Title: Fluid muds, grain flows and turbidity currents Lecture 1718
1Fluid muds, grain flows and turbidity
currentsLecture 17/18
- Sediment mass movement - definitions
- slides,
- slumps,
- debris flows,
- grains flows,
- turbidity currents (torrent)
- support mechanisms
- turbulence, upward intergranular flow, grain
contact, matrix - the deposits
- turbidites, conglomerates, fluxoturbidites,
2(No Transcript)
3- Mass movement governed by
- Rate of movement
- Type of material
- Nature of movement (slide, slump, flow or fall)
4- Mass movement governed by
- Rate of movement
- Type of material
- Nature of movement (slide, slump, flow or fall)
5- Mass movement governed by
- Rate of movement
- Type of material
- Nature of movement (slide, creek, slump, flow or
6- Mass movement governed by
- Rate of movement
- Type of material
- Nature of movement (slide, slump, flow or fall)
7- Mass movement governed by
- Rate of movement
- Type of material
- Nature of movement (slide, slump, flow or fall)
Rock fall
8- Mass movement governed by
- Rate of movement
- Type of material
- Nature of movement (slide, slump, flow or fall)
9- Mass movement governed by
- Rate of movement
- Type of material
- Nature of movement (slide, slump, flow or fall)
10Sediment mass movement
- There is a continuum of scales from single grain
transport to major landslides and slumps - mass movement defined as
- slumps and slides (elasto-plastic)
- high-concentration turbidity currents (viscous)
- low-concentration turbidity currents (inertial)
- grain flows (dispersive pressure)
- debris flows (fluid pore pressure)
- traction
- deposit
Middleton and Hampton, 1976
11Sediment mass movement
- Mass movements take place ANYWHERE where gravity
acts on a sloping surface i.e. EVERYWHERE - Submarine debris flows (water)
- Sub-aerial debris flows (air)
- Snow avalanches (ice)
- Volcanic debris flows (gas, ash)
- Submarine landslides (rock)
- Sub-aerial landslides (rock)
Takahashi, 2001 Particulate Gravity Currents
12Sediment mass movementvolcanic debris flow in air
Trigger mechanism
Martin and White, 2001 Particulate Gravity
Currents e.g. Vesuvius and Pompei
13Mass failure
- Kitimat delta, Howe Sound
- arcuate head scarps
- debris flow lobes
- longitudinal shears
- pressure ridges
- slides/slumps/turbidity flows
- slide toes
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15Classification of mass movementsand their
Gani, M.R., 2004. The Sedimentary Record 2(3)4-9
16The types of deposits from mass movementmarine
Gani, R.M. 2004. From Turbid to lucid. In. The
Sedimentary Record , 2(3) 4-8.
17The rheology of mass movements
18A rheogram of mass movements
19Concentration, grain size and Re effects
20The cycle of fine-grained sedimentsmarine
- Turbidity currents
- 1929 Grand Banks event
- depositing flows
- non-depositing flows
- turbidites (deposits)
- Fluidized sediment flows
- Grain flows
- river of sand, California
- Debris flows
- Gulf of Corinth, Greece
- scouring flows
- non-scouring flows
21The internal structure of mass movements
- Slump blocks and olistoliths
- northern Cyprus
- Sliding
- movement along shear planes
- no significant deformation
- Slumping
- folded shear planes
- deformation
- Mass flows
- reduction in internal shear
- liquefaction increasing
- remoulding increasing
- Suspensions
- fluid turbulence dominant
22Balance of forces, no sediment transport - flat
- Consider first a flat bed with no bedload
- W 0 ? 0
- then the fluid-transmitted stress is balanced by
the bed shear stress
Boundary layer
Viscous sub-layer
Shear stress
No sediment motion
23The balance of forces approach - flat bed
- The moving load will continue at constant speed
if the total driving forces balances the
stabilizing forces - the driving forces (Fd) are
- fluid shear stress.area (?f .A)
- gravitational force (W) downslope
- buoyancy (W2)
- the stabilizing forces (Fs) are
- immersed weight (W1)
- bed shear stress.area (?o.A)
- solid-transmitted stress.area (Ttot.A)
- at threshold these forces balance
Pivotal angle - ? angle of repose angle of
grain contact (from vertical)
24Sediment mass movement
- The collision between material in motion
maintains - a RADIATION stress (R) which is directed in all
directions within the flow, and - A SOLID-TRANSMITTED bed shear stress (T) which is
directed backwards - Buoyancy of the moving material due to density
effect of finer material - Kinetic sieving which brings coarser material to
the top
25Balance of forces, sediment transport - flat bed
Free stream region
- For active transport as bedload
- T increases towards the bed in the
- saltation layer
- T decreases towards the bed in the
- mobile layer
- within the bedload layer
- the shear is solid-transmitted
- the fluid shear stress ? zero
?f gt 0 Ttot 0
Boundary layer
?f gt 0 Ttot gt 0
Saltation layer
Mobile layer depth
active bedload
Bagnold, R.A. 1954
26Sediment mass movementsimplest mass balance
- Down-slope weight of mass produces a downslope
directed flow (Txz) proportional to the bed slope
(Ăź) - Note that this defines perpetual motion (what
stops to material from accelerating ?)
Straub,S. 2001. IAS 3191-109
27The balance of forces on a sloping bed (1)
Moving mass constant velocity
?o - bed shear stress (at base of motion) ?f -
applied fluid shear stress opposite direction
if still water ? - internal friction angle ? -
bed gradient (slope) mg - sediment immersed
weight Tt - solid-transmitted stress W -
gravitational component Tr - radiation
(dispersive) stress
Straub,S. 2001. IAS 3191-109
28Balance of forces on a sloping bed (2)
Moving mass constant velocity
- When ? gt ? slope is unstable
- failure will occur
- when ? ? slope is in balance
- angle of repose
- when ? lt ? slope tends to stability
- At equilibrium
29Balance of forces on sloping bed (3)
- For bed slope (?) we must consider the additional
driving force due to gravity i.e. the downslope
component of weight - the stabilizing force is reduced to
- when slope is in direction of drag then Fd W
Fs P - when slope is normal to drag then ?(Fd2 Ft2)
30Autosuspension - turbidity currents
- Suspension (once initiated) is maintained by the
fluid flow - excess density and gravity ? turbulence
- for sediment to be mobile, W and T must balance
- the above formulation specifies perpetual motion
!!! - T acts to erode the bed and decelerate the flow
31The balance of forces on sloping bed (4)
- for a transverse slope, the threshold condition
is - for a longitudinal slope the threshold condition
32Balance of forces on sloping bed (5)
- Bagnold (1962) the total kinetic energy to hold
material in suspension - where C is the dimensionless mass concentration
- power expended per unit volume (area) per unit
time - where Ws is the settling rate power supplied by
33Balance of forces - flat bed
Re-arranging terms we arrive at note
the left term is the Shields parameter (?)