- SZ-ALMA Meeting
- Trieste, 13 Aprile 2005
- Paola Andreani
2SZ Interferometric observations
- SZ large angular scale feature on the sky high
resolution detrimental - Improvements in the control of systematic
offsets - structures on the sky modulated by a fringe
pattern at a ? rate than most of the
contaminating sources (rejection of signals from
astronomical sources) - loss of coherence away from the pointing center
ground spill-over terrestrial interferences
other spurious sources attenuated - allow simultaneous observations of confusing,
small angular scale, variable sources
3Interferometric observations
- Time averaged correlation of the signals from a
pair of antennas (collection of n(n-1)/2
2-element interferometer) - Multiplies sky brightness at ? by a cosine,
integrates and outputs the time average amplitude - Output is the visibility (signals are split and
correlations are performed with a 90 phase shift)
which is the complex Fourier transform of the sky
4Interferometric observations
- The correlated output R
- R ? A I cos (2p b/? ?? cos(?0))
I energy received per unit area -
A area of each antenna -
?0 is a reference direction -
b is the baseline - Sky structures on larger angular scales will not
modulate R with ?0 (time) and wont produce a
detectable signal
5Interferometric observations
- Stability and spatial filtering
- Only sensitive to angular scale
- (spatial frequencies) b/?
- (bbaselineprojected
separation seen by the source) - Insensitive to atmospheric emission gradient and
large scale emission features - Only correlated signal between array elements
contribute to detection (sky noise, amplification
instability do not lead to false detection) - Offsets, drifts and spurious noise correlation
removed with modulation of the signal phase and
demodulation of the correlator output.
6(No Transcript)
7Sources of contamination and confusion
- Anisotropy of CMB
- thermal SZ spectral behaviour
- kinetic SZ only with small spectral
distortion due to relativistic effects - not a problem for very small angular scales
8Sources of contamination and confusion
- Radio sources (underestimates)
- radio sources are variable
- observations at high-?
- S? ?-a (radio source) and S?2 (RJ SZ)
- Radio sources (overestimates) radio sources in
the reference fields
9Sources of contamination and confusion
- Gravitational lensing increased efficiency of
detecting point sources toward the cluster center
(overestimate of the SZE signal) - more important at higher ? (steeper count
slope) - dn/dS ?µ?-2S-? ? if µ ? and ?gt2
- Bulk peculiar velocities of Lya absorbers
- ?T/T 10-6 OLya ltv2400gt1/2
- OLya is O in ionized
gas in Lya absorbers - ltv2400gt1/2 rms los peculiar velocity of these
systems at z 3
10Relative amplitude of 1s confusion noise with
and without lensing
lensing more pronounced if ?b 2?E
?450,850µm 1.2mm,2mm
(model 1) (model 2)
Blain, 1998
11Sources of contamination and confusion
- Dust from extragalactic sources S? ?(2ß)
- (SCUBA source ß1.5-2.5)
- S(350GHz)10mJy ? ?T 345 µK
- at 270GHz ?T 140 µK
- or y6 10-5
- At SZE thermal null S(218GHz) 85 µK
- uncertainties in the cluster peculiar velocity
te0.01, Te10keV ?vpec930km/s ! - More severe for less massive clusters
- ?vpec te-1 R2/M M-1/3 Te-1/2
- Contamination scales as 1/beam
12Sources of contamination and confusion
- Dust from galactic ISM
- P(k) 4.8 105 (NHI/1020)2.1 (k/0.01)-3
(B?/B100)2 - s2 ? P(k) 2pk dk Jy2/sr2
- _at_ 350 GHz s 40nJy in 9'' FOV
- should be then negligible (although lower-?
measurements lack)
13Separate point sources from SZE
- either High dynamic angular range
- or Large spectral coverage
- or both
- (see later in the proposed observations)
- ?S? J Tsys / ?Q v2Nbase ??
tint - J 2k/(?aA)
33 Jy/K antenna gain -
Nbase N(N-1)/2 -
primary beam O and effective collecting area A
OA?a?2 - ?T Tsys / vNbase ?? tint ( ?p/?s)2
- In continuum ??16GHz
- 1h integration time 13 µJy/beam 0.13mK/beam
- 1s integration time 0.8mJy/beam
- Compact Configuration
- Good image fidelity at intermediate d
- 1 resolution at 350GHz
- Full UV coverage in snapshot
15Beam "antidilution"
- beam pattern
- G(?) 1/2ps2 exp (?2/2s2)
- Average signal
- Y(?') 2p ??d? 1/2pL2 exp(-?2/2L2) Y(?)
- where LDas and ? angular radius from the
cluster center - The Y profile for a spatially resolved cluster
is - f(x)-1 (kTe/mec2)sTne(0)DA ?cvpG(a-0.5)/2G(a)
(1?2/?c2)(0.5-a) - ?c?(1-2a)/(1-2a) ?c/2 (1?2/?c2)
?-(12a)/(12a) - ?21Rmax/Rc a-3ß/2
16Y profile for a spatially resolved cluster
to detect most of the cluster signal spatial
integration until 4?c
? 350GHz
17Beam "antidilution"
- beam pattern
- G(?) 1/2psb2 exp (?2/2sb2)
- sb ?FWHM /(8ln2)0.5
- ? is the angle from the beam
axis - the beam smeared profile of the cluster is
- S obs?(?) y0 ?2c j? G?/?c, sb/?c
- this profile is subject to detection criteria
- object image above a flux density of qspix
covering a - minimum solid angle ONminOpix
- G?/?c, sb/?c qspix / y0 ?2c j? y/y0
18detection criteria
?det cluster angular size above detection
threshold Sobs?(?det) qspix ?c characteristic
cluster size (model dependent) I?(?)?
(1?2/?2c)a ?b beam FWHM
?c/?bltlt1 point sources source profile beam
object sinks below the detection threshold
cutoff at low ?c/?b
19Variation of the beam averaged y with beam size
Massive young galaxies
effective y average of y in different shells weig
hted by the corresponding projected area
convolved with beam profile
5 1012M?
Rosa-Gonzalez et al., 2004
20Proposed observations
- Compact Array (150m), complete sampling (u,v)
sampling total power mosaicing high-?
observations 1'' resolution at 350 GHz - Mosaicing 0.1arcmin2 250 areas for ?c50'' (less
for lower ?) - Drift scanning arrayapertures kept stationary
wrt environment - Larger baselines to subtract compact sources
- No effect of source confusion (but lensed obj?)
21Correlated signals
- R d? cos(2p?bso/c) ?skyA(?0)I(?0) cos(2p?b?0/c)
dO - d? sin(2p?bso/c) ?skyA(?0)I(?0)sin(2p?bso/c) dO
- Power received from a sky area dO in direction s
A(?0)I(?0)dOd? - Complex Visibility V Ve iF?
?skyA(?0)I(?0)e(-2ip?bso/c) dO - Correlator output is proportional to the
visibility amplitude - V and its phase
- R d? cos(2p?bso/c) Vcos(F?) - d?
sin(2p?bso/c) ) - Vsin(F?)
22Sources of contamination and confusion
- Dust from extragalactic sources
- S? ?(2ß) (SCUBA ß1.5-2.5)
- _at_ 350GHz 10mJy
- ?T 345 µK
- _at_ 270GHz
- ?T 140 µK
- (1 beam) or y6 10-5
- _at_ SZE thermal null
- S(218GHz) 85 µK
- uncertainties in the cluster vpec
- te0.01, Te10keV ?vpec930km/s!
- More severe for less massive clusters
- ?vpec te-1 R2/M M-1/3 Te-1/2
- Contamination scales as 1/beam