidates selected for 118 projected
12 Your Responsibilities
- What you need to do
- Every year, review and correct your official AFPC
records - FAX any OPR or Dec that recently closed out to
AFPC 21A or 21M assignments AOsnot official
follow-up - Update your T-ODPs within 6 months of the board
and ensure comments dont conflict with your SOI
and/or 3849 - Include at least one fall back school choice
- Specifically request 18 month Naval Postgraduate
School program consideration if desired - Complete appropriate PME
- No penalty for doing correspondence early
- SOI, 3849 and T-ODP be concise and specificnot
a regurgitation of career!!
13 Cross-Flow Programs
- 21R Cross Flow
- MXG/CCs look for selective opportunities
- 21A and 21M
- MXG/CCs have the ability to cross-flow officers
to enhance/support career development - and if you cant get one of these, ask the DT
for a DLA or AFMC positionthe more you know, the
better prepared you are for corporate change!
14LCBP ComparisonOld vs. New Program
Back to the Future
15AMMOS Selection Process
- Purpose
- Expand combat capability by developing
graduate-level expertise in aircraft and
munitions maintenance using the USAF Agile Combat
Support (ACS) master process construct - Eligibility
- Captain
- Maximum 8 years TAFCSD
- Minimum 3 years in primary AFSC at operational
(flying) Wing - Aircraft/Munitions Maintenance
- SOS completed
- World-wide qualified
- Waiver authority is HQ ACC/A4
- Selection Process
- Modeled after AFI 11-415, Weapons and Tactics
Prgm - HQ ACC/A4 has overall responsibility
- ACC/A4Q board president
- Board of 0-5s from each MAJCOM/A4 and AMMOS/CO
- - ARC has own board (1 student per class)
- Nominations submitted by WG/CC to ACC/A4
- AFPC hosts three boards per year
16AMMOS Curriculum
- Organized around Agile Combat Support Master
Processes - Capstone Mission Employment Exercise
- Operational art of maintenance and logistics
- Fleet readiness
- Sortie generation
- Munitions operations combat munitions
production - Unit readiness for expeditionary operations
- Field Trips- Scott AFB, Langley, AFB, Travis AFB,
Beale AFB - 5 Major exams, 9 Graded Presentations, 12
Exercises - Coordinated approved by MAJCOMs
- 65 Academic days, 3 courses per year, 12 students
per class
17Transformation Organizational Change
- Repair Enterprise 21
- Centralizing Intermediate Level Maintenance
- FW Reorganization
- Moving Aircraft Maintenance Units into Fighter
Squadrons - Moving Logistics Readiness Squadron into ?? Group
Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on
the tracks of history to wait for the train of
the future to run over him. Dwight
D. Eisenhower
18Repair Enterprise 21 Vision
- RE21 Vision is to Establish an Enterprise-Wide
Repair Capability Managed by a Single Supply
Chain, Providing Optimum Support to the
Warfighter - Big Picture--Implementation Between FY08-11
- Reduce Repair Facilities From 110 to 22
- Consolidating Workload For Over 500 NSN and 50K
Transactions - Integrated And Transparent Supply And Repair
Chain (Prioritize Distribute By GLSC) - Reduced Logistic Footprint
- Repair Driven By Enterprise Plan
- Approved Commodities
- B-1, C-5, C-130, E-3 and F-16 Avionics
- Pave Penny LANTIRN Pods
- TF33, F101, F100 F110 Engines
We will fund transformation throughorganizationa
l efficiencies, process efficiencies, reduction
of legacy systems and manpower while sustaining
GWOT and ongoing operations in support of the
Joint Fight. - Michael W. Wynne, SECAF
19Initial RE21 Locations
RAF Lakenheath F100 Eng LANTIRN Pods
Misawa AB F110 Eng
Spangdahlem AB F110 Eng
Kadena AB F100 Eng LANTIRN Pods
Hill AFB F110 Eng C-5, C-130, F-16
Avionics LANTIRN Pods
Capital ANGB F110 Eng
Tinker AFB F100, F110, F101, TF33 Eng B-1, C-5,
C-130, E-3, F-16 Av LANTIRN Pods
SeJo AFB F100 Eng LANTIRN Pods
Luke AFB F100 Eng
Edwards AFB F100 F110 Eng
Warner-Robins AFB B-1, C-5, C-130, E-3, F-16
Avionics LANTIRN LRUs Pave Penny Pods
Dyess AFB F101 Eng
New Orleans ANGB F100 Eng
20 Where we are headed
- Look for further opportunities to consolidate
and/or centralize our intermediate level aircraft
maintenance functions - The focus here is to rationalize enterprise
maintenance capacity/capabilities and reduce
total operating costs while improving existing
support levels
21The Enterprise View Shaping the Air Force
Logistics Enterprise
- ILM is only one piece of the AF Logistics
Enterprise and should not be restructured in
isolation from the rest - Biggest bang for the buck will occur by looking
at the entire logistics enterprise - Evaluate support structures against OSD guidance
- Develop support structure options for engaged
units - Global repair network (ILM Review fits here)
- Transportation network
- Stockage network
- C2 that enables asset management to achieve
desired ops effects - Evaluate strategic re-supply network options for
supporting engaged/home station units - Evaluate options for performing on-equipment mx
(phase/isochronal inspections, time changes) - Determine strategic allocations of work between
organic and contractor organizations across the
22Feasibility of Further Consolidation
- History shows engaged units deploy with lean ILM
- RAND analysis shows consolidation is cost
effective for home station units. - So
- We think we can be both more efficient and more
effective by looking to consolidate further
23The End State
- Majority of off-equipment intermediate level mx
(ILM) performed by CIRFs or sent direct to depot - Remaining intermediate level functions will be
right sized to support mission/workload - CIRFs will be sized to support workload and will
have deployment capability if required by CONOPS - Common capabilities will be consolidated to
achieve synergy/efficiency - Maintenance capabilities at all levels will be
organized to best execute the mission at home
End State Achievable by FY12
24The Rest of the Story
- Let's not forget the options on putting the
AMUs back in the flying squadrons. Whatever we do
with ILM...let's not close a door on the AMU
move. - ...start with the fighter squadrons the
attendant AMUs...and, we'll think through the
next steps.
25A4/7 Task
- Develop a proposed way ahead to move the AMUs
back into the fighter squadronthen asses the
next set of moves for other MDS - Review fighter wing org structure and present
options for revising wing structure after AMU
transfer to OG - Present 3-4 COAs for implementation w/phasing
options where appropriate - Consider and offer recommendations to address
logistics core process integration in COAs
Integrate Logistics across the Enterprise
26FW Reorg Challenges
- Growth of Mx leadership
- Sq/Gp CC opportunity diminishes at FWs
- AMXS/CC to OG as deputy for Mx
- PBD 720 does not provide as many officers in AMUs
in some commandssome command leveling may be
necessary - RE21 will negate the need for the same number of
commanders in Wingswhere will there be command
opportunities? - ACC units are well on there way in implementing
TFI units - Org difference between FW and rest of AF may have
unintended consequenceswe are working to
mitigate - Career path for 21A/M will be changed
- 21A Utilization and Training Workshop in Mar 08
- 21A relevance is a potential issue
Ultimately, this is a math problem with the
following variables Organizational Structure,
Competencies, and a Sustainable Officer
Inventoryand we are working on a solution that
is best for the Air Force.
27So, what are we doing about it?
- Completed the 21 A/M Occupational Survey on 2
Nov - Initiated a 21XX competency study
- Reviewing the CFETP at the March UTW
- Ensuring that we develop leaders suitable to meet
the needs in our transforming logistics
environment - Developing a new 21A/M career path
28Current 21A/M Career Pyramid
Competencies Which do we Need? How Many? When?
Total Force multi-skilled maintainers generating
safe, mission-ready weapons systems and equipment
29What we are thinking about
Need to develop O-6s with a broad sense of
logistics (Supply Chain, Prg Mgt, Depot Mx,
Distribution, Acft/Muns Mx etc.
- Jt
- Mat/Mx Group/CC
- Sust Sqd/CC
Note Potential changes to mx/muns officer
career path indicated in green
SDE AWC, ICAF, NWC, Fellowships
- Staff
- - Joint Staff/OSD
- Management HQ
- Component NAF
Special Duty (PME Instructor, AFIT) DLA,
Prof. Education Per CFETP listing
- Operational
- Squadron CC
- (mx, muns, AFMC)
- Sqd Ops Officer
- ALC/Product Ctr
- RRC Det/CC
IDE ACSC, AAD (AFIT, NPS), PAS IDE, Fellowships,
RAS/PAS Assignment
Prof. Education Pe r CFETP listing
AFSC Assignments
Developmental Assignments
- Staff
- Management HQ
- Air Logistics Center
- Wing
Prof. Education Per CFETP listing, AMMOS
- Operational
- Ops Officer
- ALC/Product Center positions
- Section OIC and Flight CC positions (Mx
and Muns/Missiles)
Air Logistics Center
Special Duty (PME Instructor, School House Inst)
Wing/Base operational duties (Mx and
30Reorg Cold Hard Facts
- Everyone is not going to be happy
- We are working to ensure successful command
tenure outcomesshort-term and long-term - We have to balance readiness with Force
Development - 21XX career field may be very different five
years from now with a lot more time in AFMC - Everyone will not be a squadron commanderat
least an aircraft maintenance squadron commander - Regionalization does bring opportunities
(CIRFS-CGOs and FGOs), potential regional CIRF
commanders - Everyone will not be a MXG/CCGroup experience
may be in less-traditional rolesi.e. AFMC/DLA
31Force Shaping (FS) Programs
- Voluntary Separation Pay (VSP)
- FY08 Force Shaping Board (FSB)
- 8-Year Commissioned Service Retirements
- Limited Active Duty Service Commitment (LADSC)
Waivers - Lt Col/Col Time in Grade Waiver for Retirement
- Expanded PALACE CHASE Program for Force Shaping
- Selective Continuation
- Inter-service Transfer to Army (Blue to Green)
- Employment With Civil Service
- No RIF this Year!
32Force Development
- Closing Thoughts
- Ensure your official AFPC records are correct
- Talk with your supervisorensure he/she knows
what you want to do - The logistics enterprise is changingso should
you - This is more than an organizational changeit
will be a culture changea paradigm shift