Title: Kein Folientitel
1Artificial Neural Nets (ANN) An alternative way
of deriving QSAR models
2J. Zupan, J. Gasteiger
Neural Networksin Chemistryand Drug Design
Second Edition
WILEY-VCH, Weinheim, 1999
3Artificial Neural Nets
number of chemistry-related publications
4Artificial Neural Nets
The "100 Steps Paradoxon"
human brain computer reaction time of firing
of neuron clock ratebasic unit 10-3 sec 10-9
sec (500 MHz) recognition of the faceof a
friend 10-1 sec 10-1 sec no. of processing
steps 100 100,000,000
- The human brain works highly parallel
5Artificial Neural Nets
Visual Cortexof the Human Brain
6Artificial Neural Nets
Biological and Artificial Neurons
7Artificial Neural Nets
Input e.g. molecular descriptors Output e.g.
biological activity
8Artificial Neural Nets - Supervised learning
predict new compounds
change weights
9Artificial Neural Nets
Net architecture ("topology") in Capsaicin
10Artificial Neural Nets
Capsaicin dataset Predicted vs Actual Log EC50
using a trained Neural Net(Corr. Coeff. R2
11Artificial Neural Nets
- Prediction of the test set (compound 6i)
- (Multiple) linear regression predictions
- Log EC50 0.76 - (0.82)? Pred. Log EC50 for 6i
1.56 - Log EC50 1.14 - (0.07)MR Pred. Log EC50 for
6i 0.42 - Log EC50 0.76 - (0.82)? (0.0003)MR Pred. Log
EC50 for 6i 1.57
- Neural Net prediction Pred. Log EC50 for 6i
1.05 - And the experimental affinity is......
- Log EC50 gt3!!!(totally inactive)
12Artificial Neural Nets - Unsupervised learning
gtprojection with preservation of the topology of
the input space
13Artificial Neural Nets - Unsupervised learning
Molecules exhibit their activity via complex
surface properties
14Artificial Neural Nets - Unsupervised learning
112 Dopamine and 60 Benzodiazepine Agonists in
the bulk of 8,323 structures of unknown activity
Kohonen map (40x30)
15Artificial Neural Nets - Unsupervised learning
benzodiazepine 50
benzodiazepine 39
benzodiazepine 43
benzodiazepine 22
benzodiazepine 49
16Artificial Neural Nets - Unsupervised learning
Kohonen map unsupervised learning
multilayer network supervised learning
173D QSAR Linking QSAR with Molecular Modeling
- Two standard methods
- CoMFA (Comparative Molecular Field Analysis,
Cramer et al.) - QuaSAR (Vedani et al.)
193D QSAR - The CoMFA Approach
203D QSAR - The CoMFA Approach
For the capsaicin example, CoMFA predicted Log
213D QSAR - The CoMFA Approach