Title: The Radiographic Image
1Chapter 14 The Radiographic Image
2Image Clarity (?????)
Image clarity is used to describe the visibility
of diagnostically important detail in the
3Image Clarity (?????)
Image Clarity
Image Quality
Radiographic Contrast
Subject Contrast
Film Contrast
Radiographic Mottle
Fog and Scatter
4Subject Contrast
Subject contrast depends on 1. thickness
difference 2. density difference 3. atomic
number difference 4. radiation quality (kVp)
5Subject Contrast Thickness Difference
6Subject Contrast Density Difference
The greater the density of a tissue, the greater
is its ability to attenuate x rays. For example,
water is about 9 more dense than ice (because
ice floats in water). For equal thickness
of water and ice, it will demonstrate subject
contrast to X-ray beam.
7Subject Contrast Atomic Number Difference
Effective atomic number
8Subject Contrast Radiation Quality
9Fog and Scatter
Scatter radiation that reaches the x-ray film
or film-screen combination produces un-wanted
density, as a result, it reduces radiographic
10Image Quality
Image Quality
Radiographic Mottle
11Image Quality - Radiographic Mottle
Radiographic Mottle
Screen Mottle
Film Graininess
Quantum Mottle
Structure Mottle
size of silver halide crystal
varying thickness or physical imperfections in
the phosphor layer of an intensifying screen.
statistic fluctuation in number of x-ray
photons per unit area absorbed by the
intensifying screen.
12Image Quality - Sharpness
Sharpness is the ability of the x-ray film or
film-screen system to define an edge. Line
spread function provides a way to measure the
13Image Quality - Resolution
Resolving power is the ability to record separate
images of small objects that are placed very
close. Unit for the resolving power is line
pairs per mm.
14Measurement of Image Quality Modulation
Transfer Function (MTF)
The modulation transfer function (MTF) is a way
to measure the combined effects of sharpness and
15Measurement of Image Quality MTF (cont.)
16Measurement of Image Quality MTF (cont.)
Fourier Transform
17Measurement of Image Quality MTF (cont.)
The 10 response on the MTF curve corresponds
roughly to the resolving power of the imaging
For this imaging system, the resolving power is
about 7 lines per mm.