Title: Cold Atom Surface Interactions
1Cold Atom - Surface Interactions By Michael
Morrissey Quantum Optics Group, Cork Institute
of Technology, Ireland
- Source of cold rubidium atoms
- Diffraction of cold atoms off a microsphere
- Diffraction of cold atoms off an atomic grating
3Source of Cold Atoms
Pirani Gauge (2.3x10-9 mbar)
Ion Pump (V7kV)
Anti-Helmholtz Coils 4A
Rb Source (3A)
Roughing Pump (1x10-2 mbar)
4Investigation I Microspheres
Material IOG-2 Phosphate Size 50 ?m - 100?m
Dopants Ytterbium, Erbium Pump 980nm
(15mW) Emission 1550nm and 520/540nm
Pump 980nm
Fibre optic
CO2 Laser
3 ?m
125 ?m
5Proposed Experiment
We propose to study the scattering of slow atoms
that pass in the evanescent field of a
microsphere WGM.
Atoms are released from the MOT and fall into the
small space between the diaphragm D and the
microsphere S.
Atoms are deflected by evanescent field of the
WGM at the spheres equator. The deflection
angles, are revealed by the ring-shaped
distribution of atoms in a horizontal plane below
By observing the atom diffraction due to the
microsphere and making a comparison with the
theoretical diffraction pattern, information
should be gathered concerning the role played by
repulsive and attractive forces in the regime.
6Investigation II Magnetic Grating
A magnetic mirror can be an array of wires in
which adjacent wires have current flowing in
opposite directions W mirror width a
periodicity L wire length
A magnetic mirror can be made operate as a
grating by introducing a small oscillation in the
magnetic field. Piezoelectric crystal,
modulating current, coils
N 1
N 0
N -1
The location yR of the potential barrier will
oscillate in time according to
yR D.Cos(?t)
7Frequency of Oscillation
Angle of Reflection
Frequency (MHz)
8Angular Resolution
The angular resolution of diffracted orders can
be given by
Angle of Reflection
Angle of Reflection
Angle of Reflection
Angle of Incidence
Angle of Incidence
Angle of Incidence
9Amplitude of Different Orders
D 1/k
Diffraction Order
D 2/k
D 1/2k
Diffraction Order
Diffraction Order
10Amplitude of Different Orders
D 1/k
Diffraction Order
D 2/k
D 1/2k
Diffraction Order
Diffraction Order
11Thank you for your attention! THE END