Title: Cerro Tololo Observatory in Chile, with Milky Way
1Cerro Tololo Observatory in Chile, with Milky Way
2Setting the Cosmic Distance Scale
- If Earth (13,000 km) ? sesame seed
- Sun size (140,000 km) ? soccer ball x 100
- Earths orbit (300 million km 2 AU ) ?
Macmillan x 200 - Solar system (160 AU) ? downtown Ithaca x 80
- to Sirius (500,000 AU 2.5 parsec) ? North
America x 3,000 - Milky Way galaxy (40,000 parsec) ? Earths orbit
x 15,000 - If Milky Way ? frisbee
- to Andromeda (800,000 parsec) ? length of a car
x 15 - to distant galaxy (1 billion parsec) ? to King
Ferry x 1500 - to most distant quasar (30 billion LY) ? to
3A Classic Spiral Galaxy, Seen Face-On
4The Andromeda Galaxy and its two companions
Messier 31 / New General Catalog 224
6 moons ? 3 arc-degrees a frisbee at 15 feet
5A galaxy and its companion M51 NGC 5195
The Sombrero Galaxy M104
6The Seyfert Galaxy M104 very hot core
M83 A barred spiral
7NGC 4565
NGC 3115 an elliptical
Milky Way
Our Local Group of galaxies
9Galactic Cluster CL 09394713 pretty typical
10Hubble Deep Field, in constellation Fornax
1/20 moon ? 1.5 arc-minutes a dime at 75 feet
11Hubble Ultra Deep Field
Four times further away so 16 times fainter
1/10 moon 3 arc-minutes
121 million galaxies seen, 200 billion known
- bluishness is Milky Way
- note thread-like filamentary structure
- strong evidence for galactic clusters
- voids may be gravitationally active dark matter
13Most Galaxies have VERY Flat rotation curves
Vera Rubin (1975) this is true WELL beyond the
visible rim of a galaxy (like twice as far or
14How Does the Rotation Curve Tell Us About the
Matter Distribution in a Galaxy?
- Newton showed that the mass M underneath an
object that moves at v at a distance d is M v2d
? the bigger M is, so too v - Disc Model M (d2) d d3 reasonable for a
uniform solid body - Point-mass Model M (1/d) d constant
reasonable for a point mass at the center - Observed flat Rotation Curve since v constant
M d implies mass is concentrated near
center, but not as a solid body - one can make a more detailed analysis to get the
mass distribution - Fritz Zwicky (1933) studied the Coma Cluster and
showed that the outer stars move MUCH faster than
could be explained by the observed mass of the
inner stars - There had to be 400 times as much matter as was
Missing Mass Problem DARKMATTER
15Hubble Space Telescope Film of Coma Cluster
- outer stars are moving much too fast ? theres
much more INVISIBLE matter near the clusters core
16Gravitational Lensing causes false arc-like images
nearby galaxy
distant galaxy
17Gravitational Lensing of Distant Objects
18May 21 2007 Syracuse Post-Standard
Hubble Image of CL 002417
The blue streaks are very distant objects,
gravitationally lensed by the dark matter in the
nearby cluster