Title: Delirium, Dementia, Amnestic
1Delirium, Dementia, Amnestic Other Cognitive
Mental Dis
2Organic VS Functional
- Organic Identifies Pathology
- Functional Schizophrenia
- Present All of Psychiatric Illness are
Partially Organic Involved
- The mental process of comprehensive , judgment ,
memory , reasoning in contrast to emotional and
volitional process
4Cognitive Dis
- Impair. of Cognition memory, Attention
- ???????? Delirium, Dementia, Amnestic
- Causes -General Medical Condition
- -Substance Induced
- -NOS
5Evaluation Of Cognitive Impairment
- Score lt 25/30 Suspected Cognitive Impairment
- Score lt 20/30 Absolutely Cognitive Impairment
- Clinical Symp.
- Impairment of Conciousness
- Impair. of Cognitive Func.
- Neurological sign
- Acute onset Fluctuation Course
- Incidence and Prevalence
- 10-15 gen. Surg 15-20 med. Ward
- 30 surg.ICU 40-50 Hip surg.
- 20 Severe Burn 30 HIV Pt.
8Predisposing factor
- Old Age or Very young Age
- Post-Operation Stress, Pain, Insomnia, Pain
Medication - Burn, Brain Damage , Alc. Withdrawal
- Past Hx. of Delirium , DM , CA
9- Sensory Impairment
- Malnutrition
- Pt. with AIDS
- 23-33 Death in 3 Mo.
- 50 Death in 1 Yrs.
10Cause of Delirium
- Medication
- Neurological cause
- Infection
- Metabolic Disorders
- Vitamin Deficiency
11- Endocrinopathy
- Withdrawal syndrome
- Drug abuse
- Toxin and Industrial Exposure
- Ethanol, Barbiturate Benzodiapine Inhibition of
GABA - Inhibition of Cholinergic Transmission
- Early EEG Investigation
- 1. Delirium due to a general medical cond.
- 2.Substance intoxication delirium
- 3.Substance withdrawal delirium
- 4.Delirium due to multi. etiology
- 5.Delirium NOS
14Clinical Feature
- 1.Prodome Restless , Anxious , Irritable ,
Hypervigilant , Drowsiness , Transient Hallu. - 2.Fluctuating Course Change of emotion
cognition , Diurnal variation Sundowners
Syndrome - 3.Attention Deficit
154.Arousal disturbancePsychomotor
Ab. -Hyperactive Agitation, Restless,
Alertness, Hypervigilant Sedative-Hypnotic or
Alcohol Withdrawal -Hypoactive Lethargic,
Somnolence, Apathy, Demented , Depressed,
Catatonic, Quietly confused -Mixed
165.Sleep-wake cycle disturbance -Reversed
sleep-wake cycle -Fragmented , Shorten
period6.Impaired language, memory, other
cog. -Rambling , Irrelevant , Incoherent -Impair
short-term memory caused by - loss
concentration , perceptual disturbance ,
malfunction of hippocampus
177.Disorientation impair time and
place8.Altered Perception can not discriminate
stimuli and integrate - Hallucination9.Neurologi
cal Ab. -High cortical function
impairment -Tremor, Asterixis ,
Incoordination Urinary Incontinence
18Differential Diagnosis
- Dementia
- Depression
- Psychosis
- Dissociative disorder
- Catatonic
19Diagnostic Procedures
- Initial evaluation of life threatening
- Hx., PE. NS.,MSE
- Laboratory investigation
- -CBC
- -Blood Chemistry
20 -TFT - Serologic test Syphilis, HIV -Drug
level -Arterial blood gas -U/A -EKG -Chest
21Neurological investigation -EEG -CT, MRI,
SPECT, Other radiologic test -LP
22Management and Treatment
- General considerations
- -Specific Tx.
- -Tx. Of the etiology is unknown
- -Pharmacotherapy
- Antipsychotics Haloperidol
23 Benzodiazepine Lorazepam Combined
Benz.Antipsychotics -Environment Restraint
Sedating until calm or sleep Vital sign q
30 min Re-evaluate q 12-30 min
24 Orientation Clock, Calendar etc. No
sensory deprivation -Psychosocial
Intervention Reassurance simple,
briefly Prevent over stimuli Education for
Fm. Members Explain the bizzare Beh for Pt
25Course and Prognosis
- Recover after remove causes in 3-7 days
- Full recovery (most), Progress to stupor/coma ,
Chronic brain syndrome, Seizure, morbidity, death
- 25 death in 3-4 Months
- Death increase in Pt with Underlying disease or
Hyperautonomic activity - Morbidity
- Rehabilitation
- Impairment of Cognitives, Normal Conciousness
- Impairment of general intelligent, learning,
memory, language, problem solving, orientation,
perception, attention, concentration, judgment,
social ability - Impairment of Function
- 15 Treatable
- 50 DAT
- 60 Yrs 5
- 80 Yrs 15-25
- 15-30 Vascular dementia
29Classification (Neuroanatomy)
- Cortical dementia DAT,Picks disease
- Subcortical dementia EPS, Hydrocephalus, White
matter disease, Subcortical vascular dis. - MixedVascular dementia, toxic metabolic
condition, slow virus inv. Cortical Subcortical
30Dementia of Alzheimers Type(DAT)
- Definition
- Progressive degeneration of Cortex
- Impairment of Function
- Fragment of Neurofilament Microtubule
- 50
- Risk Female, 1stdegree Relative, Hx. Head
injury, Downs syndrome - 60 Yrs 5
- 80 Yrs 15-20
- Genetics Polygenic or Autosomal dominant
- Family 40 of DAT asso 1stdegree Relative
- gt 3-4 ???? ??? gen. Population
- Downs syndrome 20-40 Yrs.
- Brain growth factor
33-Head injury Dementia pugilistic or punch drunk
syndrome-Viral infection Creutzfeldt-Jacob
disease-Aluminum -Neurotransmitters
???? -Choline acetyltransferase -Serotonin -GAB
34-Neuropathology -gen. Cerebral
Atrophy -Flattening cortical sulci -Senile
Plaque, Neurofibrilly tangle, neuronal loss
-Grandulovascular degeneration of neuron
35Vascular Dementia
- Male gt Female
- HT or Cardiovascular dis.
- Small medium Cerebral Vessel
- Lession gen. in Parenchyma
- Arteriosclerotic plaque or thrombi
- Carotid bruit, funduscopic ab.,enlarged cham
36Picks disease
- Atrophy of Frontotemporal
- Picks body
- Male gt Female
- Kluver-Bucy syndrome
37Creutfeldt-Jacob Disease
- Prion Slow progressive
- Spongioform degeneration of brain S inflammatory
response - Incubation 1-2 yrs to 8-16 yrs
- Tremor, Ataxia, Myoclonus, dementia
38Huntingtons disease
- Subcortical dementia
- Impair. Motor gt Language
- Difficult in Complicated Task
- Choreoathetoid movement
- Depression Psychosis gt in DAT
39HIV-Related Dementia
- 14 of Pt c HIV
- Head Trauma-Related Dementia
- After head trauma
- Dementia of Alzheimers type (DAT)
- Vascular Dementia
- Dementia due to other general medical cond.
- Substance induced persisting dementia
41Clinical Feature
- Memory Impairment Recent before Remote
- Orientation normal until increase memory
impairment , normal conciousness - Language Impairment esp cortical dementia
42Personality Change introvert, social withdraw,
suspiciousness, irritable frontaltemporal.Psyc
hosis -20-30 -DAT hallucination 30
delusion 40
43Others -Psychiatric depression
anxiety -Neurological aphasia, apraxia,
agnosia, seizure -Sundowning syn. drowsiness,
confusion, ataxia
44Differential Diagnosis
- DAT Vascular dementia
- DAT Picks disease
- Delirium
- Depression
- Normal aging
- Schizophrenia
- Factitious disorders
45Laboratory Investigation
- Comprehensive workup
- -PE, NS
- -Blood Urine for drug,substances
- -Chest X-ray
46 -Physiological workup -EKG -Neuro.
Workup CT, MRI SPECT LP EEG -Neuropsy
chological Testing
- Psychopharmacotherapy
- Memory Enhancement Drug
- Centrally Acting Cholinesterase
- Family Management
- Psychotherapy
- AnxietyShort-acting Benzodiazepine
- Insomnia Chooses BZD depend on Initial, middle,
terminal - Agitation,Aggression, Violent
- -Neuroleptics Drug of choice, haloperidol
0.5-2 mg IM
49-Nonneuroleptics Propanolol, Carbamazepine,
Fluoxetine, Trazodone, Lithium-Benzodiazepine.De
pression Antidepressants.Mania Lithium,
Carbamazepine, Valproate. Psychoses high
potency antipsychotics. Sexual aggression
medroxy progesterone
50Memory Enhancement drug
- Artherosclerosis
- Cerebral vasodilator, Anticoagulant
- Neuropeptide , Cerebral metabolic enhancer
- Drug associated with cholinergic system
51Centrally Acting Cholinesterase Inhibitor
- Tacrine
- Donepezil(Aricept)
- No evidence for prevent the progressive neuronal
52Family Management
- Suggest planning Care for Pt
- Understanding Accept
- Environmental Manipulation
- Supportive Group for Fm. Member
- Individual Psych. For Fm. Member
- Supportive Psychotherapy Direct Tech.
- Coping Defense Mechanism
54Course and Prognosis
- Course 5-10 yrs , deterioration
- DAT1-20 (8) yrs
- Psychosocial factor low IQ, anxiety, depression
asso. Increased symptom
55Amnestic Disorders
- Only memory impairment
- Normal other cognitive function conciousness
- Diencephalon dorsomedial midline nuclei of
thalamus - Midtemporal lobe hippocampus, mamillary body,
amygdala - Usually involved bilateral
- Frontal lobe confabulation apathy
- Cerebrovascular disease hippocampus
- Multiple sclerosis plaque in temporal lobe,
diencephalon - Korsakoffs syn Thiamine deficiency
- Alcoholic Blackout
58Differential Diagnosis
- Dementia Delirium
- Normal Aging
- Dissociative disorders
- Facticious disorders
- Remove causes
- Other Tx. similar to dementia
60Mental dis due to gen. Med . cond
- Catatonic dis. Due to gen.med.cond
- Personality change. Due to gen.med.cond
- Mental dis. due to NOS
61Degenerative disease
- Involves basal ganglia asso movement dis.
depression - Parkinsons dissubstantial nigra
- Huntingtons dis caudate nucleus autoso
dominant - Wilsons disease autoso recessive , lenticular
- 30-50 asso Psychiatric disorders
- The most common Personality change
- Generalized Seizure
- -Generalized tonic-clonic seizure
- -Absence
- Partial Seizure
- -Complex partial seizure
64Complex Partial Seizure
- Pre-ictal autonomic sensation, cognitive
sensation, affective state , automatism - Ictal loss of conciousness
- Personality disturbance
- -Sexual Beh.
- -Viscosity of personality
- -Religiosity
- Psychoses hallucination paranoid delusion
66Violence foci temporal , frontal.Mood
disorders depression, mania Treatment-Drug
of choice for CPs Valproate , Carbamazepine-Fm.
Therapy-Individual Psychotherpy-Group