Title: What is wilderness
1What is wilderness?
Course website
2What is wilderness?
- Untouched by modern humans
3What is wilderness?
- Untouched by modern humans
- Whatever people think it is
4What is wilderness?
- Untouched by modern humans
- Whatever people think it is
- De facto wilderness
5What is wilderness?
- Untouched by modern humans
- Whatever people think it is
- De facto wilderness
- Legal wilderness
6. . . wilderness ... an area where the earth and
its community of life are untrammeled by man,
where man himself is a visitor who does not
7... wilderness ... generally appears to have been
affected primarily by the forces of nature, with
the imprint of mans work substantially
unnoticeable ... (Emphasis added.)
8Decreasing Marginal Utility
value per unit
number of units
9Decreasing Marginal Utility
wilderness farm
value per unit
number of units
10Decreasing Marginal Utility
wilderness farms cities etc.
value per unit
number of units
11Other Factors
12Other Factors
13Other Factors
14Other Factors
15Other Factors
- safety
- leisure
- wealth
- mobility
16Wilderness Themes (see text)
- experiential
- scientific
- symbolic and spiritual
- economic
17- Anthropocentric vs. Biocentric
- Anthropocentric - benefits people
18- Anthropocentric vs. Biocentric
- Anthropocentric - benefits people
- Biocentric - benefits biological systems
19- What is nature?
- Conditions without modern
- impacts
20- What is nature?
- Conditions without modern
- impacts
- Natural forces and processes
21What species is making the decisions that cause
massive change?
22What species is making the decisions that cause
massive change? We have met the enemy and he is
us -- Pogo
23We (humans) are in charge. Need enlightened,
long-term self-interest I, am driven to an
anthropocentric point of view You, must figure
out what you find you can believe