Title: Legislation and the Individualized Education Program IEP
1Legislation and theIndividualized Education
Program (IEP)
- Important Laws
- IEP definition, components, process, and purpose
2How it all Began
- Preamble to the Constitution
- 1954 - Brown vs. Board of Education
- Separate but Equal (African Americans)
- 1962 James Meredith
- 1964 - P.L. 88-352 Civil Rights Act
- Riding on the Bus
- 1967 P.L 90-170
- 1972 - P.L. 92-318 Title IX of the Educational
Amendments Act - Separate but Equal (Women)
- 1973 - P.L. 93-112 Rehabilitation Act
- Separate but Equal (Disabilities)
3P.L. 93-112 Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Title V Section 504
- No otherwise qualified handicapped
individual..shall, solely by reason of his
handicap, be excluded from participation in, be
denied the benefits of, or be subjected to
discrimination under any program or activity
receiving Federal financial assistance - Least Restrictive Environment
- 504 Compliance Officer
4Students with Disabilities
- the child who deviates from the average or
normal child (1) in mental characteristics, (2)
in sensory abilities, (3) in neuromuscular or
physical characteristics, (4) in social or
emotional behavior, (5) in communication
abilities, (6) in multiple handicaps to such an
extent that he requires a modification of school
practices, or special education services, in
order to develop to his maximum capacity (Kirk,
5P.L. 94-142 Education of All Handicap Children
Act 1975
- Five Rights (Ages 3-21)
- Free Education
- Appropriate Education
- Non-discriminatory testing, evaluation, and
placement procedures - LRE
- Due Process
- First legal basis for APE
- Direct and Related services
- All students receiving special education services
under this law have an IEP - Federal Financial Assistance (40 vs. 10)
6P.L. 101-476 IDEAIndividuals with Disabilities
Education Act 1990
- Significant changes were made
- Language
- Transition (Age 16)
- ADHD Research
- Assistive Technology
- Services expanded to include Autism and TBI
7IDEA Defined Categories
- Autism
- Deaf-blindness
- Deafness
- Emotional Disabilities
- Hearing Impairment
- Mental Retardation
- Multiple Disabilities
- Orthopedic Impairments
- Other Health Impairments
- Specific Learning Disability
- Speech or Language Impairment
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Visual Impairment
8How to Receive Services
- IDEA or 504?
- Process
- Identify
- Referral
- Assessment
- Qualification determination
- Needs vs. Benefits from
- Law
- IEP or 504
9Individualized Education Program IEP
- IDEA (1990) - Re-defined the IEP (1975), its
purpose, and process - Written Document
- All Children Receiving Special Education Services
under IDEA - Multidisciplinary
- Services Received
- Physical Education
10IEP Definition
- Definition
- The IEP is a written statement, developed by a
multidisciplinary team, that highlights current
performance and goals, needed services, and
evaluation of such services - 4 Members required at IEP Meeting
11IEP Components
- Statements of
- Current Level
- Goals and Objectives
- Direct and Related Services to be Provided
- Percent of time not in general education
- Dates and Duration
- Annual Evaluation Procedures
- Statement of Transition Services
12Transition Services
- Life after School
- OSERS Model
- Research Suggests (Perraino, 1992)
- Halpern (1993) Model
- Implications for Educators
- Quality of Life Issues
13IEP Purpose
- LRE Educating children with disabilities to the
maximum extent possible with children without
disabilities - The idea is that the further removed from the
mainstream, the less likely they will live a
normal life in society
- Main Purpose Document placement decision
- Criteria for having a disability in the subject
matter under consideration - Support services needed for participation in the
least restrictive environment
14IEP Process
- Series of Procedures
- ARD (Admission, Review, and Dismissal).
- Five phases (Sherrill, 1998)
- Identification
- Initial data collection
- Assessment, IEP meeting(4-5 participants), and
Admission - Program Implementation (Annual Review)
- Return to general education
15P L. 99-457 Education of all Handicapped
Children Act Amendments of 1986
- Early intervention services (Birth - 2yrs)
- Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
- Seven Components
16P.L. 101-336 Americans with Disabilities Act of
- All discrimination regardless of funding source
- Five areas are addressed
- Employment
- Public Accommodations
- Public Services
- Transportation
- Communication
17P.L. 105-17 IDEA-RIndividual with Disabilities
Education Act Amendments of 1997
- Training Highly Qualified
- Involvement GE
- Transition - 14
- Assessment - Participation
- IEP Statements Not Participate in GE
18P.L. 108-446 IDEIAIndividual with Disabilities
Education Improvement Act 2004
- Highly Qualified
- Bachelors degree
- No waivers
- Special training
- Learning Disabilities
- Elimination of wait to fail model (severe
discrepancy) - Transition (age 16)