Title: Wave Erosion
1Wave Erosion
2Shoreline Erosion- large waves during storms hit
the shore so hard that it pulls the rock off and
into the ocean. Sea Cliffs- a steep structure of
rock located where waves strike directly against
rock. Sea Caves, Arches, and Stacks-large holes
along the base of a sea cliff, offshore isolated
columns of rock. Terraces- a level platform
underneath the water at the base of a sea cliff.
- Wave-cut terrace Wave-built
terrace-an extension of a wave-cut terrace.
3Beaches- depositions of sand along an ocean
shore. -composition depends on the source
rock. Berm- the raised section on most
beaches. Sand Bar- underwater ridges. Longshore-Cu
rrents are created by waves moving at an angle to
the shoreline push water along the shore. Spit- a
long narrow deposit do sand at one end of the
shore. Tombolos-connections from offshore
islands to main lands.
4Coastal Erosion and Deposition
5Coastline and sea level changes-the sea level
rises and falls depending on the amount of ocean
water. Coastline and Land Changes- Coastlines can
be flooded if land sinks, and can be exposed if
the land rises. Submergent Coastlines- formed
when the sea level rises or land sinks. Inlets
between land. Emergent Coastlines- formed when
land rises or sea level falls.
6Barrier Island- long narrow offshore ridges of
sand. Coral Reefs- coastal features that are
homes to small marine animals that live in warm
shallow sea water. -fringing reef-around the
coast of an island. -barrier reef-coral offshore
around the remaining of the volcano. -atoll-circu
lar coral reef surrounding a shallow lagoon.