The GLOBAL DISTRIBUTED DIARY - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The integration of mobile computers into the existing infrastructures, implies ... (May 13-16, 1997, Ronneby, Sweden), I: M.Boman, W. Van de Velde, S.H gg (Eds. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Department of Computer ScienceFaculty of Science
  • University of Tromsø

Problem domain
  • The integration of mobile computers into the
    existing infrastructures, implies that each
    person uses a set of machines. At any moment, the
    most convenient/-productive machine will be
  • Updates performed on one computer must be made
    available to the others in the set in order to
    satisfy data consistency constraints.

Goal no. 1
  • Address and devise solutions to the data
    consistency problems that arise when small,
    personal, variably connected mobile machines are
    integrated into an infrastructure for data
    sharing dominated by stationary, well connected

Goal no. 2
  • Devise a distributed application (a distributed
    diary), along with appropriate system support
    (which includes security), that handles
    consistent read/write sharing of replicated data
    between a large set of heterogeneous, variably
    connected computers.

Sub-goals (AB)
  • State the application requirements (incl.
    availability, and consistency requirem.
    trade-offs) necessary to construct the GDD.
  • Develop protocols capturing the consistency
    issues that allows programmers to express the
    appl.s consistency constraints easily, and that
    have suitable impl. in a variable conn. env. with
    many resource poor nodes.

Sub-goals (CD)
  • Device an infrastructure that can safeguard
    security and privacy for this environment in
    general and in this application in particular.
  • Explore the integration of int. agents into the
    distributed diary, incl. examination of how int.
    agents can extend and/or substitute the
    distributed diary functions, and how such agents
    can meet the security requir.

  • Primarily experimental. The research is driven
    by a distributed applic.the GDD.
  • The GDD will include replication management,
    security, authentication, authorisation, and
    privacy, all which allows experimentation with
    key problem areas.

  • The GDD application
  • GDD distributed data repository
  • GDDsystem interface
  • Security and privacy
  • Integration of intelligent agents into the GDD

The GDD application
  • Develop the necessary requirements and
    fundamental design choices prior to the
    construction of the GDD, including requirements
    and trade-offs for
  • availability and consistency of data
  • distribution of messages and alarms
  • Result requir. specification, design
    implementation of core parts of the GDD.

GDD distributed data repository
  • Replicated systems are usually based on the
    assumption that they are connected. In case of
    partition and conflicting updates, the
    correctness is based on progress in the majority
  • In the type of system we are considering, desired
    progress may well be initiated from a
    disconnected machine, that may be (part of) a
    minority partitioning of the GDD.

GDD dist. data repository (cont.)
  • Replication mgmt for fully replicated data
  • Result a replic. mgmt scheme for fully
    replicated small size, discrete data items in the
    variable connected environ. of the GDD.
  • Replic. mgmt for partially replicated data
  • Result a replic. mgmt scheme for partially
    replic. large size, discrete and continuos data
    items suitable for the variab. conn. env.

GDDsystem interface
  • The interface between the GDD and system services
    must be designed such that is allows co-operation
    between the application and the system.
  • Results how to construct flexible applic. that
    behave well over a system that provides varying
    resources and services, including dynamic and
    seamless switching between wired and wireless

GDDsystem interface (cont.)
  • Flexibility and co-operation with system
  • Result construction of a GDD that is able to
    exhibit flexibility in the face of variable
    resource provisions.
  • Flexibility and co-operation with applic.
  • Result a system that is able to exhibit
    flexibility in the face of variable resource

Security and privacy
  • We will investigate issues related to striking
    the balance between privacy and usability
  • how to establish the existence and presence of
    principals in the system.
  • how to facilitate delegation authorisation.
  • Result a security and privacy system that will
    provide a balance between ensuring access to
    services the required privacy.

Integration of intelligent agents
  • Investigate how agents may behave and maybe
    improve the usability of the GDD
  • how, if possible, intelligent agents can extend
    and/or substitute GDD tasks
  • how, if possible, intelligent agents can meet
    the security requirements of the GDD
  • Result how agents may behave and maybe improve
    the usability of the GDD.

Expected deliverables (1996-2000)
  • 2 Ph.D. (D.Sc.) candidates (1 GDD supp.)
  • 7-12 M.Sc. (cand.scient.) (3-4 per year)
  • 20 grad. engineers ( (5 per year)
  • 5-10 journal papers
  • 10-20 conference papers
  • 10-20 visits at collaborators
  • X popular science articles in newspapers ...

Status and results per 1997
  • Prosjektansatte finansiert av NFR
  • Research Scholar Dag Brattli (3.3.97-2.3.01)
  • Postdoc Arne Helme (1.9.97-30.8.99)

Results per 1997
  • Desember 1996 Plan Res. Avvik Conf./ws
    papers 2 3 1 Cand.scient.stud 2 0 -2
    4 4 0 Travel UPisa 8 7 -1 July 1997
    Plan Res. Avvik Journal papers 1 2 1 Conf./ws
    papers 3 4 1 Cand.scient.stud 2 1 -1
    4 0 -4 Travel UPisa 4 1 -3 Travel
    UTwente 4 0 -4

Systems constructed
  • Applikasjon for sømnløs svitsjing mellom ether og
  • Distribuert diary-applikasjon basert på FR
  • Replikert versjon av File Repository (FR).
  • PGPlib (PGP bibliotek).
  • Verktøy for administrasjon av samarbeidende
  • Browser-SW for palmtop computers.

Under construction
  • Programmeringsgrensesnitt for FR.
  • Sikkerhet mellom klienter-tjener og mellom
    replikerte tjenere i en FR-omgivelse.
  • Brukermodell-baserte agenter.
  • Samarbeidsstrategier for programvare-agenter
    (bl.a. som en utvidelse til GDD-applikasjonen).

Publikasjoner 1996
  • Konferanser
  • Cao, W., Bian, C.-C., Hartvigsen, G. 1996.
    Cooperator-Base Task-Base for Agent Modeling
    the Virtual Secretary Approach. Proceedings of
    the 1996 AAAI Workshop on Agent Modeling
    (Portland, Oregon, August 4, 1996). Technical
    Report WS-96-02. Menlo Park, California AAAI
    Press, s. 105-111.
  • Helme, A., Stabell-Kulø, T. (1996). Off-line
    Delegation in a File Repository. Presented at the
    1996 DIMACS Workshop on Trust Management in
    Distributed Systems, Rutgers University, October,
  • Tech.reports, etc.
  • Stabell-Kulø, T. (1996). Security in the PASTA
    project. Technical Report no. 96-27, Department
    of Computer Science, University of Tromsø.

Publikasjoner 1997
  • TidsskrifterHelme, A., Stabell-Kulø, T. 1997.
    Security functions for a file repository.
    Operating System Review 31 (2 April), 3-8.
  • Stabell-Kulø, T. 1997. Security and log
    structured file systems. Operating System Review
    31 (2 April), 3-8.
  • Konferanser
  • Brattli, D., Stabell-Kulø, T. 1997. A software
    network for mobile computers. Presented at
    Cabernet 3rd Plenary Workshop (Rennes, France,
    April 16-18, 1997).
  • Bian, C-G., Cao, W., Hartvigsen, G. 1997. An
    Efficient Heuristic Search in a Large Multi-Agent
    System. Proceedings of the Fourteenth National
    Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-97),
    (July 27-31, 1997, Providence, Rhode Island),
    Menlo Park, California AAAI Press.

Publikasjoner 1997
  • Cao, W., Bian, C.-C., Hartvigsen, G. 1997.
    Achieving Efficient Cooperation in a Multi-Agent
    System the Twin-Base Modeling. Proceeding of
    Cooperative Information Agents DAI meets
    Database Systems (CIA'97) (Kiel, Germany,
    February 26-28, 1997). I P. Kandiza, M. Klusch
    (Eds.), Cooperative Information Agents. Lecture
    Notes in Computer Science 1202, Berlin
    Springer-Verlag, pp. 210-221.
  • Cao, W., Bian, C.-G., Hartvigsen, G. 1997. An
    Organizational Approach to Efficient Cooperation
    in an Agent Society. Posters Proceedings at
    MAAMAW'97 (8th European Workshop on Modeling
    Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent World), (May
    13-16, 1997, Ronneby, Sweden), I M.Boman, W. Van
    de Velde, S.Hägg (Eds.), MAAMAW97 Posters
    Proceedings. ISRN HKR-RES--97/5--SE. Ronneby,
    Sweden Univ. of Karlskrona, pp. 23-34.

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