Title: Innovative and Collaborative Approaches to Womens Treatment
1(No Transcript)
2Reducing the Risks Case Management with
Substance-Using Women
- Richmond Healthy Start Initiative (RHSI)
- Madeline Berry, MCJ, CAC, ADS
- Sadie Johnson, BS, CSAC
- Dierdre Pearson, LCSW, CSAC
3 Richmond Healthy Start
Initiative (RHSI)
- Substance Abuse 101
- Abuse
- Dependence
- Addiction
4Just the facts
- Richmond, Virginia
- Who are we serving?
- FY07- 132 Women
- 90-African American
- 8-Caucasian
- 2-other
- Drug of Addiction
- 43- Heroin
- 22 -Cocaine
- 13-Alcohol
- 13-Marijuana
- 9-Oxycotin, PCP and other hallucinogens
- 90-History of Trauma
5 Richmond Healthy Start Initiative (RHSI)
The Richmond Healthy Start Initiative (RHSI)
provides substance abuse treatment/case
management through a contract with the Richmond
Behavioral Health Authority (RBHA) which is the
statutorily established local authority
responsible for Mental Health, Mental
Retardation, Substance Abuse and Prevention
Services in the City of Richmond.
6 Richmond Healthy Start Initiative (RHSI)
- The RBHA Womens Substance Abuse Services Unit
offers specialized substance use disorder
treatment and support services to Healthy Start
consumers. Staff is specially trained in working
with women and their families and is familiar
with the barriers and everyday life stressors
that accompany the female with a substance use
7Alcohol and Other Drug Use (AOD)
- The effects of parental substance use disorders
(SUDs), especially alcohol misuse by expectant
mothers, are related to severe and potentially
long-term intellectual, behavioral and medical
consequences. - Our goal is to give each child the opportunity
for a Healthy Start!
8 Healthy Start
Program Celebrate Life
with a Healthy Start!
This is how we do it
9 Richmond Healthy Start Initiative (RHSI)
- Eligibility Criteria
- Pregnant
- Postpartum with dependent
- children (23 months and under)
- Richmond resident
10 How can we serve you?
- Services include
- Expedited assessment and referral
- to include screening for Depression
- Intensive Case Management
- to include home visiting/outreach
- Outpatient Treatment
- Opiate Replacement Therapy
- Residential treatment
- Aftercare
11Healthy Start I.O.P.
- Risk reduction- the more an individual is present
in group, the less they have opportunity to use! - 4-6 hours per week
- 6-12 months
- Group social activities
12Lets talk EBPs Best Practices
- Group curriculum
- Auricular Acupuncture
13Wrap-around Services Reducing the Barriers
- Transportation
- Child-Minding
- Housing Assistance
- Transition Planning
- AFTERCARE- The link between primary treatment
and rejoining the community - Aftercare Groups
- Relapse Prevention
- Life Skills
- Relationships
15 as a result
- Sample of Treatment Outcomes-CY 2006
- During this reporting period outreach was
provided to over 50 of the families enrolled and
about 10 were referred to us through community
outreach efforts. - The RBHA enrolled 90 families and provided case
management to 100 of these families during this
reporting period. - Over 80 of the families enrolled participated in
the psycho educational series that was provided
during this reporting period. - During this reporting period 18 enrollees were
referred for additional mental health services.
16 Richmond Behavioral Health Authority Womens
Services Unit
If you wish to contact us Madeline Berry, MCJ,
CAC, ADS Healthy Start Clinician berrym_at_rbha.org
Sadie Johnson, CSAC Healthy Start Case
Manager johnsons_at_rbha.org Dierdre Pearson, LCSW,
CSAC Coordinator of Womens Services (804)
819-4056 pearsond_at_rbha.org