The Common Creation Story as Sacred Revelation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Common Creation Story as Sacred Revelation


'Einstein once suggested that there are only two ways to live our lives as ... Aries (astrological sign for the spring equinox) is the name given to the prokaryotes ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Common Creation Story as Sacred Revelation

The Common Creation Story as Sacred Revelation
  • Einstein once suggested that there are only two
    ways to live our lives as though everything is
    a miracle, or as though nothing is.

Our Common Story
  • Sacred evolutionary narrative is common because
    it encompasses all beings, human and other than
  • Two sacred texts The Sacred Story and Creation
  • The scientific story of creation is a sacred,
    revelatory text

Our Common Story
  • Myth is one way of coming to know our world
  • Science is simply another way of knowing not
    based on intuition but rather on empirical
  • What scientists look for is determined by their
    assumptions about the nature of reality
  • It represents the consensus view of our best
    scientists using the tools they currently have at
    their disposal

Our Common Story
  • 13 and a half billion years ago, the early
    universe flashed into existence
  • From where or from what? Some have referred to it
  • All-Nourishing Abyss
  • Cosmic Vacuum
  • Zero Point Energy Field
  • Fecund Emptiness
  • Non-being or Nothing

Our Common Story
  • Sri Aurobindo refers to nothing as
  • something beyond the last term to which we can
    reduce our purest conception
  • It can be said that it is also the womb of the

Our Common Story
  • No one knows why the Flaring forth occurred
  • Some assert that the Holy One began the long
    journey of manifestation in the realm of time and
  • The secret One, slowly growing a body
  • Hafiz

Our Common Story
  • It is the nature of Gods Being to overflow in
    all dimensions, including the realm of matter
  • Dr. Sallie McFague invites us to think about the
    entire cosmos as the incarnate presence of the
  • The created universe is the body of God
  • Sri Aurobindo asserts that the physical universe
    can be described as the external body of the
    Divine Being
  • Plato referred to the natural world being a
    visible, sensible God

The Supernova Sacrifice
  • The energy at the centre of a star comes from the
    conversion of hydrogen into helium
  • Smaller stars explode, there are successive
    collapses, a stream of neutrinos are released
  • In the process, new heavier elements necessary
    for the emergence of life are synthesized
  • From this supernova explosion, all the elements
    we know about flare forth
  • We are literally made from stardust.
  • The only difference between us and trees or
    rocks and chickens is the way in which these
    elements are arranged Barbara Brown Taylor

Galactic Goldilocks
  • Five billion years ago, earth situated itself at
    exactly the right distance from the sun for life
    to eventually emerge
  • Everything around us is the one-billionth of the
    suns energy reaching the earth
  • We are a solar event (the heat we give off is the
    heat of the sun!)

Galactic Goldilocks
  • Earth was the right size and the right distance
    from the sun for the evolutionary force of the
    universe to continue its journey
  • After a million years of lightening storms over
    the sea, life sparks forth into being
  • Brian Swimme and Thomas Berry would consider this
    an understatement

The Fundamental Ethic of the Universe
  • There are three interrelated dynamics
  • Communion
  • Universe is a single dynamic event in which
    attraction at all levels plays a pivotal role
  • Without attraction, things would fly apart

The Fundamental Ethic of the Universe
  • 2. Differentiation
  • Within this communion, each and every emergent
    being is different from the rest
  • This leads to diversity
  • To be is to be a unique manifestation of

The Fundamental Ethic of the Universe
  • 3. Autopoiesis
  • This word means self-renewal
  • Each being simply knows from the inside the
    next step to take in order to be a player in the
    ongoing evolution of life

The Fundamental Ethic of the Universe
  • Taken together, these three dynamics suggest a
    universal ethic biased toward life.
  • They constitute a hidden pattern in the heart of
    the universe
  • When surrounding conditions are sufficiently
    intense and there is enough free energy present,
    these hidden patterns are activated
  • This is a fundamental condition of the universe
  • This is the presence of the Creative Power at the
    heart of the universe

Bacteria Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
  • Swimme and Berry describe these early life forms
    using the language of Myth
  • Aries (astrological sign for the spring equinox)
    is the name given to the prokaryotes
  • Aries lay the foundation for the evolution of
    successive, more complex forms of life
    including us!

Another Myth
  • Promethio (Prometheus, the Greek mythological
    figure who stole fire to help humanity) figured
    out how to capture sunlight and turn it into
    food, through photosynthesis
  • This ability provided for future generations of
    plants, Eukaryotes who would exploit this and

Another Myth
  • Promethio learned how to convert carbon dioxide
    into energy.
  • In the process, releasing oxygen into the
    atmosphere, fixing it at the current level of 21
  • If it were at 22, wed all go up in flames!!
  • B A L A N C E

Another Myth
  • Another bacterium, Prospero (the magician in
    Shakespeare's The Tempest) evolves
  • Prospero, an aerobic bacteria, was able to use
    the new oxygen in the atmosphere.
  • Prospero becomes the progenitor for the animal
    kingdom because of his ability to breath the

Another Myth
  • Together, Promethio and Prospero disrupt the
    early conditions of earth
  • They destroyed previous life forms but also
    stimulated new more complex and elegant forms of
    life to emerge
  • The eukaryotic cell, the first radically new
    creation within the oxygenated Gaian system, is
    the single greatest transformation in the entire
    history of Earth, overshadowed in significance
    only by the emergence of life itself

Another Myth
  • After 3 billion years, Kronos got the notion to
    swallow other creatures whole
  • This process is called heterotrophy
  • Prior to this, cells used the sun for food or
    other decayed cells
  • This is the introduction of the predator-prey
    dynamic present today

Together We Are
  • None of this happened in isolation
  • None of this happened independently
  • None of this happened on its own
  • All life happened in community

Conscious Self-Reflection
  • The evolution of the human being represents the
    conscious self-reflection in the human race
  • Humanity gained the capacity to be aware that we
    are aware.
  • The universe stood up and gazed out upon itself
    with the arrival of humanity
  • We are all children of the One who fired it all
    into being and who is our source
  • Unity through differentiation is the way of the
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