Title: evolving systems consulting s'r'o'
1evolving systems consulting s.r.o.
- Evolvsys.cz is a software producer.
- Provides innovative technologies and
comprehensive know-how to benefit customers in
several European countries (Czech republic,
Germany, Poland, Austria, Russia). - Headquartered in Prague, offices in Munich and
Vienna. - The company is active in the areas of
Information, Communications, Control and
Automation. -
Richard Sysala Praha, Ministry of Education,
Youth and Sports, 12.10.07
2evolving systems consulting s.r.o.
- non Space activities
- Integration and Process Automation of large IT
Systems - Architecture of Web-Applications, connected with
Databases, running on a Mainframe - Test Configuration Management of large scaled
IT Systems - Space activities
- Flight software programming for various satellite
on-board instruments - GSE (Ground Segment Equipment) software
programming - Data Processing software
- other
- Member of Czech Space Alliance, association of
SMEs under the export promotion agency of the
Ministry of Industry - Presentations of Czech space industry on
international events -
3evolving systems consulting s.r.o.
- 10 running projects in 2007, our customers e.g.
- Sparkassen Informatik / Informatik Zentrum Bayern
(one of the leading IT companies of the Savings
Bank Financial Group in Germany) - Fiducia (the seventh largest IT full-service
provider in Germany - provider of solutions for
german Reifeisen- und Volksbanken) - RWE Rhein Ruhr (one of the largest European
utility companies. It deals with the production
and distribution of energy and water.) - ASMM (Axel Springer Mediahouse München)
- We have data processing experience from various
commercial projects, Integration and Process
Automation of large IT Systems, Architecture of
Mainframe-Applications, Database Models, Test
Configuration Management of large scaled IT
Visit www.evolvsys.cz
4evolving systems consulting s.r.o.
- In space industry segment e.g.
- Development of Data Processing Ground Segment
software for SphinX - a fast Soft X-ray
Spectrophotometer for the Russian CORONAS Solar
Mission http//www.astro.mephi.ru/english/e_photon
.htm in cooperation with Astronomical Institute,
Academy of Sciences of the CR, v. v. i. - The purpose of software is to analyse and process
incoming data dumps, downloaded from the S/C
operational center. - The inputs for the processing are SphinX
spectrometer science (X-ray) data and auxiliary
data - housekeeping/technological data and S/C
position/orientation data. - Processed data will be accessible locally using
the interactive visualisation tool and remotely
using web server (data catalogue and
visualisation). - (Launch mid-2008)
5evolving systems consulting s.r.o.
- In space industry segment (II)
- Flight software (Startup SW Application SW) and
GSE software (Test Equipment SW) for an Acc
Instrument on the Earths Magnetic field and
environment Explorer. - The ESA mission SWARM will provide the best ever
survey of the geomagnetic field and its temporal
evolution, in order to gain new insights into the
Earth System by improving our understanding of
the Earths interior and physical climate. -
- (Launch 2010)
6evolving systems consulting s.r.o.
- In space industry segment (III) SWARM ACC
Technical status - ACC Flight SW
- ACC PDR docs
- SW Management and Development Plan
- SW Requirements Specification
- SW Design Description
- Unit / Integration Test Plan
- Verification / Validation Plan
- Configuration Management Plan
- SW timing and sizing Budget
- SW Manual
- GSE User Manual
TC / TM processing
7evolving systems consulting s.r.o.
- In space industry segment (IV) Software Quality
- We apply the ECSS standards
- RS-1 ECSS-E-40B Space Engineering Software,
Part 1B Part 2B - RS-2 ECSS-E-70A Ground systems and operations
- Part 1A Part 2A - RS-3 ECSS-E-70-41A Space Engineering Ground
systems and operations Telemetry and
telecommand packet utilization - RS-4 ECSS-M-00-03A Risk management
- RS-5 ECSS-M-40B Space Engineering
Configuration management - RS-6 ECSS-Q-20B Quality Assurance
- RS-7 ECSS-Q-80B SW Product Assurance
8evolving systems consulting s.r.o.
- Space Objectives for next years
- Our company would like to be one of the best
players on field of software development for - scientific
- commercial
- military
- satellite on-board systems in Central Europe, and
for all possible - embedded
- real time systems
- We are of course very interested in ESAs
- Downstream Services
- Telecommunications
- Ground Segment Data Processing software
- Earth Observation and
- Satellite Navigation
Visit www.evolvsys.cz Thank you
for an attention