Title: Advanced Web Technologies
1Advanced Web Technologies
2Advanced Web Technologies
- Frames
- Forms
- Plugins
- Dynamic Pages---CGI
- Active Pages Java, Java Script
- Conventional Web pages use the entire screen
- May be inconvenient when
- Display a list of products
- Display ads
- Frames
- Allow an author to divide the viewing area into
multiple rectangular regions - Change the display in one region without
affecting the others - Ex http//www.strongframes.com/
4The Web, Advertising and Frames
- Many companies use frame technology for
advertising - Each frame holds an ad
- Advantages
- It does not clutter the useful information
- Does not introduce additional overhead to load
when the user moves to another page
5Creating a frame
- Frameset tag
- Defines a framed environment
- Instructs the browser how to split the screen
- Ex
- ltframeset cols20,40,40gt--- splits the screen
in three columns, the first taking 20 of the
space available - ltframeset rows50,50gt---splits the screen
into two rows of equal size - Framesets maybe nested
6Creating a frame (cont.)
- Frame tag ---introduces a frameset element
- Each frame has
- a source---i.e. the HTML document that is
displayed in the correspondent screen portion - a name (optional)
7A frame example
- For example, consider a file frames.html with
the following content - lthtmlgt
- ltframeset cols20, border10gt
- ltframe srccontents.html name contentsgt
- ltframe srcproduct1.html name productsgt
- lt/framesetgt
- lt/htmlgt
8A frame example (cont.)
- The file content.html may be of the form
- ltHTMLgt
- ltULgt
- ltLIgtltA HREFproduct1.html targetproductsgtPro
duct 1lt/Agt - ltLIgtltA HREFproduct2.html targetproductsgtPro
duct 2lt/Agt - lt/ULgt
- lt/HTMLgt
- The value of attribute target tells the browser
in what frame to display the file.
9Creating links to a frame
- As before, use the hyperlink button to make a
link - However one can choose where the linked page will
be displayed - Same frame the document will be displayed in the
same frame where the hyperlink is - Whole page the document is displayed on the
whole page of the browser - Parent frame the document is displayed in the
frame that contains the current frame tag - New Window the document is displayed on a new
browser instance
10Saving a frame
- Saving as usual File/Save or File/Save As
- Note you have to save all files pertaining to
the frame, i.e. the frame content and the frame
11Static HTML Pages
- HTML pages as presented so far are static, i.e.
they do not change - Advantages
- Easy to create
- Inexpensive to maintain
- May be retrieved quickly
- ? most Web pages are static
12Static HTML Pages (cont.)
- Disadvantages
- Cannot include additional forms of data, such as
sound - Cannot include up to date information (e.g. stock
prices, weather, seat availability) - Cannot be used to interact with a user for
example, cannot be used to send information to
the server, like credit card number, name,.. - Do not change after they are loaded
13Extending Web pages to contain audio
- A Web page can contain audio
- Audio data is associated with a link in a page
- If such a link is selected, the browser plays the
audio through speakers - Issues
- different formats used to store audio
- Different hardware used to play audio
- Computer programs that understands how to
interpret a specific data format - Ex there are plugins for playing a certain
format of audio, showing video clips, - Browsers may use plugins to extend their
functionality - Web pages
- can test whether a browser has a given plugin
- inform the user
- Download the plugin from the Web
15Plugins (cont.)
- If the user agrees that the plugin be installed
- A copy of the plugin is placed on the user disk
- Each time the browser starts, it loads the
plugins ? the same plugin does not have to be
downloaded twice
16Static HTML Pages (cont.)
- Disadvantages
- Cannot include additional forms of data, such as
sound - Cannot include up to date information (e.g. stock
prices, weather, seat availability) - Cannot be used to interact with a user for
example, cannot be used to send information to
the server, like credit cared number, name,.. - Do not change after they are loaded
17Dynamic pages
- Developed to allow for up-to-date information be
sent to users - Idea
- A Web server may associate with a given URL with
a program instead of a static page - When a browser requests such an URL, the server
runs the associated computer program and sends
the output to the user. - This technology is called CGI (Common Gateway
18Dynamic pages (cont.)
- Benefits
- CGI-programs can access data and perform
computations - Ex a program running on a server having access
to stock information can return current stock
prices - Ex www.cnn.com
- CGI programs can store information on the disk,
and maintain a history - Ex count how many times a given page has been
19How CGI works
- Consider that a browser sends a request to a Web
server - If the URL corresponds to a CGI program, the
server starts the program, and passes it a copy
of the request - The CGI program creates a page, based on the
request - The server sends back the page
20Static HTML Pages (cont.)
- Disadvantages
- Cannot include additional forms of data, such as
sound - Cannot include up to date information (e.g. stock
prices, weather, seat availability) - Cannot be used to interact with a user for
example, cannot be used to send information to
the server, like credit card number, name,.. - Do not change after they are loaded
- Forms are a type of HTML documents that allows
for information to be sent to the server - This information can be then used by a CGI
program to - create a new document which is sent to the user
- Make a purchase
- Forms examples www.cnn.com, www.columbia.com
22A Form Example
- A form is an area that can contain form elements.
- Form elements are elements that allow the user to
enter information (like text fields, textarea
fields, drop-down menus, radio buttons,
checkboxes, etc.) in a form. - A form is defined with the ltformgt tag.
- Ex
- ltformgt
- ltinputgt
- lt/formgt
- The most used form tag is the ltINPUTgt tag. The
type of input is specified with the type
attribute. The most commonly used input types are
text fields, radioboxes, and checkboxes. - All INPUT tags have the following attributes
- TYPE, which specifies the type of input (text,
radioboxes, ) - NAME, which specifies a name for the input it is
used to parse a completed form.
25Text Box Properties
- Size One can specify the size of a text box, by
and changing the value of the width parameter - Validation rules One can impose validation rules
on the type of values being entered in a textbox
26The Form's Action Attribute
- The ACTION attribute specifies what should be
done with the data possible options are - Send an e-mail with the content
- Ex ACTIONmailtoashwin_at_cs.albany.edu
- Save the content into a file
- Save the content into a database
- Send the content to a script which will process
it in some manner - Perform some other action, say go to another page
- EX
- ltFORM ACTION"destination_url" METHODGETgt
27Radio Buttons
- Radio Buttons are used when you want the user to
select only one of a limited number of choices. - Using Radio Button Properties one can
- Specify a value, which is submitted if the
radio button is checked - Specify whether the button appears checked
- Checkboxes are used when you want the user to
select one or more options of a limited number of
choices. - Use Check Box properties to
- specify a value for the check box
- Whether a field appears checked
29Drop Down Boxes
- A drop down box presents a list of items, one or
more of which can be selected - When you create a drop-down box (menu) you need
to specify - The name of each option
- The height of the menu (how many options are
visible initially) - Whether several options may be elected
30Text Area
- A text area enables users to enter many lines of
text they are used for information whose size is
unknown (comments, questions, etc) - Text area properties
- Width, height (number of rows)
- Initial value
31Other applications of CGI technology
- Personalized pages
- Depending on the user information, the
CGI-program can create a personalized page - Ex BMG (www.bmgmusicservice.com)
- Personalized advertisements
- Different ads can be sent to different users
- Shopping cart
- One can have a shopping cart in which information
regarding the items purchased so far are
maintained, for a certain time interval - Ex www.barnesandnoble.com
- Keep information about users
- Are maintained by the user browser
- Are sent to a server upon request
- A server may use the information stored by a
cookie to retrieve data about a user (like what
merchandise has he bought before, what documents
has he seen, etc.)
33Cookies (cont.)
- Most browsers allow a user to specify whether to
accept cookies - in Netscape, Edit/Preferences/Advanced
- In Explorer Tools/Internet Options/Privacy
- If you accept cookies, the server can use dynamic
content technologies to personalize pages - Disadvantage the server finds about your
shopping and browsing habits - But, there are sites that cannot be viewed if you
do not accept cookies.
34Cookies (cont.)
- To remove cookies
- in Netscape, use FTP to delete files
- In Explorer Tools/Internet Options/General/
Delete Cookies
35Disadvantages of dynamic pages
- Increased cost
- have to develop and test CGI-programs
- more sophisticated/powerful servers
- Inability to display changing information
- like a static document, a dynamic document does
not change after the browser has retrieved a
copy - the information can become stale quickly (ex
stock prices) - The server may become overloaded
36Active documents
- Contain a computer program that
- knows to display a page
- compute and displays values
- When a browser requests an active document, the
server returns a copy of the program that the
browser runs locally - When it runs, the active document can change the
display continuously ?content of an active
document is not fixed
37Active documents (cont.)
- Advantages
- no delays due to server/browser communication
the page is produced locally - scalable computations are performed locally
- imagine that a CGI program takes 1s to run and
there 1000 requests received approx. at the same
time - with active documents, 1000 browsers will run
locally the program
38Java--- an active document technology
- First active technology to appear
- An active document using Java is called an
applet - Java is a full-fledge programming language (and a
nice one, to boot) - supports high quality animations
- ex check www.ibdprince.com/java.shtml
39The applet tag
- Applet tag is used to include an applet into a
Web page - ltparamgt tags are used to define the parameters
that will be passed to the Java program - any number of ltparamgt tags can be included
between ltappletgt andlt/appletgt - ex to include a Java program called lake.class
into a Web page stored in the same directory
(folder) one can use the following code - ltapplet code"lake.class" width"280"
height"440"gt - ltparam name"image" value"mypic.jpg"gt
- lt/appletgt
40JavaScript---another active document technology
- Incorporates some basic features of Java, and
omits the more complex ones - can be embedded in a standard HTML file
- when a browser encounters a JavaScript section,
it performs the computation and displays the
41Active documents
- Tend to replace other advanced technologies
because - do not burden the server
- only this technology makes possible animation
- There are three types of Web documents
- static---the information remains unchanged until
the author revises it - dynamic documents---are created by a server on
the fly upon request - active documents---information in an active
document can change after the document has been
loaded by a browser.