Title: Parabolic PDEs
1Parabolic PDEs Generally involve change of
quantity in space and time Equivalent to our
previous example - heat conduction
2Can use the same grid idea, only boundaries are
time (j index)
space (i index)
3Need initial conditions - green dots and boundary
conditions - red dots
One side of grid is always open
4- Because parabolic PDEs are open-ended in time,
can have instability - Need to address this in solution methods
- Explicit
- Implicit
5Explicit solutions Use finite differences
6Substitute into equation and rearrange
Explicit solution for this parabolic PDE
7Example Given the initial condition and boundary
conditions below, solve for heat distribution
over time See matlab code
8Stability conditions It can be shown that the
condition for stability is
look at what happens when you play with lambda
9- Other points
- Can include derivative boundary conditions -
introduce an imaginary point as in ellipitical
Use finite difference for derivative to eliminate
imaginary point, introduce derivative into
propagation equation
10We get
11Can also use higher order temporal approximations
for time term (and for space term)
12- Implicit methods
- avoid stability problems
- One example implicit method - use next time step
to approximate spatial derivative
Three unknowns
14Write these equations for all interior nodes -
you get enough equations Set up in matrix and get
a tridiagonal matrix Unconditionally stable -
although accuracy is degraded at larger ?t