Title: Alaska ShoreZone
1Alaska ShoreZone
Coastal Habitat Mapping and Web Products
Mandy LindebergAuke Bay Laboratories
2What is ShoreZone? Standardized Coastal
Mapping System
ShoreZone characterizes physical and biological
attributes both along-shore and across-shore
sediment texture
wave exposure
man-made features
supratidal biota
intertidal/subtidal biota
3What is ShoreZone? Coastal Imagery
Mapping is based on video and still imagery -
Low-altitude - Oblique- Spatially-referenced
- Collected during low tides
4What is ShoreZone? Digital Shoreline
Navigation trackline and imagery are used to
segment digital shoreline into along-shore units
GPS flight trackline recorded at1-second
Perry Island
5What is ShoreZone? Biophysical Mapping
Physical and biological features of across-shore
zones are mapped with respect to relative tidal
Physical (geomorphic) attributes
Biotic communities (biobands)
6What is ShoreZone? Unique Biological Mapping
- Biobands
Species assemblages having a characteristic color
and across-shore elevation
- Bedrock Wall- Simple habitat
- Glacial fjords
7What is ShoreZone? Unique Biological Mapping
- Biobands
Species assemblages having a characteristic color
and across-shore elevation
- Bedrock Wall- Complex habitat
- Biologically rich
8What is ShoreZone? Unique Biological Mapping
- Biobands
- Bedrock Wall- Complex habitat
- Biologically rich
9ShoreZone Protocols online
10ShoreZone Protocols Shore Types
11ShoreZone Protocols Habitat Class
12ShoreZone Protocols Biobands
13ShoreZone Shore Stations and Verification
Verification Surveys
Shore Station Surveys
14ShoreZone A Rigorous Geospatial Database
15ShoreZone Attribute Maps Wave Exposure
16ShoreZone Attribute Maps Substrate Type
17ShoreZone Attribute Maps Estuary
502 km
18ShoreZone Attribute Maps Eelgrass
19ShoreZone Attribute Maps Oil Residency Index
20ShoreZone Attribute Maps Shore Modifications
21Alaska ShoreZone Progress (2008)
22ShoreZone Priorities Arctic and Aleutians
Global warming
Oil and gas
23Alaska ShoreZone Partners (2001-08)
NOAA Fisheries Alaska Dept. of Natural
Resources The Nature Conservancy Regional
Citizens Advisory Council Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Trustee Council U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service Alaska Dept. of Fish Game University of
Alaska Fairbanks US Forest Service National Park
Contractors Coastal Ocean Resources,
Inc. Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.
Endorsed by Coastal America, Alaska Region
24Alaska ShoreZone Web Products
- A collaboration between SZ partners and NOAA
Fisheries AK Regional Office(Steve Lewis - data
manager) - Website is constantly being updated
- New features are being added
- Terabytes of information 3 million images
25Interactive Geospatial Database Online
26New Upgrade for ShoreZone
28Nearshore Fish Altas Online
29Applications Resource Management
Southeastern Alaska eelgrass monitoring program
Auke Bay Laboratories Pat Harris
30Monitoring Crab Bays Eelgrass Bed
- - Declining eelgrass density
- Declining eelgrass biomass
- Declinging forage fish
31Applications Resource Management
Auke Nu Cove
August 2004
32Applications Resource Management
Bay Creek
Bay Creek
Auke Bay Harbor Bay Creek
33Resource Management
Should Lynn Canal Herring be placed on the
Endangered Species List?
Historical Herring Spawn
Berners Bay
34Applications Invasive Species
Habitat Capability Modeling
- Invasive species high risk areas for Green
crab migration into SEAK waters. Baseline for
establishing a monitoring program.
- Sargassum distribution increasing with climate
35Applications First Responders
Grounding of the ferry Lituya Metlakatla Jan.
30, 2009
ShoreZone web photo
It worked as advertised and gave us an exact
picture of the shoreline around Scrub Island and
due to weather and darkness, ShoreZone provided
valuable information prior to any response assets
could arrive on scene. It was extremely helpful
and we'll use it again next time. LT Chris
Williammee, USGC Incident Management Sector
36Applications Coastal Archaeology
Fish Traps
Wood stave fish trapSalmon Bay, SEAK
Stone wall fish trap Prince of Wales , SEAK
37Applications Coastal Archaeology
Clam Gardens
Intertidal rock wallSea Otter Sound, Craig
38Applications Regional Comparisons
Bioareas in Alaska
Note All of Washington State and British
Columbia complete
39Benefits of ShoreZone
- Scientists
- Site selection
- Habitat utilization
- Habitat capability modeling
- Invasive species monitoring
- Archeological documentation
Forage Fish
Fish traps
40Benefits of ShoreZone
- Managers
- Coastal development
- Natural resource planning
- Permit reviews
- First responders
- Climate change and litigation
Oil Spills
41Benefits of ShoreZone Accessibility Integration
Nearshore Fish Atlas
Shore Stations
Archival /Future Data
42In summary
- Alaska ShoreZone Coastal Mapping
- Half of state done
- Online Products
- - Alaska ShoreZone
- Nearshore Fish Atlas
- New Products Alaska Mapper stand alone
43Thank You