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According to Stuart Close - 'Constitution is that aggregate at hereditary ... is changing to humidity, before storm and before and during tempestuous winds. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


According to Stuart Close - "Constitution is that
aggregate at hereditary characters, influenced
more less by environment, which determine the
individuals reaction, successful or unsuccessful,
to the stress of environment.
Dr. Kent Says Physical constitution is the
external disorder following disorder in the man
the vital force.
  • Constitution is defined as a person's physical
    and mental make up. Which is revealed through his
    physical built, his characteristic desires,
    aversions and reaction as well as emotional and
    intellectual attributes.
  • Constitution is a term which covers vast
    dimension in width, depth and intricacy.
  • It has two basic factor -
  • a. Endogenous factor
  • b. Exogenous factor

  • The endogenous factor are innate in the
    individual incurred from the heredity. They endow
    the organism with various types of tendencies,
    susceptibilities, reactions to the stress at
    environment etc.
  • The Exogenous factor are incurred gradually and
    staidly since birth from various intimate details
    at the environmental factors.
  • Ultimately, bath these exogenous and endogenous
    factor may becomes so much intimately mingled up
    that form a new type at constitution of the
    particular organism totality distinct from
    progenitors and even others of the same species.
    From this approach it is clear that each
    individual has a distinctly characteristic
    Constitutions at his / her own.

Developments of individual constitution
Sperm Ovem
Endogenous Factor
Father Mother
Birth of a New Baby
(Baby with various type at tendencies,
susceptibilities, reaction to the stress of
environments inherited from patient.)
Exposure to different Environment factors -
bath internal and external
Environmental Factor
Exogenous Factor
Mingled up at bath endogenous and Exogenous factor
Development of a totally distinct of type of
constitution - totally distinct from progenitors
and even others of the same species.
Development of individual constitution
Types of constitution
There are different types of constitution which
are carried into homoeopathic parlance from
aid-time pathology.
Some of them are -
  • Dr. Von Grauvogl has classified human
    constitution into following ypes.

1. Hydrogenoid Constitution
  • This is characterized by an excess of hydrogen
    and consequently at water in the blood and
  • In this type of constitution there is increased
    susceptibility to humidity, even to aquatic
  • Hence the symptoms of a disease in this
    constitution at the body aggravated by every
    thing which is any way increases the atom at
    water in the organism.
  • They are prone to dropsy and anasarea and suffer
    from diseases at the tissue growth at the benign
  • Tuja,Med, Sil, Dulc, Nat-s, Nit-ac, phyt, Rhust,
    Appo, dig. are some of the remedies attracted by
    these miasm.
  • Sycotic miasm.

2. Oxygenoid constitution
  • This is characterized by an excess of oxygen or
    atleast by exaggerated.
  • Influence at oxygen on the organism. The person
    under this constitutions are thin and complain at
    weight loss inspite at having food appetite and
    eating well.
  • They like fats and aversion to carbohydrate. They
    are worse when dryness is changing to humidity,
    before storm and before and during tempestuous
  • They are better when it begin to rain and snow.
    They are also worse in foggy weather.
  • Oxygenoids are commonly called nervous individual
    characterized by increased physical and mental
  • The some at the remembers attracted to this
    constitution are Mer sol,Syph,Kali iod, Calc -
    P, Phos-ac, Nat-p, Iod, and its salts - Kali-m,
    Natm, Hyos,
  • Syphilitic Miasm.

3. Carbo-Nitrogenoid Constitution
  • This characterized by an excess of carbon and
    nitrogen or insufficient oxygenation and the
    complaints are caused by retarded nutrition.
  • This characterized by an excess of carbon and
    nitrogen or insufficient oxygenation and the
    complaints are caused by retarded nutrition.
  • This constitution is marked by obesity, which is
    followed by emaciation in due course.
  • They are mostly tired individual and do not like
    to take any active work. They have unhealthy
    smell, offensive and irritating perspiration etc.
  • The factor which cause and aggravate complaints
    are overfeeding, exertion or anything which
    hinders the use of energy or which results
    in the wastage at energy.
  • Some at chief remedies are Ars, Ars - i, Barc,
    Calc-P, Hep.
  • Psoric Miasm.

(B) De Leon Vanniers Classification -
(i) Carbonic constitution The person who are
mentally and physically uprights having. Square
white regular teeth. They are orderly responsible
and capable.
Psoric and are prone to arthritis and eczema.
Remedies - Amm Carb, Calc Carg, Mag Carb
(ii) Phosphoric Constitution They are person
having scrofulous or Tuburcular diathesis with
thin delicate easily tired person with long
yellow teeth. Susceptible to disease at chest and
lungs. They are - Sycotic
Remedies - Phosphorus, Nat Mur, Ph-Acid
(iii) Flouric Constitution Body formation is
irregular and unbalanced. Prone to
disease of nervous system. Dislocation
at joints and suicidal tendencies.
Syphilitic miasm, Remedies - calc f, fl-ac
(C) According to other homoeopath- Plethoric
Constitution - Bell Dwarfish Constitution
- Baryta Carb Dyspeptic / Bilious
Constitution - Nux Vomica Scrofulous
Constitution - Calc Carb Menopausal
Constitution - Pulstilla Catarrhal or
Rheumatic Consti. - Rhus tox Lymphatic / Gouty
Constitution - Ledum pal Arterial Constitution
- Graphites Asthenic or feeble Constitution
- Sulphur Cachetic Constitution - Natmur
Psoric Constitution - King - Sulphur
Queen - Psorinum Syphilitic
Constitution - King - Merc. Queen -
Syphilinum Sycotic Constitution - King - Thuja
Queen - Med. Cancerous
Constitution - Carcinocin
(D) Other types of Constitution -
  • Scrofulous Constitution
  • Leucophlegmatic Constitution
  • Choleric (bilious) Constitution
  • Neuropathic
  • Factors related to Constitution
  • Constitution consists chiefly of the following
  • Name
  • Age
  • Sex
  • Caste / Religion
  • Mode of living
  • Occupation
  • Habit
  • Hereditary
  • Environment
  • Physical Make - up
  • Mentality

  • Physical Tendencies
  • Disease Suffer in Past
  • Treatment adopted for the same in past
  • Family History
  • Desire, Aversion intolerance
  • Temperament
  • Heat Cold relation
  • Diathesis
  • Miasmatic background
  • Susceptibility and response
  • Addiction

Constitutional Diagnosis
Constitutional diagnosis means the assessment of
the peculiarities of an individual during. His or
Her apparently healthy State. Constitutional
Constitutional medicine means the medicine
which can correct the constitutional disorder -
inherent and acquired. Every antimiasmatic
medicine is a constitutional medicine. It acts
better only other miasmatic effects are removed
or brought to latent state.
Refers to the dynamic disease producing power
which stains and pallute the human organism with
unhealthy tendencies and thus becomes the
producer at different types of disease.
According to stuart close -
In his Genius of homeopathy remarks A miasm is
according to hahnemann and to most at his
followers an infecting agent and a cause at
By sir john weir
  • By Miasm habnemam means germ diseases.
  • Classification of miasm
  • Acute miasm
  • Chronic miasm
  • Half-acute miasm

1. Acute miasm- Acute miasm is a dynamic
disease-producing power which causes acute
specific, infectious, epidemic disease having
almost fixed manifestation. Acute miasm are again
3 type (a) Acute miasm of specific dis. (i)
Recurring type - Ex. Asiatic cholera, plague of
lewant (ii) Non-recurring type (b) Acute
miasm of half spirited disease - Ex. Scarlet
fever. (c) Fixed miasm - Ex. Whooping cough,
small pox. 2. Chronic miasm - are the
fundamental cause of chronic disease. Types -
(1) Psora (2) Sycosis (3) Syphilis (4) Drug miasm
(5) Acessory miasm Ex. cow pox vaccine.
3. Half Acute miasm- Ex. Hydrophobia
Relation b/w constitution Miasm Constitution
and miasm both are separate things. Miasm - is a
predisposition to a particular type of disease
process. Constitution - includes miasms and also
personality, character, disposition, temperament
body types. That part of the constitution that is
unhealthy would be considered part of the miasm
and the non-miasmatic portion of the Constitution
is healthy. Miasm is the disposition to disease
whereas Constitution is the interpretation of
these disposition.
Constitutional Prescribing -
Definition - Constitutional prescribing at
Homoeopathic remedies refer to the selection and
administration at homoeopathic preparation over a
period of time for treatment related to what
practioners call miasmatic disorder, those caused
by generational predisposition to a disease.
Purpose - The purpose of constitutional
prescribing of homoeopathic remedies is the
treatment of what is known as miasm, or miasmatic
As in acute prescribing, constitutional
prescribing, is holistic in that it is intended
to treat the patient on the emotional and
spiritual level of his or her being as well as
the physical. Constitutional prescribing is also
aimed at eventual cure of patient. not just
suppression the or relief of immediate symptom.

Should be based on the totality at the mental and
physical reaction. It should be able to cover the
level at susceptibility, the tendencies, the
behavioural pattern and underlying miasm.
Precaution- Constitutional medicine is a
potential force and it should be not be misused
in the course at treatment. It should be noted
that administration of constitutional medicine
during acute stage of a disease might be prove
hazardeous. In Acute stage of a disease an
acute remedy should be selected only on the basis
of acute totality. Description- Constitutional
medicine should be priscribed only after acute
crises which is overcome with the help of acute
medicine in order to facilate the individual to
have a quick and uneventful convalescence. It
also effectively checks the tendency to relaps.
How constitutional medicine act-
All these are achieved not by direct action the
causative organism if any, but by conservation
and stimulation of natural defence mechanism of
the person. Thus an artistic, Homoeopathic
prescribe successfully evolves an undistorted,
conceptual image of a person during acute and
chronic illness and uses his discretions to find
their exact replica in Homeopathic material
medical, either acute medicine or constitutional
medicine, in order to achieve the highest and the
only mission that is to restore the sick to
health. Constitutional prescribing is not the
same as chronic prescribing since the patient
does not have to exhibit any sign of chronic
disease pathology to require a constitutional
remedy. Constitutional prescribing does not
simply address the present disturbance but also
the past and future. It is treating the patients
susceptibility (which may include the propensity
to repeated acute and existing chronic illness)
By addressing the inner disturbance which gives
to outward disease symptom. It treated the
manifest the previously manifest, and also the
potential to manifest.
Importance of constitutional remedy- (why
constitutional remedy is so important)
Homoeopathy believes in treatment at an
individual in disease and not a disease in
individual. So In order to treat the individual
we have to know a lat at things. According to
aphorism 5 of organon of medicine- Useful to the
physician in assisting him to cure are the
particulars at the most probably exciting cause
at the acute disease, as also the most
significant point in the whole history at the
chronic disease to enable him to discover the
fundamental cause, which is generally due to a
chronic miasm. In these investigation the
ascertainable physical constitution at the
patient (especially when disease is chronic) his
moral and intellectual character, his occupation,
mode of living and habits his social and domestic
relation, his age, sexual function etc. are to
be taken into consideration.
In order to treat an individual we have to know
how he reacts to various things, his reacts to
various physical and mental stimuli because
unlike allopathy homoeopathic medicine act
curatively through stimulating the healing
process rather than direct action on the disease.
So in order to know which medicine the
individual is sensitive we have to necessarily
know his sensitiveness, which can only made
available through his symptom, etc so proper case
taking to understand the individual is a must to
get a totality at symptom to prescribe upon.
  • mostly deep acting anti miasmatic remedy and
  • potency andose-
  • millisimal potency
  • dose-LM 1 onwards

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