Title: High-Level LAT Simulations
1 High-Level LAT Simulations S. W.
Digel Stanford Linear Accelerator Center M.
Razzano INFN and University of Pisa
2High-level LAT simulations
- This is short-hand for what some call a Fast
Monte Carlo - The science tools include an observation
simulator (gtobssim, by Jim Chiang) that uses
the instrument response functions (hence
high-level) to generate simulated data, rather
than instrument-level interaction simulation,
reconstruction, and classification (Gleam) - gtobssim uses the same event generator
(scheduler) as Gleam, and can read the same
source specifications (although it simulates only
gamma rays). - Can use the same pointing history, too (more
later) - Advantages of gtobssim
- Easier to use than Gleam much, much faster (DC2
gamma rays 10 CPU hours in gtobssim, 500 hours
in Gleam) - Response functions are by construction perfect
Ask me why all the tools start with gt DC2
Gleam run including (resampled) background was
20,000 CPU hours
3gtobssim as a science tool
- Well, the obvious application is to be able to
make a data set for which you know the truth - For DC2, consider following Francescos advice to
simulate a region of the DC2 sky that you are
studying - Some applications include evaluating
sensitivities running multiple trials of some
simulation - Or you could evaluate effects of different
observing strategies, if you could make up your
own FT2 file (although this is not a goal of DC2)
4Defining a gtobssim simulation
- Basically, you need a source model and a
pointing/attitude/livetime history - The source models are defined as XML file(s) see
later - The pointing history is an FT2 file. gtobssim
pays attention to the livetime of each interval
and enforces those livetime fractions in the
simulation - gtobssim will run without a pointing history file
- In this case you get a default orbit of some kind
with idealized rocking, (probably) no SAA
outages, and a uniform livetime fraction that you
specify - The resulting FT2 equivalent is then also written
to a file - gtorbsim can do this for you if all you want is a
phony FT2 file
5Source model specifications
- First question Can the source model files be
the same as gtlikelihood uses? No - Example source specification for a point source
- N.B. this is not really Vela
- (The SourcePop source is available for defining
point sources in bulk) - General rule fluxes are integrated over the
energy range specified and are in m-2 s-1 - This is a source from the Flux package, one of
the originals by Toby. Most of the new sources
are SpectrumClass (by Jim unless otherwise
noted - in the genericSources package) and have a
simpler but less readable specification
ltsource name"vela" flux"0.00928"gt    ltspectrum
escale"MeV"gt        ltparticle name"gamma"gt
ltpower_law emin"30.0" emax"100000.
gamma"1.62"/gt lt/particlegt           Â
ltcelestial_dir ra"128.73" dec"-45.2"/gt
       lt/spectrumgt    lt/sourcegt
If broken power-law, ebreak and gamma2 tags are
6More on source model specifications
- Example generic source from the Workbook
- Want to know what those parameters are? See the
workbook - Options Extended sources
- GaussianSource (2-dim gaussian power-law)
- MapSource (2-dim image power-law spectrum)
- MapCube (3-dim image 2 spatial one spectral)
- Isotropic (power-law)
ltsource name"periodic_source"gt ltspectrum
escale"MeV"gt ltSpectrumClass
name"PeriodicSource" params"0.1, 2.1, 1e3, 1,
0.75, 30., 2e5"/gt ltgalactic_dir
l"0" b"0"/gt lt/spectrumgt lt/sourcegt
7More on source model specifications (2)
- Options Time-varying sources
- SimpleTransient Point source with power-law
spectrum and a finite on time - Transient template Like above but light curve
can be specified in detail - SpectralTransient Point source with broken
power-law spectrum and detailed light curve can
handle multiple sources and can attenuate
according to redshift and its own idea of the
Extragalactic Background Light - PeriodicSource Point source with power-law
spectrum and sinusoidal variation of flux - GRBobs (Nicola Omodei) GRB simulator (Valerie
described how this tells GBM simulation software
about a given burst)
8More on time-varying sources (3)
- More time-varying sources
- Pulsar Specified p and pdot, lightcurve in an
ASCII file, power-law spectrum does not
decorrect arrival times - PulsarSpectrum (Max Razzano) detailed pulsar
9And nowcreate your pulsar!(I)
Part A Adding the pulsar general parameters to
a Datalist
Every pulsar to be simulated must be inserted in
a DataList file, containing the pulsar general
parameters that not depend on specific model
(i.e. total flux, ephemerides, etc..)
All the DataList files that PulsarSpectrum can
manage must be specified in a default file named
PulsarDataList.txt, located in the /data
2 - Add a line with myDataList.txt in the
PulsarDataList.txt file
10And nowcreate your pulsar!(II)
Part B Creating a pulsar entry in a XML file
The remaining pulsar parameters must be defined
in a XML file. Part of them depend on the model
you want to use.
Here En1E6, E08E6, g1.6, b1.7 (out of page)
Lightcurve option 2 random generated 3
takes from a profile (named NAMETimeProfile.txt
and located in the /data directory)
For more informations, please see at
11PulsarSpectrum footnote on /data directory
- This is in the ST/celestialSources/Pulsar/vXrYpZ/
data directory, or C\Glast\ScienceTools-vXrYpZ\co
de\celestialSources\Pulsar\v1r1p10\data - Alternatively you may define an environment
variable PULSARDATA that points to where the
pulsar definition files are. - If you want that output files are redirected to a
directory different from the current one, you - This will contain the various log and ROOT 2d
histogram files that PulsarSpectrum writes - Except for the file SimPulsars_Spin.txt, which
has the timing information formatted so that
gtpulsardb can ingest it this is how you go from
simulation to analysis with pulsars - To create a D4-formatted fits file
- Gtppulsardb SimPulsars_Spin.txt and enter a name
for the output file.
12About time
- As far as the time-dependent sources are
concerned, time is expressed in MET, Mission
Elapsed Time, which is the number of seconds
elapsed since midnight, January 1, 2001
(MJD51910). - Right now is approximately 162985200
- Yes, MET is inconvenient to use directly
- The start_date parameter of gtobssim allows you
to specify your own reference date, so that the
source specifications can be made with
conveniently small time offsets - No, I am not entirely sure right now that we are
handling UTC (earth rotation-based) vs. TT
(Terrestrial Time, absolute time, constant offset
from GPS time) conversion carefully enough at the
leap second level
13Walk through the parameter file (1)
xml_source_file,f,a,"none",,,"File of flux-style
source definitions" source_list,fr,a,"source_names
.txt",,,"File containing list of source
names" scfile,f,a,"none",,,"Pointing history
file" sctable,s,h,"SC_DATA",,,"Spacecraft data
extension" outfile_prefix,s,a,"test",,,"Prefix
for output files" evtable,s,h,"EVENTS",,,"Event
data extension" simulation_time,r,a,86400,1,4e7,"
Simulation time (seconds)" livetime_frac,r,h,0.9,,
,"Livetime fraction" start_time,r,h,0,,,Simulation
start time (seconds wrt start_date) use_as_numeve
nts,b,h,no,,,Use simulation time as number of
events max_simulation_time,r,h,3.155e8,,,Maximum
simulation time (seconds) start_date,s,a,"2001-01-
01 000000",,,"Simulation start date"
Any parameter with an h is hidden (not
prompted for)
- xml_source_file can be a file that is a list of
other XML files, too none means use the
default libraries - source_list is the file that lists the sources to
be included from the libraries - scfile is the FT2 file
- If you want to you can simulate by of events
(instead of time)
14Walk through the parameter file (2)
use_acceptance_cone,b,a,no,,,"Apply acceptance
cone?" ra,r,a,0,-360,360,"RA of cone center
(degrees)" dec,r,a,0,-90,90,"Dec of cone center
(degrees)" radius,r,a,20,0,180,"Acceptance cone
radius (degrees)" emin,r,h,30,20,2e5,"Minimum
event energy (MeV)" emax,r,h,200000,20,2e5,"Maximu
m event energy (MeV)" rspfunc,s,a,"DC2",DC2DC1A
G25,,"Response functions" max_effarea,r,h,1.21,,,"
Maximum effective area value" max_numrows,i,h,200
000,,,"Maximum number of rows in FITS
files" random_seed,i,a,293049,,,"Random number
seed" chatter, i, h, 2, 0, 4, "Output
verbosity" clobber, b, h, yes, , ,
"Overwrite existing output files" debug,
b, h, no, , , "Activate debugging mode" gui,
b, h, no, , , "GUI mode activated" mode,
s, h, "ql", , , "Mode of automatic
- An acceptance cone and energy range can be
specified if you want to, and the maximum number
of events per file - Setting gui to yes will tell the science tools to
prompt for the parameter files values via a GUI
15Tips and tricks
- The output event summary (FT1) files from
gtobssim have an additional column called
MC_SRC_ID - For each event, this identifies the particular
source that produced it the mapping is in the
ltprefixgt_srcIds.txt file that gtobssim writes - Yes, we wont have this in real life, but it is
extremely useful for studying algorithms - Of course you can also filter on this column with
the fselect FTOOL - What is more, most (eventually all) of the
science tools that use FT1 files as input will
accept an ASCII file with a list of event files
gtbin requires _at_ as the prefix - So, for example, you can keep your large,
relatively time consuming Galactic diffuse model
FT1 files separate from an additional component
that you are generating
16More on using gtobssim
- Read the User Workbook
- The section with descriptions of each of the
sources and their parameters will be updated
soon. It currently does not include steady point
sources and some other useful sources - The workbook also contains a useful worked
example - Also, Francesco Longo has regenerated the
Checkout 3 sky model using the DC2 response
functions, and the input and output files will be
made available
17ObsSim GUI
- Also by Jim Chiang
- Nice interface for defining models and running
gtobssim - Can also communicate with ds9
- Not 100 working under Windows at the moment
- Most useful if you want to pick and choose within
a library that you have already defined (or has
already been defined for you)