Title: Regulation of MuDR/Mu Transposons of Maize
1Regulation of MuDR/Mu Transposons of Maize
2Developmental Regulation of MuDR/Mu Transposons
- Late timing, in the final cell divisions How do
plant organs cease cell division? - Different transposition outcome in somatic and
pre-germinal cells Lacking a germ line, how
do cells differentiate for meiosis?
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4Late excisions occur in the soma
- High frequency
- Throughout plant
- Somatic insertions
5Possible Mechanisms to Control Timing of MuDR/Mu
- Transcription of MuDR
- RNAi
- microRNAs regulate translation
- Modification of MURA or MURB
- Inhibitor proteins encoded by hMuDRs
- Competition at MURA binding sites
6TIRBGUS and TIRBLuciferase are expressed in
meristems and differentiated cells. There is
very high expression in floral tissues and pollen.
7TIRs contain numerous floral and pollen enhancer
Site I, II
Methylation gradient during silencing
8Inhibitor proteins encoded by homologs?
9Where did MuDR/Mu come from? With genome
sequencing homologs also found in Arabidopsis
and rice, but only with the mudrA transposase
gene. Any question about origins in maize
should start in Mexico.
10Alphabetical survey of exotic maize lines
identifies Zapalote chico as containing MuDR-like
Plasmid reconstructions of 1 and 10 copies of MuDR
11Selling totopos is a major source of income in
Zapotec farm families. The resources and income
are managed by women. All high quality totopos
are made from Zapalote chico corn. Totopos now
come in many flavors and are exported from the
12Locally grown Zapalote chico corn is made into a
masa, holes poked into the flattened discs, and
then cooked.
13Totopo are cooked in a clay oven pit after
placing them on the cooking surface inside.
14Totopo prepared from Zapalote chico corn in Oaxaca
15Innovation in manufacturing. Using a pasta maker
this woman can keep 4 ovens full.
16Uncoupling of RNA and protein abundance. hMuDR
elements encode proteins.
17Zapalote chico MuDR elements contain homologs of
both the mudrA and mudrB genes. The Mutator
system is silenced (or of low activity) but is
reactivated when crossed with non-Zapalote chico
corn. Hybrid dysgenesis and many mutations occur.
This fits a Zapotec legend that if you steal
their corn, the Zapotec corn will be so unhappy
that it will kill your corn.
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20Test of Model Big Spots?
- Will mutating bases required for transcription
factor binding alter excision timing?
Anthocyanin gene
21 Spontaneous timing change in bz1-mu1
- Distinguish cis versus trans control
- A2 bz1-mu1/bz1 X a2-mu1/a2 Bz1
- Blind Test purple kernels
- a2 X a2-mu1/A2 bz1-mu1/Bz1
- bz1 X a2-mu1/A2 bz1-mu1/Bz1
- Conclusions
- Trans-regulation
- Single dominant factor
- Model MuDR or host gene mutant
22Anther somatic cells have late excision events,
but pollen and its precursors have germinal
insertions without excisions gt No germinal
23Without a germ line, how do plants form gametes?
24Epidermis L1 Endothecium Middle Layer
L2 Tapetum Pollen
Each pollen grain has two sperm
Vegetative cell
25What controls cell fate determination in flowers?
Meiosis -gt gametophyte -gt gametes
Somatic fate
By what mechanism do MuDR/Mu elements switch
behavior during fate determination?
Epidermis L1 Endothecium Middle Layer
L2 Tapetum Pollen
Middle Layer
27Evidence for Pre-Meiotic Germinal Insertions
- Recovery of Duplicate Mutations
- Recovery of Multiple RescueMu Plasmids at the
Same Insertion Site
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29When do Mu insertions occur?
Switch in transposition outcome is not at
20 in floral sectors gt multiple progeny with
the same mutation
60 during meiosis and in gametophytes gt 1 or 2
progeny with the same mutation
20 in sperm gt embryo and endosperm differ
30Somatic and Germinal Mu Transposition Mechanisms
Somatic Cut Paste
Germinal Replicative
31RescueMu deletions occur in new sites at a 5
frequency, evidence for true replicative
- Deleted rescued plasmids are being sequenced to
ask if repeats mark deletion end points.
Transposase mudrA
Helper mudrB
33Intron 1 alternative splicing and intron 3
retention result in three transcript types
Transposase mudrA
34Excision only transposases MURA823 736
337 intron 428
450 252 start UC/GUGAGU ----UAG/ ATG
Excision and Insertion transposase MURA854
224 333
intron 466 168 start ATG 36 aa
35The "slippery sequence" created by splicing
UCCU/UUUCAAT is similar to viral transcript
frameshift sites. Predicted shifted frame
UCC UUU UUC AAT To avoid long string of
Construct in transgenic maize
36Transgenic maize plants with Corrected R or
Frameshift F cDNA 1 to 215 45 bp
224 R TIR A S tag ATG 36
aa UUC UUC In frame F TIR A S
tag ATG 36 aa UUUUC Frameshift
37Reconstruction of developmentally late somatic
excision events
MURA854 F and R with LcRescueMu
38MURA854 F and R support Mu insertion
MURA854 x a1-mum2 germinal
MURA854 x bz2 somatic
39MURA Transposase Functions in Transgenic Maize
823 736 854
Somatic excision Yes Yes Yes
Somatic insertion No No Yes
Germinal insertion No No Yes
40Multiple Levels of Regulation of MURA854
- Transcription site choice
- First intron alternative splicing
- Frameshift translation
- MURB-mediated step (biochemistry unknown)
41RescueMu Gillian Nan Manish Raizada Bret
Schneider Darren Morrow John Fernandes
MURA MURB structure and interaction Akemi Ono
Soo-Hwan Kim Matt Fitzgerald Nathan Manley
MURA Transposase Manish Raizada George Rudenko
Early excision Virginia Walbot
42Helper mudrB
Retention of in-frame introns 2 3
43What does MURB do?
- Does not bind DNA or MURA in vitro or in vivo in
somatic cells - Localized to the cytoplasm in somatic cells may
be nuclear in germinal cells - mudrB deletion mutants and transgenic MURA MURB
expression data suggest a role in insertion.
44Questions about MuDR/Mu
- Biochemistry of MURAs and MURBs
- Regulation of the switch from somatic to
germinal programs - Mechanism of germinal insertion (gap repair or
true replicative)
45Gap repair cut paste can appear to be
Replicated chromosomes
Cut paste transposition
old site
new site
Gap repair from sister
46Different Amounts of DNA Synthesis Required for
Somatic Cut Paste
Germinal Replicative
Synthesis of transposon strand plus 9 bp at both
the old and new sites
New 9 bp duplications
Old empty site fill in
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