Title: PEIMS Summer Update 20062007
1PEIMS Summer Update2006-2007
- Linda Davis, PEIMS Specialist
- Phone Number 254/297-1231
- David McKamie, Dir. Info. Services
- Phone Number 254/297-1229
- E-Mail Address ldavis_at_esc12.net
- Fax Number 254/666-0823
2PEIMS Summer Update 2006-2007
- Resources
- Summer Requirements
- Preview of 2007-2008 PEIMS
- Data Quality
- Review New Features in PID, PET
3PEIMSSummer Update 2006-2007General
4- Resources
- Data Standards
- Attendance Accounting Handbook
- Edit Reports
- District Personnel
- 254/297-1231
5- TEA Homepage
- http//www.tea.state.tx.us/
- Favorites
- http//www.tea.state.tx.us/peims/editplus
- https//seguin.tea.state.tx.us/apps/logon.asp
- http//www.tea.state.tx.us/peims/
- http//www.esc12.net/PEIMS/default.html
6PEIMSSummer Update 2006-2007Summer
7Important Dates(S7)
- Due ESC XII . . . 06/14/2007
- Due TEA . . . 06/21/2007
- Resubmission . . . ESC - 07/12/2007
TEA -07/19/2007 - Manual PID corrections due at TEA
- May 31, 2007
- June 28, 2007
8Important Dates(E7)
- Due ESC XII . . . 09/06/2007
- Due TEA . . . 09/13/2007
- Resubmission . . . ESC 10/04/2007
- TEA 10/11/2007
- Manual PID correction due at TEA
- August 30, 2007
- September 28, 2007
9Edit Procedure
- Send Data
- Eliminate Fatals
- Verify Warnings Reports
- Send to ESC XII
- Assist Superintendent with online approval
- Questions?
10Summer Collection
- Organization . . . 010, 020
- Finance . . . None
- Staff . . . None
- Student . . . 100, 101, 105, 400, 405, 410,
415, 425, 435, 461
11Summer Collection
- 100 Record
- District ID
- Student ID
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Generation Code
- 105 Record ID Number Change
- District ID
- Student ID
- Prior ID
12100 Record Student ID
- Districts must verify the identity of each
student received from another district and must
obtain a copy of the students prior school
records. Superintendents should instruct
administrators to cooperate in exchanging
information with other districts in student moves
or transfers. - Upon receiving a request prior districts have 10
calendar days to transfer student records to the
receiving district.
13100 Record Student ID
- Students entering the Texas public school system
for the first time in the 2006-2007 school year
or later must be reported with FIRST-NAME,
MIDDLE-NAME, and LAST-NAME. - These revised naming standards are not
retroactive. - If a birth certificate is not obtainable, the
name entered matches an alternate document.
14100 Record Student ID
- Texas public school students must be identified
by his or her legal surname. Legal name is
obtained from the birth certificate. - The name entered matches the birth certificate
exactly as shown. Double last names on the
birth certificate are recorded exactly as shown. - If the birth certificate name cannot be
understood completely, the parent is asked to
15Summer Collection101 Record Demographic
- Student Attribution Code
- As of Status Code
- Grade Level Code
- Migrant Indicator Code
- Campus ID of Enrollment
- Campus ID of Accountability
- Bilingual/ESL Summer School Indicator Code
- Even Start Indicator Code
- District ID
- Student ID
- Sex Code
- Ethnicity Code
- Date of Birth
- Campus of Residence
- Demographic Revision Confirmation Code
16Summer Collection101 Record Demographic
- AS of Status Codes H and I are used in Submission
3 and indicate student enrollment status in the
district on the final day of school. For grades
EE-06 As of Status Code X is used in Submission 1
and 3. - - For grades 7-12
- H student was enrolled in the district on the
final day of the school year - I student was enrolled in the district at
some time during the year, but not on the final
day of the school year. - - For grades EE -06
- X for all students in grades EE-06,
regardless of enrollment status on the final day
of the school year.
17Summer Collection101 Record Demographic
- Campus ID of Accountability is reported because
some students attend only DAEP and/or JJAEP
campuses. This field is used for a student who
was ONLY enrolled at a DAEP and/or a JJAEP.
Campus of Accountability cannot be a DAEP or
JJAEP. - This field is used to determine the attendance
and/or leaver attribution for campus
accountability in Submission 3. The campus
entered in this field must be a campus within the
reporting district.
18Summer Collection
- 400 Record - Basic Attendance Data
- District ID
- Student ID
- Campus ID of Enrollment
- Instructional Track
- Reporting Period
- Number Days Taught
- Grade Level Code
- Total Days Absent
- Total Ineligible Days
- Present
- Total Eligible Days Present
Total Elig Bil/ESL Days Pres Total Elig Preg Rel
Svcs Days Present Total Elig Sp Ed
Mainstream Days Present Gifted Talented
Indicator Cd Local Student ID PEP Indicator
Code Primary Disability Code Multiply Disabled
Ind. Code LEP Indicator Code
19Summer Collection 400 Basic Attendance
- LEP Indicator Code LEP is a status based on
language skills not a program the student is or
is not in. - Identified as LEP at any time during the school
year - Reflects LEP identification for each six weeks
- Would be coded if identified as LEP
- for one or more days during the reporting period
20Summer Collection 400 Basic Attendance
- PEP program is a state funded competitive grant
that provides services to pregnant and parenting
students. - http//www.tea.state.tx.us/pep/contacts.html
- It is the responsibility of the Districts PEP
Program staff to determine program eligibility of
participating students. PEIMS staff must provide
PEP program staff with edit reports for data
verification purposes. - PRF7D017 Students Participating in Pregnancy,
Education, and Parenting Program
21Summer Collection 400 Basic Attendance
- PRS Only female students who meet the
eligibility requirements for Pregnancy Related
Services (pregnant or in the postpartum period)
and are receiving these services from the
district may be reported on the 400 record. Fatal
error 40026. - Students receiving PRS may be incorrectly
identified as male on various TEA reports if
their sex demographic is incorrect in the PID.
Demographic info on these reports is extracted
from the PID, not from the district data, be sure
there is not a PID discrepancy.
22Summer Collection
- 405 Record - Special Education Attendance
- District ID
- Student ID
- Campus ID of Enrollment
- Instructional Track
- Reporting Period
- Number Days Taught
- Grade Level Code
- Instructional Setting Code
Eligible Days Present in Instructional
Setting Excess Hours in Instructional
Setting Instructional Setting Code Eligible Days
Present . . . Excess Hours . . . Instructional
Setting Code Eligible Days Present . . . Excess
Hours . . .
23Summer Collection 405 Record - Special Education
- The INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE for speech therapy
is 00. - Students receiving speech therapy services should
be reported on the 405 record unless exempted by
other reporting requirements (such as
ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE 0 students). - Students receiving speech therapy services who
are also receiving services in another
instructional setting should have both
instructional settings reported on the 405 record
unless exempted by other reporting requirements
(such as ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE 0 students).
24Summer Collection
- 410 Record Career Technology Ed. (CTE)
- District ID
- Student ID
- Campus ID of Enrollment
- Instructional Track
- Reporting Period
- Number Days Taught
- Grade Level Code
Eligible Days Present V1 Eligible Days Present
V2 Eligible Days Present V3 Eligible Days Present
V4 Eligible Days Present V5 Eligible Days Present
25Summer Collection 410 Record Career
Technology Ed. (CTE)
- Do not create a 410 record for a student who did
not participate in approved CTE courses during
the reporting period indicated or who was
ineligible for ADA during the entire reporting
26Summer Collection
- 415 Record - Course Completion Data
- District ID
- Student ID
- Campus ID of Enrollment
Service ID Course Sequence Code Pass/Fail Credit
Indicator Code Distance Learning Indicator
Code Dual Credit Indicator Code
27Summer Collection
- 425 Record - Disciplinary Action Data
- District ID
- Student ID
- Campus ID of Enrollment
- Campus ID of
- Disc. Assignment
- Disciplinary Action Number
- Disciplinary Action Code
- Disc. Action Reason Code
Official Length of Disc. Assign. Actual Length of
Disc. Assign. Disc. Length Difference Reason
Code Disc. Incident Number Reporting Period
Indic. Code Date of Disc. Action Campus ID of
Disc. Responsibility
28425 Record - Disciplinary Action Data
- The Performance-Based Monitoring Data Validation
System monitors the accuracy of the PEIMS 425
record data. - The 425 Record Chart for Determining Mandatory
Placements and Expulsions located in Appendix E
illustrates those occasions where mandatory
actions must be taken. - Acceptable exceptions would include students
receiving special education services for whom a
manifestation hearing was held in accordance with
IDEA and it was determined a link between the
students behavior was linked to the students
29425 Record - Disciplinary Action Data
- New Action Code C164
- - 27 Mandatory disciplinary action not taken by
district as a result of ARD committee
manifestation hearing determination. - In reporting such an exception, the district must
submit a record with Action Code 27 and a
record(s) with the Action Code(s) that was taken
by the district.
30PBM Discipline Data Validation Indictors
- Length of Students Out of School Suspension
(edit 42568) - Unauthorized Student Expulsion (edit 42526)
- Unauthorized Expulsion of a Student under Age 10
(edit 42551) - Unauthorized DAEP Placement of a Student Under
Age 6 (edit 42552) - Zero Reported Incidents (Report Only)
31Disciplinary - Data Validation Indicators
- Districts identified as a result of a data
validation indicator are generally expected to - a) validate that their data are correct
- b) if correct data reflect a program
implementation concern, address that concern - c) if there is incorrect data, improve local data
collection and submission procedures
32Summer Collection
- 435 Record Spec. Ed. Child Restraint
- District ID
- Student ID
- Campus ID of Restraint Event
- Restraint Instance Number
- Instructional Setting Code
- Reporting Period Ind. Code
- Restraint Reason Code
Primary Disability Code Date of Restraint Event
33Summer Collection
- 461 Record Title I, Part A
- District ID
- Student ID
- Campus ID of Enrollment
- Title I, Part A Indicator Code
- Title I, Part A Homeless Indicator Code
- Title I, Part A Reading Indicator Code
- Title I, Part A Mathematics Indicator Code
- Title I, Part A Science Indicator Code
- Title I, Part A Social Studies Indicator Code
- Title I, Part A Guidance Counseling Services
Indicator Code - Title I, Part A Social Work Services Indicator
Code - Title I, Part A Health Services Indicator Code
34461 Record, Title I Part A
- Make sure you know whether schoolwide includes
all campuses. Check with the person in your
district who handles your Federal Programs.
Title I funds need to be expended on each campus
identified. - This coding will affect your Performance Base
Monitoring Analysis.
35461 Record, Title I Part A
- For Targeted Assistance Campuses all data
elements are mandatory, and at least one of the
following data elements must have a value of 1 - TITLE-1-PART-A-READING-INDICATOR CODE
36Extended Year Collection
- 407 Record - OEYP
- District ID
- Student ID
- Campus ID of Enrollment
- Grade Level Code
- OEYP Type Code
Number Days Taught Total Days Absent Total
Eligible Days Present Local Student ID OEYP
Prom/Reten Ind. Code
- 408 Record - ESY
- District ID
- Student ID
- Campus ID of Enrollment
- Grade Level Code
Instructional Setting Code Total ESY Contact
Hours in Instructional Setting (Two instances of
I.S. Code) Local Student ID
37Extended Year Collection
- LEP students in Bilingual/ESL Summer School
Program may also participate in OEYP and/or ESY
if eligible for these services/programs. Each are
separate and stand alone programs. - If only participating in the Bilingual/ESL Summer
School Program then the only records for this
student will be a 100, 101 and possibly a 105
38Extended Year Collection
- OEYP eligibility is based on district
promotion/retention policy. - Student eligibility criteria must be based on the
criteria the school districts uses for retention. - A student promoted at the close of the regular
school term is not eligible for OEYP.
39PEIMS Summer Update 2006-2007Preview
07-08Data Standards
4007-08 Requirements
- Submission 1 As-Of-STATUS-CODEs For prior year
grade EE-06 students, As of Status Code should be
X, regardless of current year grade. - Districts are REQUIRED to report As Of STATUS
Code C students who were not prior year
students. These are students who were enrolled
in the school-start window and were not enroll on
the current year fall as-of date.
4107-08 Requirements
- PK-Military Indicator Code has been added to the
110 Enrollment Record - GED Certificate Search
- http//www.tea.state.tx.us/ged/GEDsearch.html
- Graduation Type Code Chart updated pg. 2.97
- OEYP 407 Record If a student in grades K-11 is
promoted to the next grade but fails in a
specific foundation course or subject area, the
student may take the failed foundation course or
subject area in an OEYP.
4207-08 Codes
- Leaver Reason Code (C162) added Code 87 Enroll
in University H.S. Diploma Program (Texas Tech
University ISD or UT at Austin H.S. Diploma
Program - Revised Code 24 to include dual credit programs
at 3 universities. - Code 81 includes students who enroll in the Texas
Job Corps Diploma Program.
4307-08 Codes
- Discipline Action Reason Codes (C165)
- - 51 Firearm (off Campus 300 ft Zone)
- - 52 Illegal Knife, Club or Prohibited Weapon
(Off Campus 300 ft Zone) - - 53 Serious Offense Conduct (Off Campus 300
ft Zone) - - 54 Felony Marihuana, Controlled Substance,
Dangerous Drug, or Alcoholic Beverage (Off
Campus 300 ft Zone)
44PEIMS Summer Update 2006-2007Data Quality
- Funding
- Average Daily
- Attendance (ADA)
- Special Programs
- Contact Hours
- AEIS Ratings
- Program Justification
- Desktop Monitoring
- Dual Enrollment
- Leaver Accountability
46Data Quality- Audit Red Flags
- Verify students listed on any of the
- Attendance Diagnostic Reports section
- Check for excessive days for PRS participation
and supporting documentation - (PRFAD001)
- Verify that students with 100 attendance really
are enrolled - Students with Zero Days Absent -
PRF7D009 - Compare transfer students coded in your student
system with those listed in the STS.
47Data Quality Audit Red Flags
- Students enrolled for the entire year with no
course completion records (PRFAD005) - Students in EE with no special education
instructional setting or a setting of speech
therapy only (PRFAD006) - Students reported to be enrolled in ESL or
bilingual education without an indicator
validating parent approval
48Data Quality Audit Red Flag
- Students in kindergarten under the age of five.
Must be 5 (Sept. 1) to be in kindergarten
(PRFAD002) - Homebound or CEHI students earning CTE ADA for
the period they were homebound (PRFAD003)
49Data Quality Audit Red Flag
- Lack of documentation for entry and withdrawal
records - In counties with a population of 125,000 or more
mandatory expulsion are ineligible for ADA - Check student roster by campus on new Title I
report (PRF7D050)
50Data Quality Verification
- EDIT provides reports that assist you with the
Audit problems. Print all the Attendance
Diagnostic Reports in order to verify that your
data is correct. - Check the Duplicate Students by Attendance
(PRFAD012) report from the Turnaround Reports
after the 1st Submission
51Data Quality checks and balances
- Use timelines to keep others in your district
informed of due dates - Use a check off list have data verified each
six weeks - How does your Superintendent or Principal conduct
reasonableness checks on the data? - Do you provide current year/prior year comparison
52PID Maintenance EDIT PET